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The AFP Modernization at the

Height of the Operation

Enduring Freedom: The Case of
the Philippine Navy
Group 9

Baguinon, Neal Franz

Bellac, Dominador III
Chavaria, John Timothy
Jolly, Akhil
Longalong, Noli
Background of the Study

 AFP Modernization Program

1. Fidel V. Ramos; Republic Act 7898 “To address the obsolescence of the
Armed Forces.”
2. Encouraged after the Chinese takeover of the Mischief Reef
3. Stagnated during the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis and allegations of
4. Reformed in 2012 as the Republic Act 10349 under Benigno Aquino III
 Operation Enduring Freedom - Philippines
1. Logistical Support
2. Joint Special Operations Task Force – Philippines
3. Balikatan Exercise
Background of the Study

 Why is it a major issue?

1. Philippine Navy
2. US-Philippine Defense cooperation
3. Revised AFP Modernization program
 What aspect?
1. The role of the Philippine Navy on the Operation Enduring Freedom
2. Effects of the Operation Enduring Freedom to the AFP Modernization;
particularly of the Philippine Navy
Statement of the Problem

 Main thesis problem:

How did the Operation Enduring Freedom contribute to the AFP

Modernization, particularly on the aspect of the Philippine Navy during the
years 2011-2014?
Statement of the Problem

1. What is the role of the Philippine Navy during the Operation Enduring
2. Was the Philippine Navy effective in accomplishing its missions during the
said operation?
3. Did the Philippine Navy modernization considered the Counter-terrorist and
anti-insurgency aspects for its modernization plan?
4. What are the factors that made whether the US-Philippine Mutual Defense
Treaty was instrumental to the Philippine Navy Modernization?
Objective of the Study

 Main Objective:
 To determine whether the Operation Enduring Freedom was the main factor on
the Philippine Navy modernization during the years 2011-2014

 Sub-Objectives:
 1. To examine the Philippine Navy’s role and contributions during the Operation
Enduring Freedom
 2. To determine the possible shortcomings of the Philippine Navy’s capabilities
during the Operation Enduring Freedom
 3. To analyze possible needs of the Philippine Navy after their experiences in the
Operation Enduring Freedom and;
 4. Explore the importance of the Mutual Defense Treaty on the Philippine Navy

“The study assumes; if all objectives and questions have been

answered positively, that the Operation Enduring Freedom
indeed a defining factor to the Philippine Navy modernization
plan, in line with the assumption of the ‘Second Image
Reverse’ that the Systemic level of analysis affects the socio-
political conditions of the Domestic level. On the other hand,
if the research results negatively, the study is null thus
assuming that the Philippine Navy’s modernization plan was
not a result of the Operation Enduring Freedom but not
necessarily contradictory to the theory as there would be
other trends and issues in the International level that might
affect the dependent variable.”
Theoretical Framework

Peter Gourevitch’s (1978) Second Image Reversed

Theoretical Framework

 Created by Peter Gourevitch

 Based upon the Waltzian “Three-Images of Analysis” but was
 A compromise between Foreign Policy Analysis and International
 Main Assumption is that the Systemic (International) level affects the
Domestic levels and the institutions within it.
Theoretical Framework

Sytemic Level

Domestic Policy
Conceptual Framework

Enduring Freedom
- Philippines

AFP Modernization
Plan and the
Philippine Navy
Procurement Program
Scope and Limitation

 Scope
The study only seeks to determine how does the Operation Enduring
Freedom – Philippines (OEF-P) contributed to the Philippine Navy
Modernization plan.

 Limitations
1. Timeframe: 2011 – 2014
2. Philippines Setting
3. Will not tackle socio-politcal aspects
4. Will not tackle modernization plan for the Army and the Air Force
5. Will not include Philippine-China Spratly row
Scope and Limitation

6. The Primary sources of data for this Thesis will be on

7. The Secondary sources of data will rely on

 Explorative
 Explanatory
 Qualitative
 Variable-Oriented
 Cases-based
 Data Triangulation

 Primary Data:
Face-to-face interviews with key policymakers and officials of the
Philippine Navy, AFP, Department of National Defense,
Department of Foreign Affairs, and the Philippine Congress.
 Secondary Data:
Government documents, existing literature and articles, researches
and statistics about the Operation Enduring Freedom and the
AFP’s Modernization Plan.
Significance and Synthesis

 Role of the Philippine Navy in the near future

 Future US-Philippines Defense cooperation

 Revised AFP Modernization Program

Significance and Synthesis

 Synthesis:

Comprehensive studies regarding the Research’s

Independent Variable and Dependent Variable but no
similar studies with the group’s Thesis proposal

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