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Biotic Factors

Biotic Factors

 Consistsof living things (organisms) in the

Types of Organisms

 Autotrophs
 heterotrophs

 Producers
 Self-sustaining
organisms that can make
their own food
 Can be photosynthetic or chemosynthetic
Photosynthetic autotrophs

 Chlorophyll-bearing organisms
 Uses light energy to make food (glucose)
 Uses the process of photosynthesis
 Used by phytoplanktons and green plants
Chemosynthetic autotrophs

 Archaebacteria that can extract

inorganic molecules from the environment
and convert them into high-energy
organic nutrients
 Uses the process of chemosynthesis
 Foundin the soil, hydrothermal vents of the
deep ocean floor

 Consumers
 Cannot make their own food
 Obtainsenergy by feeding on producers
and/or other consumers

 Plant-eaters
 Consideredas the primary consumers
because the feed on producers
 Cattle, deer, rabbit, giraffe, grasshopper

 Flesh-eaters
 Secondary consumers that feed on the
primary consumers
 Snake, tiger, cheetah, lion, eagle

 Can eat both plants and animals

 Humans, pig, mouse, bear, cockroaches

 Final consumers
 Feed on the remains of plants and animals
 Detritivores-macrodecomposers that
consume the remains and change them
into smaller fragments (detritus)
 True decomposers-bacteria and fungi that
turns detritus into smaller inorganic
molecules and make the soil fertile
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