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Interpersonal communication in an organization

• Avinit Sharan
• Jeevika Kumar
• Malvika Sharma
June’19 • Monish Mamadapur

A process of exchange of messages A process or systematic series of

actions that leads to an outcome

To be updated
Interpersonal communication

A process of exchange of messages A process or systematic series of

actions that leads to an outcome

• A universal form of communication that takes place • Actions performed – Message production
between two individuals

• Understanding – Message interpretation

• Everyday exchange can be formal or informal • Response –Interaction and co-ordination

Elements of Interpersonal communication

A process of exchange of messages A process or systematic series of

actions that leads to an outcome
Source-Receiver: Source formulates the message while
receiver understand the message

Messages: For a communication to exist, message must be

sent and received

Feedback: Conveys information about the message sent

Channel: A medium through which message is passed

Noise: Interface faced while receiving a message

Context: An environment that influences the forms and

content of communication
Types of Interpersonal communication

A process of exchange of messages A process or systematic series of

• Includes exchange done with
actions that• leads
Constitutes 55% of
to an outcome
spoken words communication

• Words that we say = 7% of • A key aspect in

our communication communication

How we say (Tone, pauses,
rhythm) = 38%
Characteristics of competent communicators

Self awareness Adaptability Empathy Ethics

Awareness how Ability to modify Skill to identify Guidelines in Ability to

your behavior behavior as per what others judging whether understand a given
effects others the situation around you feel something is situation in
morally right or multiple ways
Models for an effective communication

Johari Window Transactional Analysis

You Me
Known to self Unknown to self
Known to others

Parent Parent
area Blind spot
(Public self)

Adult Adult
Unknown to others

Hidden area Potential

(private self) discovery area

Adult Adult
Communication in a workplace




• Individualism and Collectivism

• Low and High Context

• Low- and High-Power Distance

• Masculine and Feminine

• Monochronic and Polychronic

• Uncertainty Avoidance

• Communication Codes
Culture model at workplace

Incubator Guided Missile

(Fulfillment Oriented) (Project Oriented)
Informal/ Formal/
People Task
Family Eiffel Tower
(Power Oriented) (Role Oriented)


Corporate Culture = Values + Customs + Traditions + Meanings that make company unique

• Empathy = Experience and relate to the thoughts, emotions, or experience of others

• Empathy > Sympathy

• Empathy is positively related to job performance

• Empathy is more important to job performance in some cultures than others.

Empathy model at workplace

• 3 Kinds
– Strategic Trust
– Personal Trust
– Organizational Trust

• Building Blocks of Trust

– Consistency
– Clear Communication
– Willingness to tackle awkward questions
Trust within an Organization
• Enemies of Trust
– Inconsistent Messages
– Inconsistent Standards
– Misplaced Benevolence
– False Feedback
– Failure to Trust Others
– Elephants in the Parlor
– Rumours in a Vacuum
– Consistent Corporate Underperformance
Empathy in the Workplace
• Empathy can be learned
– Talk about empathy
– Teach listening skills
– Encourage genuine perspective taking
– Cultivate compassion
– Support global managers
Communication and the Self
• Understanding the Self: Self Concept
– Johari Window
• Valuing the Self: Self-Esteem
– Interpersonal Needs: Need for Control, Inclusion, Affection
• Presenting the Self: Image Management
• Communicating the Self: Self-Disclosure

• Johari window
• TA
• Effective Business Communication: Neera Jain, Shoma
• Interpersonal Communication, 2nd Edition: Kory Floyd
• The Enemies of Trust, Feb 2003 Issue, Harvard Business
Review: Robert M. Galford and Anne Seibold Drapeau
• Empathy in the Workplace, A Tool for Effective Leadership;
White Paper: William A. Gentry, Todd J. Weber, and Golnaz
Sadri; Centre for Creative Leadership

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