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Ultrasound Technology

Adlwan, A., Auman, S., Kadarman, C., Maxino, A.

(2018, November 12)

 Preservation is the act, process, or result of preserving something.

 Preservation is the preparation of food for future use (as by canning,

pickling, of freezing) to prevent spoilage.

 Ultrasound is vibrations of the same physical nature as sound but

with frequency above the range of human hearing.

Ultrasound is a technology that has potential

inactive enzyme at lower temperature and also an alternative thermal
food processing technologies for large-scale as emulsification,
homogenization, extraction, crystallization, dewatering, low-
temperature pasteurization, degassing, de-foaming, activation and
inactivation od enzymes, particle size reduction, extrusion, and
viscosity alteration. (Ravikumar, M., et al, 2017)
Applications of Ultrasound

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