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Consumer Health

5 factors that influence

our consumer behavior
Need Price



Consumer Behavior

 “The study of individuals, groups, or

organizations and the processes they use to
select, secure, use, and dispose of products,
services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy needs
and the impacts that these processes have on
the consumer and society.”

 This Definition is from Wikipedia.

10 Advertising Appeals
 Brand Loyalty Appeal

Technique used to convince you that one brand

is better than another.
10 Advertising Appeals
 False Image Appeal

Technique that tries to convince you will have a

certain image if you use their product.
10 Advertising Appeals
 Bandwagon Appeal

Technique to convince you that everyone is

using their product.
10 Advertising Appeals
 Humor Appeal

Contains something that will stick in your mind.

10 Advertising Appeals
 Glittering generality appeal

An exaggerated appeal that gets to your emotion.

10 Advertising Appeals
 Scientific evidence appeal

Uses data & surveys to convince you their product

is the best.
10 Advertising Appeals
 Progress Appeal

The new version!

10 Advertising Appeals
 Reward Appeal

Offers a special prize, gift or coupon.

10 Advertising Appeals
 Sex Appeal

Tries to convince consumer the brand will make them

10 advertising Appeals
 Testimonial Appeal

Spokesperson (famous) names benefits of the

product or service
Advertising “Red Flags”
Diagnosis by Mail
 Will it really tell you what is wrong with you?
Free Trial Offer

 Try the product, if you do not like it

cancel at any time. (30 – days)
 Will you remember to cancel?
Limited Supply

 Either purchase now or you may not be

able to get one later. Is this really true?
 A statement made by a person about a
product. Will the product really work?
Guarantee of Cure or Satisfaction

 This tells you the product will work or you

will get your money back!
Consumer Rights
The right to…….
Products & services at competitive prices

be heard
Expressing feelings about services & products

Protection from harmful products & services

Be informed
Easily obtainable information to help make educated choices &
Consumer Rights
The right to…….
Obtain vital products & services
redress or remedy
The ability to reach an acceptable solution

consumer education
To know you consumer rights & responsibilities & to act on them

environmental health
To exist in a healthy environment now & in the future
What type of consumer
will you become?


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