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William Corbett, SSPC PCS

KTA-Tator, Inc.
 Review of Abrasive Types
 Review of SSPC Abrasive Standards
 Abrasive Qualification Tests
 Abrasive Conformance Tests
 Abrasive Sampling Frequencies
 Benefits of Pre-production Testing
 Minerals and Slags  Metallic
◦ Silica sand ◦ Steel grit
◦ Garnet ◦ Steel shot
◦ Olivine ◦ Aluminum oxide
◦ Staurolite
◦ Coal slag  Agricultural (ground)
◦ Copper Slag ◦ Corn cobs
◦ Nickel slag ◦ Walnut shells
◦ Post-consumer ◦ Peach pits
crushed glass
◦ Glass beads
 Encapsulated Media
◦ Compressible matrix
 SSPC-AB 1, “Mineral and Slag Abrasives”
(January 2015)
 SSPC-AB 2, “Cleanliness of Recycled Ferrous
Metallic Abrasives” (March 2015)
 SSPC-AB 3, “Ferrous Metallic Abrasive”
(November 2004)
 SSPC-AB 4, “Recyclable Encapsulated Abrasive
Media” (September 2009)
Qualification Testing

Conformance Testing

Quality Control Testing

(End User)
 Two Types
◦ Type I: Natural Mineral Abrasives
◦ Type II: By-product or Manufactured Abrasives
 Three Classes (crystalline silica content)
◦ Class A: < 1.0%
◦ Class B: < 5.0%
◦ Class C: Unrestricted
 Five Grades (surface profile ranges)
◦ Grade 1: 0.5 – 1.5 mils (13-38 µm)
◦ Grade 2: 1.0 – 2.5 mils (25-64 µm)
◦ Grade 3: 2.0 – 3.5 mils (51-89 µm)
◦ Grade 4: 3.0 – 5.0 mils (75-127 µm)
◦ Grade 5: 4.0 – 6.0 mils (102-152 µm)
 Qualification Tests
1. Specific Gravity (ASTM C128) – Minimum 2.5
2. Hardness – Minimum 6 Mohs
3. Weight Change on Ignition
 Maximum weight loss is 1.0%
 Maximum weight gain is 5.0%
4. Water soluble contaminants (ASTM D4940)
• Maximum 1000 µS/cm
5. Moisture Content (ASTM C566)
 Maximum 0.5% by weight
6. Oil Content (ASTM D7393) – No visible
7. Crystalline silica content (Class A, B or C)
8. Surface Profile Yield (Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5)
9. Particle Size Distribution (ASTM C136)
 Per supplier sieve distribution
10. TCLP for Hazardous Materials Content
•Less than EPA limits
 Conformance Tests
◦ If purchaser requires batch/lot testing
1. Hardness (laboratory)
2. Weight Change on Ignition (laboratory)
3. Water Soluble Contaminants (shop/field or lab)
4. Moisture Content (laboratory)
5. Oil Content (shop/field or lab)
6. Particle Size Distribution (laboratory)
 Quality Control Tests
 One test every 50 bags, or three tests per bulk
 End-user shall perform
1. Water Soluble Contaminants (300 mL/sample)
2. Oil Content (125 mL/sample)
 ASTM D4940
 Verify accuracy of conductivity
 Add 300 mL of distilled water to
300 mL of abrasive
 Stir 1 minute
 Let sit for 8 minutes
 Stir 1 minute
 Filter & discard 10 mL
 Filter remaining liquid
 Test conductivity of source water
and “extract”
 Deduct conductivity of source
 Acceptance: Maximum 1000µS/cm
 Calculations:
◦ Conductivity of Abrasive Extract: 358 µS/cm
◦ Conductivity of Source Water: - 4 µS/cm
◦ Corrected Conductivity of Abrasive Extract: 354 µS/cm

Note: 1mS/cm = 1000 µS/cm

 Kit contains:
◦ Cups for measurement of
abrasive quantity
◦ Proprietary extraction
solution (premeasured)
◦ Chloride ion indicator
 Results in PPM
 Four tests per kit
 ASTM D7393
 Tap water 68-95F (>
1” above abrasive)
 Shake for 1 minute

 Sit up to 5 minutes

 Visual assessment of
water surface for sheen
 Acceptance: No visually
detectable oil
 Appendix A: Cleaning and Consumption Rate;
Abrasive Breakdown Test Procedures
 Appendix B: Additional Worker Safety and
Hazardous Waste Testing
◦ Friability
◦ Crystalline Silica Content
◦ Hazardous Waste Minimization
◦ Quality Assurance Provisions
 Appendix D: Checklists for Abrasive Tests
Test AB 1 Manufacturer Conformance Field
Section AB 1 w/ AB 1 (Purchaser) (end-user)
Append. B only
Specific Gravity 4.1.1 X X

Mohs Hardness 4.1.2 X X X

Weight Change 4.1.3 X X X (if required by

on Ignition App. B)
Water Soluble 4.1.4 X X X X
Moisture Content 4.1.5 X X X

Oil Content 4.1.6 X X X X

Crystalline Silica 4.1.7 X X

Surface Profile 4.1.8 X X

Particle Size 4.1.9 X X X

Not Hazardous X X
Waste per TCLP
 Requirements Prior to First use at Project Site:
◦ Lead Content (ASTM D3335): Maximum 1,000 PPM
◦ Water Soluble Contaminants (ASTM D4940)
 Maximum 1000 µS/cm
◦ Oil Content (ASTM D7393): No visible oil
◦ Particle Size Distribution (SSPC-PA 17)
 Capable of achieving/maintaining specified surface
 Requirements: 12-hour intervals or once per
shift (whichever shorter)
◦ Water Soluble Contaminants (ASTM D4940)
 Maximum 1000 µS/cm
◦ Oil Content (ASTM D7393): No visible oil
◦ Particle Size Distribution (SSPC-PA 17)
 Capable of achieving/maintaining specified surface
 Draft revision under committee review
 Quality Assurance Tests (Supplier)
◦ Particle Size: ASTM C136
◦ Specific Gravity: ASTM C128
◦ Chemical composition: ASTM E1019 & E350
◦ Hardness (ASTM E384)
◦ Durability (Ervin Test Machine or equivalent)
◦ Abrasive Cleanliness (dust, oil, corrosion, non-magnetic
◦ Water Soluble Contaminants (ASTM D4940)
 Maximum conductivity 1,000 µS/cm
 Qualification Tests (manufacturer)
1. Grit Requirements (per SSPC-AB 1 or SSPC-AB 3)
If Aluminum Oxide: 95% content; Minimum S.G.
2. Dust Control
 Per EPA Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors
 After 10 cycles, below 0.02 kg/kg of total particulate
 After 10 cycles, below 0.004 kg/kg of PM-10
3. Surface Profile Yield
4. Water soluble contaminants (ASTM D4940)
• Maximum 1000 µS/cm
5. Oil Content (ASTM D7393) – No visible
6. Health & Safety Requirements
 Conformance Tests (purchaser)
1. Grit Requirements (per SSPC-AB 1 or SSPC-AB 3)
If Aluminum Oxide: 95% content; Minimum S.G.
2. Water soluble contaminants (ASTM D4940)
• Maximum 1000 µS/cm
3. Oil Content (ASTM D7393) – No visible
 Quality Control Tests (end user)
1. Surface Profile Yield (per specification)
2. Particle Size Distribution
•All particles through ANSI #3 screen
•Maximum 10% pass through ANSI #20 screen
3. Classifier Efficiency
•Two hours after start-up
•Repeat every two hours for a total of 3 tests
•Thereafter every 10 hours of operation
4. Water soluble contaminants (ASTM D4940)
•Three samples collected at 3 different times in 8-hours
•Maximum 1000 µS/cm
5. Oil Content (ASTM D7393) – No visible
 Referenced Requirements in SSPC Abrasive
Blast Cleaning Standards
◦ Abrasive Cleanliness
◦ Compressed Air Cleanliness (ASTM D4285)
◦ Removal of grease/oil per SSPC-SP 1 Solvent
 Pre-production Recommendations
◦ Establish a project-specific cleanliness standard
◦ Measure the surface profile to verify yield
William Corbett, SSPC PCS
KTA-Tator, Inc.


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