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Bab dalam Operation On The Digestive
System (42-54)
Terdapat : 13 Blok
42 - Operations on esophagus
43 - Incision and excision of stomach
44 – Other operations on stomach
45 – Incision, excision and anastomosis of intestine
46 – Other operations on intestine
47 – Operations on appendix
48 – Operations on rectum, rectosigmoid and perirectal tissue
49 – Operations on anus
50 – Operations on liver
51 – Operations on gallbladder and biliary tract
52 – Operations on pancreas
53 – Repair of Hernia
54 – Other operations on abdominal region
ICD 10
Symptoms, sign and abnormal clinical and
laboratory findings, NEC (R00 – R99)
Symptoms and signs involving the digestive system and abdomen
(R10 – R19)

Terdapat 10 Kategori Gangguan terkait sistem pencernaan

R10 – Abdominal and pelvic pain
R11 – Nausea and vomiting (mual muntah)
R12 – Heartburn (perut panas)
R13 – Dysphagia (sulit menelan)
R14 – Flatulence and related condition (perut kembung)
R15 – Faecal incontinence (sulit BAB)
R16 – Hepatomegaly and splenomegaly, NEC
R17 – Unspecified jaundice (kuning tdk terintifikasi)
R18 – Ascites
R19 – Other symptoms and signs involving the digestive system and
Penggunaan Kode R
• “not otherwise specified” – tdk ditentukan lain
• “unknow etiology” – etiologi tdk diketahui
• “transient” -- sementara
ICD 10
Factors Influencing health status and contact with health service
(Z00 – Z99)
Beberapa Blok yg terkait dengan Gangguan
Sistem Pencernaan
Terdapat dalam :
Z12.0  special screening examination for neoplasm of stomach
Z12.1  special screening examination for neoplasm of intestinal
Z22  Carrier of infectious disease (thypoid, other intestinal
infectious disease, diptheria)
Z46.5  fitting and adjustment of ileostomy and othe intestinal
Z93  Artificial opening status
Penggunaan Kode Z

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