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Hebon: Transforming Indian Jackfruit from Weed to Wonder Food

Naazim Abdulla
Ligeesh V.J
Varghese Mathew- EPGPKCO5025
What is an entrepreneurial mind-set? At Hebon, is
the mind-set intuitive or rational in dealing with
newness and uncertainty?
• Entrepreneurial Mindset is the Ability to see the things differently
• To see the Bigger Picture and Identifying the Opportunities
• Open Minded, Self-starters, Confident.
• Entrepreneurs Deal with Newness and Uncertainty using both
Intuition and Rationality.
• The decision to get into Jackfruit processing from Electrical
distribution was purely intuitive based.
With Koroth, do we see a passion for entrepreneurship or a passion for
developing a new product? Did Koroth’s initial products fail because he
was too passionate and not realistic?

• - He is Passionate in developing New Products

• He developed several Jackfruit based Items , Many are Novel and
Creative like Wonder Jack Teriyaki,BBQ Jackfruit,Noodles, Pasta,
coffee etc.
• His Initial Products failed because of several reasons.
- Customer perception of jackfruit as a Fruit only.
- Customer Perception that these items were substandard and
- Lack of Marketing efforts;inability to deal with MNCs
How can a start-up source capital? Connect your
answer specifically to Hebon?
• Loans
• VCs
• Equity
• Promoters own funds
• Hebon sourced capital using Loans with personal property as
Should a start-up adopt a “me-too” strategy?
Relate your argument specifically to Hebon.
Draw a visual map of Hebon’s value chain.

• Jackfruit Growers-------Collection Centers------Preprocessing center---

separation of Seeds and Bulbs-------Processing unit-----
Pulping/Dehydration----- Value Added End Products– Pulp/Teriyaki
Jackfruit/ BBQ/Slices etc..

• Jackfruit which is Thrown away is converted to a Value of the Rs 128.

2016 Annual Cost Per Unit
Monthly FC 750000 14.1
Total VC 5800000 109.1
TOTAL COST 6550000
Kg Sold Estimate 53173
Unit Price at Break even 123.18
Can you suggest a growth strategy for Hebon?

• Hebon should concentrate On B2B –Industrial supplies. He was able

to sell his products when it goes as an ingredient of some other
leading and established brands.
• Hebon can develop new products In association with the Leading
food companies and can sign Exclusive supplier agreement for Long
term there by can block competition entering the market.
• Can Do Ingredient Promotion – which will bring awareness about the
Health benefits of Jackfruit which will enlarge the Market of Jackfruit
based ingredients, which will indirectly help him

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