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The Communication Process

The Communication Process


Feedback Message


1. Context
Communication is affected by the context
in which the process takes place. it may
serve to be the setting or the
objective/purpose of the communication
and it may be physical, social,
chronological or cultural
2. Source
• Usually is the sender/encoder who sends the
message through the use of symbols (words
or graphic or visual).
3. Message
• It is the key idea that the sender wants to
• It is a sign that elicits the response of

• Communication process begins with deciding

about the message to be conveyed.
4. Channel
• Channels are the way you convey your message. These
channels include verbal such as telephone and face-
to-face conversations as well as non-verbal such as e-
mail and text messaging.

• Each individual channel has its strengths and

weaknesses in terms of communicating.
5. Receiver
• Is a person for whom the message is intended or
aimed. The degree to which the decoder understands
the message is dependent upon various factors such
as knowledge of recipient, their responsiveness to the
message, and the reliance of encoder on decoder.
6. Feedback
• Is the main component of communication process as it
permits the sender to analyse the efficacy of the
• It helps the sender in confirming the correct
interpretation of message by the decoder.
• Feedback may be verbal (through words ) or non
verbal (in forms of smiles, sighs, etc.). It may take
written form to also in form of memos, reports, etc.
Model of Communication
Claude Shannon Information
Theory (2003)
Information Vs.
The basic element of any general Communication
communication system includes:
Information is the
1. Source message
2. Sender
3. Message Communication is the
4. Channel medium through which
5. Receiver the information is
transferred and
6. Destination synthesized.
7. Noise Source
Levels of Communication
Intrapersonal Communication
• Is communication that occurs within the
source/sender. It involves thoughts, feelings,
and self-concept.
Interpersonal Communication
• When sender communicates on a one-to-one
basis (dyadic)- usually in a less structured,
more informal setting.
Small Group Communication
When small group of people are gathered to
perform a task, work on a process, or to solve a

Advantage: Everyone is given a chance to

interact with each other.
Public Communication
• When a designated or self-presenting speaker
addresses an audience. The speaker delivers a
highly structured message.
Mass Communication
• Occurs when the sender decide to transmit a
message to a large number of audiences from
various far flung places with capacity to be received
simultaneously using powerful electronic equipment.

• Messages may be highly structured such as television

shows or movies, or spontaneous such as realtime
news, among others.
Principles of Communication
• Communication is everywhere

• Communication is continuous
• Communication complex

• Communication is predictable
• Communication is a multi-level activity

• Communication is a sharing of meanings

• You cannot communicate

• Messages, not meanings, are

• Every communication has two messages:
1. Content message
2. Relational message
• Communication is a process

1. Effective communication are supposed to

determine their strengths and weaknesses
2. We converse with ourselves by thinking.
3. Defending your thesis to a panel of
three faculty members is public
4. Planning on what to say on your
upcoming speech is interpersonal
5. Listening to the radio to get the
latest news is mass communication
6. Context sets the communication
7. A decoder is identified as the target
8. Elements are essentials in a process
9. Communication channel is more
technology-oriented nowadays
10. Feedback helps the sender in confirming the correct
interpretation of message by the decoder.
Activity 1:
• Design your Own Communication Process
through a collage. Bring materials necessary
for the conceptualization of your output.

Creativity- 10%
Relevance and validity- 5%
Teamwork- 5%

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