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My practice teaching experience…

24th JULY - 21st AUGUST

9A was my class. And I was supposed to
teach the students of 9A.
It was truly a wonderful experience. The
students were really superb.
There were a lot of cherishing moments
that knocked my door every day during
my practice period. And I am really
thankful to god for all those blessings.
Actually St Gorretis G.H.S.S has always
been an inspiring factor for me. I started
my very first journey of education from
the class rooms of Gorretis. From my
K.G classes till my 10th standard. Lot of
My teachers …( Lisy kuruvila teacher,
Tresiama teacher, latha mathew
teacher, Sherly teacher and my dear
sisters..) they were those pillars that
made me the person who I am now. My
communication skills, creativity
everything is the reflection of the love
that my teachers had on me. And now I
am in a practice stage of becoming a
teacher and I was so lucky that I could
work with all these teachers. And it was
a dream come true for me…….
Teaching in 9 A
Independence day song at central stadium
ict used for taking taking
concentization class
innovative aid

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