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• This is one of the Senate house towers.

The Senate House, the Madras University's first building, inaugurated in the year 1869, is a
masterpiece of Robert Fellowes Chisholm, the greatest architect of 1800s, who harmoniously
blended the Indo-Saracenic style with Byzantine and European architectural features.
Senate House comprises of a central hall with corridors, which is on the ground floor. These
corridors stand on six firm pillars standing on either side. Also the four sky-touching towers
standing at each of the corners of the building are heaped with an exquisitely shaped vibrantly -
colored domes gives a dazzling look to any outsider traveling to Chennai.
Senate House has seen for over 125 years many meetings, functions and also convocations. The
convocations were held in the central hall under the bright illuminated lamps and the pedestal
fan standing everywhere after every inch. These convocations were held in the central hall of the
Senate house till 1965 and later on shifted to Centenary Convocation Auditorium. The senate
house also had some offices of the Vice-Chancellor and the Registrar and the University
Departments of study and Research. Though this glorious piece of architecture is not quite used
now but still it has maintained its unmatched stature
• The first step in restoration was to remove all the unwanted interventions made earlier and to
make the building water tight. Apart from having to remove and refurbish the roofing and glazing,
this meant that decisions had to be taken on how to tackle the major cracks in the arches, domes
and towers that were more than an inch wide in certain places. Studies showed that the cracks
were not widening and that they had stabilised. It could therefore be surmised that these
elements had gone through a 'stress relieving' process and had attained a state of total
equilibrium, though with a marginally deformed geometry. Trying to rectify the geometry, it was
felt, would only result in new stresses being induced that were not predictable. Therefore it was
decided to accept the deformation which is hardly visible to the naked eye and fill the cracks in
with lime mortar of the same composition as the original. Additional precautions had to be taken
as far as the domes atop the four towers were concerned as the stresses from this had affected
the towers below and being very tall elements any minor change in subsoil conditions would have
a multiplier effect at the top. The bases of the domes were therefore strapped with stainless steel
to prevent any further distortion, discreetly merging it with the mouldings.
• Similarly several unique solutions were found for a variety of problems starting from the
discovery of Ssgarffito frescoes beneath the white paint in the main hall and repair and
replacement of collapsed stone balconies the brackets of which were found partially buried in the
ground below.
• The senate house, with in the madras university campus, is british architect robert fellowes chisholm at his very best. the design of
this building were choosen through an open competition announced by the madras government in 1864. completed by 1879 at a
cost of rs 289,000, the senate house was to serve as the examination hall and offices of the madras university.
• inspired by the byzantine and built in the indo-saracenic style, the senate house ia the ultimate manifestation of this style.
• it comprises of large two floor high central hall, 16m high, measuring approx. 50m by 15m, and has a capacity to seet 1600
• though laid out as a simple rectangle, a strong variation in form is achieved on the sensitive lacing of the four towers on simple
square projections that fall behind each of the side entrance porches.
• these towers are covered by pendentive bulbose domes that are highly articulated with intricate surface decoration.
• arches and domes are covered with flowing geometric patterns.
• tinier cupolas on octogonal drums pin the corners with a series of turrets lining the east and west sides.
• the walls too are myraid of details and a truly fine composition of light and shade.
• impressive double floor high verandas on the east and west faces are lined by stone columns with sculptured capitals bearing
human figures and hindu icons and support large horseshoe arches trimmed in stone..
• the wall of the verandah facing the hall is broken by giant doors with large clearstorey circular openings decorated by ornate
geometrical patterns of coloured glass.
• the result is afinely proportioned mass with a high fenistrated lower portion, terminated by vertical solid masses that soar
• It is one of the finest monuments in Chennai and a living example which shows the remarkable architectural skills of the famous architect of 19th
century, Robert Fellowes Chisholm. The wonder of Chennai, the Senate house, located on the Madras University Campus, near Marina is a landmark
in Chennai. The structure is a live example of the Indo-Saracenic style with a harmonious blend of Byzantine architectural features.
The Senate house has a central hall with corridors on the ground floor. The corridors stand on six massive pillars standing on either side. Also the four
sky touching towers standing at each of the corners of the building gives it a dazzling look. The six porches, two on the eastern and western sides of
the building and one each on the northern and southern side of the building further lend the structure a vintage look. There also are three segmental
arch openings in each porch in the east, west and south of the porch. The roof is made of brick shell with lime mortar.
The senate house has a convocation hall, beautiful porticos, a parapet that surrounds these porticos, halls for meetings, a library etc. It had offices of
the Vice Chancellor and the Registrar and the university departments of study and research earlier. The site has been ruled for almost 125 years by
the senate house and it has been the venue of many functions and convocations were held in the central hall till 1965; later the venue was shifted to
Centenary Convocation Auditorium. It was used for meetings of the senate, syndicate and academic departments of the university. The venue was a
convention centre too, in the past, when there were not many modern facilities available. It also housed administrative offices of the University. The
meetings of the senate, academic council and of the faculties were held in some of the smaller halls.
The halls were used as a meeting place of first elected Madras Legislative when it was convened in 1937. The Senate House was also the venue for
Madras Music Academy in the first years of that institution. Though, the use of Senate house was limited to holding of the convocations and
examinations, after the construction of new departmental library building and later on the centenary building, besides being used as classrooms for
teaching foreign languages. After the constructions of the massive centenary auditorium in 1960 the convocations were held there after 1965.
Sadly, with as time passed by, this proud structure lost its old world charm for which it was, and still is popular. However, efforts have been made to
restore its charm with help of renovation and in order to avoid any tampering with its original structure, the university is making earnest efforts. It has
researched into the matter and has appealed to alumni, lovers of art, philanthropists, the public and private organizations to come forward to
preserve the grand Senate House.
• History
• Robert Chisholm was a 19th-century British architect who is considered to be
• one of the pioneers of Indo-Saracenic architecture.[3][4] Initially designing
• buildings using the Renaissance and Gothic styles of architecture,[5]
• Chisholm switched over to Indo-Saracenic with the construction of the PWD
• buildings of the Chepauk Palace in 1871.[6][7]
• In 1864, the Madras government gave an advertisement inviting designs for
• the Senate House building.[8] Chisholm's design was eventually approved
• and the building was constructed between April 1874 and 1879.[8][9][10] A
• saluting battery was present at the site prior to the construction of the
• Senate House.[11] Prior to the construction of the Senate House, university
• convocations were held at Banqueting Hall (now Rajaji Hall).[12] During July
• 14-December 21, 1937 the legislature of the Madras Presidency met at the
• senate house.[13]
• Senate House
• Every city has its heritage corners and University of Madras’s Senate House is definitely one. With so many old buildings being brought
down to make way for new high rises, there are very few old ones left to remind us of the bygone raj era.
• University of Madras also popularly known, as ‘Madras University’ came into existence on Sep 5, 1857 and is one of the three oldest
universities in India.
• Situated near the popular Marina beach, this collegiate university has six campuses and more than 50 departments.
• Robert Fellowes Chisholm, a well-known British architect, built the Senate House of University of Madras between 1874 and 1879. Built in
the IndoSaracenic style of architecture, the Senate House is touted to be the finest examples of this style in India.
• While most buildings were following gothic and renaissance style of building, the Indo-Saracenic style of architecture was a quite modern
venture for that era. Incorporating many elements of Byzantine architecture, Robert Chisholm was an extraordinary architect of his age.
Named as ‘The wonder of Chennai’ the Senate House has a huge central hall with corridors and six colossus pillars on either side. With over
six porches, flanking the side of the building, the roof was built with brick and lime mortar.
• Senate House also boasts of a beautiful convocation hall that has hosted innumerable funct ions and convocations, ushering many young
minds into the society to enrich and nourish. And for many years, it housed the office of Vice Chancellor, Registrar and many important
Departments of Study and Research.
• The Senate House also has an historical significance as the first elected Madras Legislative was formally convened here in 1937. And Madras
Music Academy, an institution for Indian classical music, used this building as their venue during the early days of classical concert.
• Sadly as with any other historical building, age has become a factor
for this heritage monument. Today the University does not convene
here to graduate young students nor do classical music concerts take
place here. Yet no building can match the expansive old world charm
that this building brings to the city. With efforts on to rescue this
heritage building from ruin and disrepair, many philanthropists and
art lovers are pitching in preserve that graceful monument.
• Senate HouseIt is one of the finest monuments in Chennai and a living
example which shows the remarkable architectural skills of the
famous architect of 19th century, Robert Fellowes Chisholm. The
wonder of Chennai, the Senate house, located on the Madras
University Campus, near Marina is a landmark in Chennai. The
structure is a live example of the Indo-Saracenic style with a
harmonious blend of Byzantine architectural features.
• The Senate house has a central hall with corridors on the ground
floor. The corridors stand on six massive pillars standing on either
side. Also the four sky touching towers standing at each of the
corners of the building gives it a dazzling look. The six porches, two on
the eastern and western sides of the building and one each on the
northern and southern side of the building further lend the structure
a vintage look. There also are three segmental arch openings in each
porch in the east, west and south of the porch. The roof is made of
brick shell with lime mortar.
• The senate house has a convocation hall, beautiful porticos, a parapet that
surrounds these porticos, halls for meetings, a library etc. It had offices of
the Vice Chancellor and the Registrar and the university departments of
study and research earlier. The site has been ruled for almost 125 years by
the senate house and it has been the venue of many functions and
convocations were held in the central hall till 1965; later the venue was
shifted to Centenary Convocation Auditorium. It was used for meetings of
the senate, syndicate and academic departments of the university. The
venue was a convention centre too, in the past, when there were not many
modern facilities available. It also housed administrative offices of the
University. The meetings of the senate, academic council and of the
faculties were held in some of the smaller halls.
• The halls were used as a meeting place of first elected Madras
Legislative when it was convened in 1937. The Senate House was also
the venue for Madras Music Academy in the first years of that
institution. Though, the use of Senate house was limited to holding of
the convocations and examinations, after the construction of new
departmental library building and later on the centenary building,
besides being used as classrooms for teaching foreign languages.
After the constructions of the massive centenary auditorium in 1960
the convocations were held there after 1965.
• Sadly, with as time passed by, this proud structure lost its old world
charm for which it was, and still is popular. However, efforts have
been made to restore its charm with help of renovation and in order
to avoid any tampering with its original structure, the university is
making earnest efforts. It has researched into the matter and has
appealed to alumni, lovers of art, philanthropists, the public and
private organizations to come forward to preserve the grand Senate

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