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Kurnia Sandi

Is a total guided learning experiences designed to

facilitate learners learning for establishing quality
relationship between what is learnt and what operates
outside the school. Development is a process of
achieving both quantitative and qualitative increase of
somebody or something or an event thereby constituting
a new stage in a changing situation.
Curriculum Overview is a "Year at a Glance" document that
provides a quick overview of what students will study throughout
the school year for any given subject. Each document contains a
main theme/topics, skills that will be under that theme, and a
rough estimate of the approximate weeks of study for that theme.
Themes are listed in the order they will be taught during the
school year.
Language curriculum development is an aspect of a broader field
of educational activity known as curriculum development or
curriculum studies. Curriculum development forces on determining
what knowledge, skills, and values students learn in school, what
experiences sholud be provied to bring about intended learning
outcomes, and how teaching and learning in schools or
educational syestem can be planned, measured, and evaluated.
A syllabus is a specification of the content of the course of
instruction and lists what will be thought and tested. While
syllabus design is the process of developing a syllabus. Then,
curriculum development is a more comprehensive process than
syllabus design. It includes the processes that are used to
determine the needs of a group learners, to develop aims or
objectives for a program to address those needs, to determine an
appropriate syllabus, course structure, teaching methods, and
materials, and to carry out an evaluation of the language
program that results from these processes.
Some of the earliest approaches to vocabulary selection involved
counting large collections of texts to determine the frequency with
which words occured, since it would be seem obvious that words of
highest frequency should be taught first.
The need for a systematic approach selsecting grammar for
teaching purposes was also a priority for applied linguists from
the 1920s. The number of any syntactic structures in a language is
a large, as is seen from the contents any grammar books.
In addition to decisions about which grammatical items to nclude in
any sylabus, the sequencing or gradation of grammatical items
has to be determined. The need to sequence course content in a
systematic way is by no means a recent concern.

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