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How to Make “ES TELER”

150 g (1½ cups) sugar
2 pandan leaves, shredded lengthwise and tied in a knot
3½ tablespoons (50ml) water
400g ripe avocado, cut into 1-cm cubes
400g ripe jackfruit, deseeded and cut into 1-cm cubes
3 young coconuts, meat scraped out
crushed ice
condensed milk
1. Combine sugar, pandan leaves and water in a small saucepan
2. Heat the mixture for a few minutes over low heat until sugar dissolves.
3. Cool syrup.
4. Place generous spoonful of cubed avocado, jackfruit and young coconut into a serving bowl.
5. Add a little syrup to sweeten, top with crushed ice and
6. Drizzle on a little condensed milk.
7. Serve immediately.
How to Make Special Fried Rice with Egg
Ingredients :
•Salt as you wish
•Cayenne pepper as you wish
•The sauce as you wish. It can be tomato sauce, spicy sauce, or ketchup
•Pepper as you wish
•Cooking oil as you wish
•The second plate of white rice
•2 cloves garlic
•2 points Eggs / as you wish
•2 cloves Shallot
Complement: chicken, sausage, bakso, shrimp, nuggets or to taste.
•Blend the spices including onion, garlic, chili, pepper, and salt.
•Pour enough oil into skillet and heat.
•Once hot, add the mashed spice, stir until fragrant scent.
•Add the eggs and stir until cooked.
•Enter the supplement ingredients according to your taste, and stir until evenly distributed and mature.
•Enter the white rice and stir until mixed with all the condiments and complementary materials.
•If you smell fragrant, lift the rice and serve it on a plate.
•In order to attract special egg fried rice can be added decoration. And ready to be served.

memberikan sebuah informasi kepada

pembaca atau para pendengar tentang
tahap/cara melakukan sesuatu.
Unsur kebahasaan:
Kalimat perintah (imperative): cut the apples into small pieces
Action verbs: cut, peel, boil
Conjunction: first, then, finally
Quantity phrases: 100gr of sugar, a slice of cheese
Kosa kata yang berhubungan dengan masakan, alat- alat masak
Ucapan, tekanan, intonasi kata yang benar
Ejaan, tanda baca, dan huruf besar yang benar.
Struktur Teks:
Ungkapan baku yang digunakan dalam (a) resep
dan (b) manual, dari sumber-sumber otentik.
Menyebutkan tujuan
Menyebutkan bahan dan/atau peralatan (jika
diperlukan, opsional)
Menyebutkan serangkaian langkah kerja secara
urut dan runtut untuk mencapai tujuan

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