Shot List

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o Photo One: Cover Photo oPhoto Five: Contents Page

o Shot Type: Medium shot oShot Type: Long Shot

oProps: Chain Saw
o Props: Dog oModel: Ella Venn
o Model: Ella Venn, Zoe Stevens & Izzy Horsler oPhotographer: Zoe Stevens
o Photographer: Fin Venn oClothing Codes: Pink dress
oGesture code: glare- anger, changeling
o Clothing Codes: Pink (redefine femininity-statement
of aims)
oPhoto Six: Contents Page- Editors Letter
oShot Type: Close Up
o Gesture code: Hands on hip, fists clenches- power oProps: N/A
(statement of aims RE: toppling the patriarchy) oModel: Ella Venn
oPhotographer: Ella Venn
o Photo Two: Feature article
oClothing Codes: Hair clip ‘LOVE’- Connotations of positivity
o Shot Type: Medium Shot oGesture code: Pout (conventional of a fashion magazine)
o Props: Chain Saw oPhoto Seven: Contents Page
o Model: Ella Venn oShot Type: Medium Shot
o Photographer: Zoe Stevens oProps: N/A
oModel: Zoe Stevens
o Clothing Codes: Pink dress oPhotographer: Ella Venn
o Gesture code: Furrowed brow (anger) oClothing Codes: Grey plaid pinafore (connotations of interligence)
oGesture code: Pout, hand reaching-shopping
o Photo Three: Feature article
oPhoto Eight: Contents Page
o Shot Type: Long shot, Low angle-power, dominance oShot Type: Medium Shot
o Props: Hammer & Chainsaw (‘smashing the oProps: Blazer- educated, smart
patriarchy) oModel: Ella Venn & Zoe Stevens
o Model: Zoe Stevens & Izzy Horsler oPhotographer: Ella Venn (self-timer)
oClothing Codes: Top slogan ‘posh’- pop culture reference (conventional
o Photographer: Ella Venn in magazines)
o Clothing Codes: Pink utility suit &dress oGesture code: Arm on shoulder suggests ‘girls support girls’
o Gesture code:
o Photo Four: Feature Article
o Shot Type: Close Up
o Props: N/A
o Model: Zoe Stevens
o Photographer: Ella Venn
o Clothing Codes: Pink Utility suit& headband
(intertextual reference to Rosie the Riveter)
o Gesture code: Showing bicep, fist ‘We Can Do It’
Poster pose

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