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Different animals have different

ways of getting and eating their

food. They have the body parts
that help them get and eat their
food. Animals like cows, horses,
dogs, cats, monkeys have teeth
for eating.
Different animals have different
mouth parts.The appearance of
their mouth parts indicate what
they eat.
Animals that eat plants, have flat
teeth that are used for grinding
and chewing.
In contrast meet eating
animals, have strong,
sharp, and pointed teeth
that are used for tearing
meat into smaller pieces
Other animals such as birds
do not have teeth to get or
eat food. Instead they have
beaks to pick up and crack
seeds. They also used their
sharp claws to get the food.
The frog has a long tongue
fastened at the front of its
mouth. This tongue is
sticky and pops out to catch
Insects like butterfly and mosquito
uses a needle like structure called
PROBOSCIS to get and eat their food.
The butterfly use it to sip the nectar
from flowers. The mosquito uses it in
sipping fluid from leaves, soft items
and fruits. His proboscis coil up when
not in use
The grasshopper has have
chewing mouth parts called
mandibles but are hervibores,
meaning they only plant –based
food, not other insects.
The End

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