Development of Tribal Village 2

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In India the tribes have been designated as “Scheduled Tribes”
under the Constitution.
• There is a procedure for including tribal groups in the
Scheduled list.
Communities are notified as Scheduled Tribes under Article 342
of the Constitution based on the characteristics such as –
primitive traits, geographically isolated, distinct culture, and
shyness of contact with community at large, and economically
• When labelled “scheduled tribe” the community becomes
entitled for some constitutional protections and developmental
programs designed to end their marginalization and help
assimilate into mainstream society.
• A similar protection is available to Hindu “low-caste”
communities which have historically faced discrimination and
exclusion at the hands of “upper-caste” people.
• They are labelled “Scheduled Caste.”
There are 573 different tribal communities spread all over India.
As per official data, only 258 tribal communities speaking about 106 different
languages are notified as “Scheduled Tribes”.
• About 80 percent of tribal populations are to be found along the Central India belt
and the rest 20 percent are in the North‐Eastern States, Southern States and Island
• The numerically strong Scheduled tribe groups include Santhals, Gonds, Bhil, and
Oraon. Smaller tribal groups are to be found in A&N Islands (Andamanese, Onges)
and Kerala‐Tamil Nadu (Paniyans and Kattunaickens).
• 75 tirbal groups have been categorized as Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups
(PVTG) (Earlier known as Primitive Tribal Groups (PTG)) for special development
Khoya-Konda Reddi Region - Tribal areas of Karimnagar, Warangal, Khammam,
West Godavari and East Godavari districts - area along Godavari gorges.
The Koyas are an ancient tribe credited with a unique way of community life and a
common cultural heritage.
In the long past the Koyas were identified as a warrior tribe. The last Queen of DANCE
Malkangiri, Bangaru Devi who ruled over Malkangiri from 1855 A.D. to 1872 A.D had
a powerful large Koya Army and defeated King Ramachandra Deva III of Jeypor .
During the British period in 1880, Koya Rebellion led by a Koya youth Tama Dora took
place. Then the Koyas started offering resistance off and on to the British
In Malkangiri, Koyas constitute the principal tribe and are widely found in Kalimela,
Mottu, Podia, Mathili, Korkonda and Malkangiri blocks. They call themselves Koya or
Koitor meaning 'people’. HOUSE
Ethno - culturally, the Koya s of Malkangiri are more connected with the Bison-Horn
Murias of adjacent Chhatishgarh.
The Koya are known as Madia and Dorlainthe Sukumaand Bastar region of


Most of the developing countries in the world are adveancing in its science
And technology and other frontiers of economic and technological innovations.
In last two decade most of the developing countries espically south east asian countries have advanced in all segments of
achievements. Worth to mention are its increase in urbanisation and its domestic products etc.
The hub of all these developments are basically thr household industry as backbone,its village and self sustenance of its
agriculture outouts which can be perceived through its adopyion and usage of its agricultural style of physical setting in
the village
India is one of the potential developing country in asia ,where the backbone of its
Developments depands on its villages. After 5 decades of independence india is still struggling to compete and follow
with the smaller nations with respect to its economic sustainances and advancements.
Most of the backwardness in general,can be perceived in the remote villagers of non literate,but ethinical background as
its social reserve, inmost of the hilly and tribal areas.

AIM: An explorative and ideological and ethically most reliable and has ben chosen as a village to develop in remote and
backward agency areas at chintur mandal for making the village as amodel village.

1.To study the existing social ,cultural,and physical attributes of a tribal village at chintur.
2.To suggest an ambience of living environment most congenial without importing the modern blend of architecture styles
and materials into this tribal village.
SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS : The scope of the study is very extensive since each village have its own potentiality by
restricting the study for a most backward tribal village will certainly strengthen the scope of research more explorative
which invites more welcoming ideas which may pave the way clear for the researcher in this area.
the role of architects are very essential in development of tribal areas since they will be
sensitive towards the lifestyle and culture of tribes and also we being an architect have
certain interest in their vernacular construction technology, architectural space and
The architect will learn those things from the tribes and will implement those learning in his
own infrastructural proposal for development. It can be a school or a youth center or
anything which involves physical space. So rather than just proposing boxes like any
government scheme would do, if the architect is involved in the matter, he will design
contextually and will be more sensitive to the approach which will ultimately bring social and
economic development without losing the cultural identity of that particular area.


During the Fifth Five Year Plan with the introduction of TSP strategy and establishment of an I.T.D.A in Malkangiri,
the Koyas and other tribal communities have derived some benefits. The Malkangiri I.T.D.A. has been launching
multi-sectoral development programmes from 1975-76 onwards, mainly for income generation and infrastructure
development in the area. The extension services made available through different line departments in the sectors
of agriculture, animal husbandr y, health, education, soil conservation and horticulture have limited impact on
their socio-economic life.

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