1 Pathology:-"Rudolf Carl Virchow" Is Known As

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 1stPathology:-

 “Rudolf Carl Virchow” is known as

"The Father of Modern Pathology" or
"The Father of Cellular Pathology" as
well as "The Founder of Modern
Medicine“ (1821-1902) is generally
recognized to be the father of
microscopic pathology.
 Pathology:- The study of
disease. Pathology has been
defined as "that branch of
medicine which treats of the
essential nature of disease." ... A
medical doctor that specializes
in pathology is called a patholog
ist. Pathologists are experts at
interpreting microscopic views of
body tissues.
 1. The branch of science
concerned with the nature, effects,
and detection of poisons.
 2. the measurement and analysis
of potential toxins, intoxicating or
banned substances, and
prescription medications present
in a person's body.
Mathieu Orfila is
considered the modern
father of toxicology, having
given the subject its first
formal treatment in 1813 in
his Traité des poisons, also
called Toxicologie générale.
 thescientific study of the
structure and diseases of teeth.
 Pierre Fauchard
 (1678 – March 22, 1761) was a
French physician, credited as
being the "father of
modern dentistry". He is widely
known for writing the first
complete scientific description
of dentistry, Le Chirurgien
Dentiste ("The Surgeon Dentist"),
published in 1728.
 thestudy and treatment of
mental illness, emotional
disturbance, and abnormal
 Dr. Benjamin Rush:- the
"father of American psychiatry,"
was the first to believe that mental
illness is a disease of the mind
and not a "possession of
demons." His classic work,
Observations and Inquiries upon
the Diseases of the Mind,
published in 1812, was the
first psychiatric textbook printed
in the United States
 The science of human beings
especially : the study of human
beings and their ancestors
through time and space and in
relation to physical character,
environmental and social
relations, and culture. 2 : theology
dealing with the origin, nature, and
destiny of human beings.
 Franz Boas:
 Is considered both the founder of
modern anthropology as well as
the father of
American Anthropology. It was Boas
who gave modern anthropology its
rigorous scientific methodology,
patterned after the natural sciences,
and it was Boas who originated the
notion of "culture" as learned
 thescience or practice of the
diagnosis, treatment, and
prevention of disease (in
technical use often taken to
exclude surgery).
 An AVULSION- Is characterized
by a flap. An INCISION- Is a cut
with clean edges. A
LACERATION- Is a cut with
jagged edges. A PUNCTURE- Is a
wound where something passes
through or becomes impaled in
the skin.
 An Abrasion is a type of
open wound that's caused by
the skin rubbing against a
rough surface. It may be called
a scrape or a graze.
 Anopen wound is an injury
involving an external or internal
break in body tissue, usually
involving the skin. Nearly
everyone will experience an open
wound at some point in their life.
Most open wounds are minor and
can be treated at home.
 Falls,accidents with sharp
objects, and car accidents are
the most common causes of
open wounds. In the case of a
serious accident, you should
seek immediate medical care.
This is especially true if there’s
a lot of bleeding or if bleeding
lasts for more than 20 minutes.
 An abrasion occurs when your
skin rubs or scrapes against a
rough or hard surface. Road rash
is an example of an abrasion.
There’s usually not a lot of
bleeding, but the wound needs to
be scrubbed and cleaned to avoid
 Skin avulsion is a wound that
happens when skin is torn from your
body during an accident or other
injury. The torn skin may be lost or too
damaged to be repaired, and it must
be removed. A wound of this type
cannot be stitched closed because
there is tissue missing
 An Evulsion is a partial or
complete tearing away of skin
and the tissue beneath.
Avulsions usually occur during
violent accidents, such as
body-crushing accidents,
explosions, and gunshots. They
bleed heavily and rapidly.
 Incised wounds are wounds that
are usually longer than they are
deep. They are caused by a sharp
item cutting or slashing into the
skin, making a long laceration or
A laceration is a wound that is
produced by the tearing of soft
body tissue. This type of wound is
often irregular and jagged.
A laceration wound is often
contaminated with bacteria and
debris from whatever object
caused the cut.
A. Stage of primary flaccidity-
It is the stage of muscular changes
upon death characterized by
relaxation of muscles and loss of
their natural tone so that jaw or
head drops down.
 Itis characterized by hardening of
the muscle due to the biochemical
changes of the muscles protein
that will ultimately result to
decrease of adenosine
triphosphate (ATP) Which is a
protein substances of the muscles
 (Latin:pallor "paleness", mort
is "of death"), the first stage of
death, is an after-
death paleness that occurs in
those with light/white skin.
 The reduction in body
temperature and accompanying
loss of skin elasticity that occur
after death. Also called death
 Livor mortis refers to the bluish-purple
discoloration (lividity) under the skin of the
lower body parts due to gravitation of blood
after death.
 Itis the process of dissolution of
tissues by the digestive action of its
enzymes and bacteria that results to
results to softening and liquefaction of
tissues and usually accompanied by
the liberation of tissue and usually
accompanied by the liberation of soul-
smelling gases and change of color of
the tissues.
 theprocess of decay or rotting
in a body or other organic
 Skeletonization refers to the final
stage of decomposition, during which
the last vestiges of the soft tissues of
a corpse or carcass have decayed or
dried to the point that the skeleton is
exposed. By the end of
the skeletonization process, all soft
tissue will have been eliminated,
leaving only disarticulated bones.
How many bones
in human being
 It
is composed of around 270
bones at birth – this total
decreases to around 206
bones by adulthood after
some bones get fused
together. The bone mass in
the skeleton reaches
maximum density around age
 Inmedicine, a pulse represents the
tactile arterial palpation of the
heartbeat by trained fingertips. The
pulse may be palpated in any place
that allows an artery to be
compressed near the surface of the
body, such as at the neck, wrist, at
the groin, behind the knee, near the
ankle joint, and on foot.
 The pulse may be palpated in any
place that allows an artery to be
compressed near the surface of the
body, such as at the neck (carotid
artery), wrist (radial artery), at the
groin (femoral artery), behind the
knee (popliteal artery), near the
ankle joint (posterior tibial artery),
and on foot (dorsalis pedis artery).

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