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What is communication?

• Communication is the art of transmitting

information, ideas and attitudes from one
person to another.

• It is the process of meaningful interaction

among human beings.
The Importance of Oral Communication
Oral Communication is Faster
• Two or more people talking can deliver a
message, discuss an issue, reach an
agreement, or task a question and receive an
answer much more quickly than they could
use written communication.
Oral Communication Permits Immediate

• When the receiver does not understand a

message, he can ask for clarification right
Oral Communication a usually more Effective for
Conveying Messages with Emotional Content

• Facial expressions, body movements, gestures,

tone of voice, rate of speech and voice
inflection all add meaning to the words
actually spoken.
• The non verbal components help the reciever
interpret emotional significance of the
Oral Communication helps Establish
Human Relationships

• Constant communication with each other

makes improve individual morale.
Barriers in Oral communication
1. Barriers Originating within the Source of
the Message

• Wrong choice of words

• Illogical organiztion
• Poor sound production and articulation
2. Barriers Originating within the Receiver

• Hospitality toward the source, inability to

lisyten due to personal problems, making
prejudgements even before the complete
message is delivered.
3.Barriers originating Outside the Source
and receiver
• Distance between the sender/source and the
receiver, size of the group and room, physical
noise, quantity of the information being

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