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Advanced Cardiac Life

Eldon Vince Isidro

• refers to a set of clinical algorithms for the urgent treatment of cardiac

arrest, stroke, myocardial infarction, and other life-threatening
cardiovascular emergencies.

• The ACLS guidelines were first published in 1974 by the American Heart
Association and were updated in 1980, 1986, 1992, 2000, 2005, 2010, and
most recently in 2015.
• Starting in 2015, updates are to be made on an ongoing basis. Nevertheless,
the traditional major updates at five-year intervals will continue.

• Audience
• Background Medical Knowledge Needed
• Pharmaceuticals
• Tools/Resources
Audience (BLS vs ACLS)

• BLS is intended to be for anyone who needs to know the basic principles of
CPR, AED usage and other primary methods of lifesaving skills.
• ACLS is designed specifically for healthcare professionals. This includes
physicians, nurses, anaesthesiologists, paramedics, dentists and more.
Background Medical Knowledge Needed

• Having some medical knowledge is helpful going into both courses, but its
not necessarily required for BLS.
• ACLS on the other hand, demands at least a basic foundation of medical
knowledge that will allow you to absorb the material and successfully
complete the course.
Pharmaceuticals (BLS vs ACLS)

• BLS Certification doesn’t give the provider recommendations for

administering medications, an ACLS certification does.
Tools/Resources (BLS vs ACLS)

• Both BLS and ACLS teach proper techniques of using an automated external
defibrillator (AED).
• ACLS Certification courses cover several additional tools and resources that
can be used in a life-threatening situation.

• The current ACLS guidelines are set into several groups of "algorithms" - a
set of instructions that are followed to standardize treatment, and increase
its effectiveness
• These algorithms usually come in the form of a flowchart, incorporating
'yes/no' type decisions, making the algorithm easier to memorize.
Types of Algorithms

1. Cardiac Arrest Algorithm

2. Bradycardia Algorithm
3. Tachycardia Algorithms
4. Acute Coronary Syndrome Algorithm
5. Suspected Stroke Algorithm
6. Pulseless Electrical Activity (PEA)/Asystole Algorithm
7. Ventricular Fibrillation (VF)/Pulseless Ventricular Tachycardia (VT) Algorithm

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