GPM - June 2019

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GPM – Green Preventive


1 22/09/2019 © Nokia 2014 - File Name - Version - Creator - DocID


Scope :

The Scope consists of carrying out the regular Preventive Maintenance of all Optical Transmission network elements& site inspection, in
order to eliminate or minimize the possibility of failure/outages of this Network Element in day to day operations.
The list of such equipment would be Transmission muxes, DWDM equipment, Routers etc..

 In Monthly SLA KPI Signoff, GPM is having a Weightage of 7.5 Points

# Type Circle KPI’s Unit MIN Target Max Weight KPI TQI
1 FO RTN Logistics 98 99 100 4 100.000 4.000
2 FO RTN Logistics 98 99 100 0 99.000 0.000
3 FO RTN Material delivery at site 98 99 100 0 100.000 0.000
4 FO RTN Preventive Maintenance % 99.8 99.9 100 7.5 100.000 7.500

 Circle will achieve 7.5 points only if the GPM is completed 100% against scope

 If the completion is even 99% also the Weightage would be dropped to -7.5 Points

 Hence it is mandatory we complete our Month-on-Month target to achieve KPI

GPM Tool – Engineer Handset
GPM – 60 Point Check Sheet..
General Information related to Site: 24 Points…

 PTW Check – 3 Points

Applicable for Work at Height cases. Not Applicable for TXMS.

 Site Location - 13 Points

Points 1.1 to 1.13..Fill the basic Site info such as Site Type, Count of OPCO available, Name of OPCO etc..

 Transmission Equipment's – 8 Points

Points 2.1 to 2.7 …Fill the details of TX Equipment's installed at site under TXMS Scope such
as DWDM/Router/SDH equipment’s

All the above points are related to site database and falls under ‘Common Site details checklist’ tab

Other Check Points in which Punch points are to be checked & captured :: 36 Points

 Site Environment Checks – 10 Points.

Points from 3.1 to 3.10 : Site temperature related & Shelther related points. These check points also falls
under ‘Common Site details checklist’ tab

 Grounding Checks – 4 Points.

Points from 4.1 to 4.4 : Related to grounding at site

 Equipment Prev Maintenance – 22 Points

Points from 5.1 to 5.22 : Check specifically related to equipment's
36 Point GPM Check List – An Overview

 These Checkpoints are divided into 2 categories based on Punch point Type
 External Checkpoints: 9 Nos.
• Checkpoints related to site infra conditions
• Checkpoints to taken up with Infra team for clearance
• Checkpoints can be closed remotely via CIAT Browser Login post Rectification/Validation

 Internal Checkpoints: 27 Nos.

• Checkpoints related to equipment's
• Checkpoints required Site visit for closure – to be closed via CIAT APP
• Checkpoints requires internal actions and infra/VDF support for clearance

5 22/09/2019 © Nokia 2014 - File Name - Version - Creator - DocID

GPM Check Points – An Overview
Sl No. Punch Point Type Category Punch Point Type
1 3.1 Is the Ambient temperature of site properly maintained Recommended 15 ~ 27 deg C. Mention Ambient Temp is Remarks AC related External
2 3.2 Is Air Conditioning working properly AC related External
3 3.3 Is Humidity is properly maintained Recommended 5% ~ 75% AC related External
4 3.4 Is Temp near the equipments (note down for all) properly maintained Recommended < 35 deg C AC related External
5 3.5 Is the Network connectivity diagram available at site General Internal
6 3.6 Is Log book available at site & maintained properly General Internal
7 3.7 Are All cable entry / exit points in equipment room /roxtex adequetly sealed Shelther External
8 3.8 Are walls, ceiling of site / shelter free from Fungus Shelther External
9 3.9 Are site / shelter, equipments free from any Signs of corrosion Shelther External
10 3.10 Is site / shelter free from Water Leakage Shelther External
11 4.1 Is Main Grounding done properly & extended to Rack Bus Bar (Dia also) Grounding External
12 4.2 Is Rack Bus Bar grounded & connectivity is extended to Rack, equipments & secured tightly Grounding Internal
13 4.3 Is Rack Grounding done properly Grounding Internal
14 4.4 Is the transport equipments body connected with adequate Grounding (Dia also) Grounding Internal
15 5.1 Are Transmission equipments properly installed in the equipment rack Rack Internal
16 5.2 Are All equipment racks properly grouted Rack Internal
17 5.3 Are all Tx equipments properly marked for identification Labelling Internal
18 5.4 Are all equipments connected with Dual power source Dual Power Internal
19 5.5 Are equipments are connected on Critical load from SMPS Critical Source Internal
20 5.6 Are Tx equipment connected with adequate MCB as per recommended specification MCB Internal
21 5.7 Are Power cables connected with MCB of sufficient capacity and and free from joint/damage/cut MCB Internal
22 5.8 Are all equipments functional and free from Dust/water seepage/corrosion/Physical damageIf No, mention observation Dust Internal
23 5.9 Are all equipment and cards free from Critical,Service affecting & Environmental alarmsIf No,mention Alarm type in Remarks Alarm Internal
24 5.10 Is Shelf Door available & closed Rack Internal
25 5.11 Are all fibre cables, Patch cords routed properly from Equipment to FMS/ adjecent node Routing Internal
26 5.12 Is Labeling / marking of cables, patch cords done properly Optical Patch cord labels for port and FMS port identification Labelling Internal
27 5.13 Is the Electrical cabling from Equipment to DDF & kroning done properly & labeled Routing Internal
28 5.14 Is the cleaning of equipment Filters done properly Filter Clearance Internal
29 5.15 Are all Fans of equipments working properly (No abnormal noise and vibrations) Filter Clearance Internal
30 5.16 Only during SA PE for PM: Are cards / MDA in routers, Mux cleaned for Dust accumulation Filter Clearance Internal
31 5.17 Is Adequate ventilation space available for equipments & ventilation path free from obstruction due to fibres/other cables Airflow Internal
32 5.18 Are All cards and modules are securely attached to backplane of equipment Equipment Internal
33 5.19 Are all empty module slots have filler panels installed If No, mention no of filler plates required in Remarks Equipment Internal
34 5.20 Are Empty line card ports covered with caps to avoid dust accumulation Equipment Internal
35 5.21 Are ESD straps available at site General Internal
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5.22 Are Pre&Post corrections photo Captured for Tx_equip,Transport rack and FMS,Patchcord routing,Elect.cabling,DDF in tool Photos Internal
Check points -- Explained
Sl Punch Point
Punch Point Type Category Remarks Action To be done Further Actions Carried to be done
No. Type

This punchpoint mostly applicable in equipments

3.1 Is the Ambient temperature of site properly
installed in Outdoors(Rack/Shelther); If temperature We need to request VDF for providing a new
1 maintained Recommended 15 ~ 27 deg C. Mention AC related External
is high then there is chance of hardware failures- if Cooling Rack for reinstallation of equipment
Ambient Temp is Remarks
so we need to choose this option as "No".
This category is related to
I-Hygiene TT to be raised to INDUS/ Mail to be
Cooling related issues; If AC is not working at site then this Punchpoint
2 3.2 Is Air Conditioning working properly AC related External sent for Other operations with Circle Vodafone
Select any one based on needs to be captured; Select the Option "No"
management in CC
the issue type(Donot
This is automatically captured in other 3 points in
3.3 Is Humidity is properly maintained select all points together)
3 AC related External this category -- Hence not mandatory to capture the
Recommended 5% ~ 75%
If AC is working but room temperature is high then I-Hygiene TT to be raised to INDUS/ Mail to be
3.4 Is Temp near the equipment's (note down for all)
4 AC related External this Punchpoint needs to be captured by selecting sent for Other operations with Circle Vodafone
properly maintained Recommended < 35 deg C
option as " No" management in CC
3.5 Is the Network connectivity diagram available at
5 General Internal
site These Points are Not
3.6 Is Log book available at site & maintained relevant; Don't capture Select as "NA"
6 General Internal
properly these as Punch points
7 5.21 Are ESD straps available at site General Internal
Check for any Opening in Cable entry points in
3.7 Are All cable entry / exit points in equipment room PP to be captured Mostly
8 Shelther External Indoor Shelther, if there is opening then selection
/roxtex adequetly sealed for Indoor Shelther
Option "No"
PP to be captured Mostly Check if the Shelther wall is having moisture due to I-Hygiene TT to be raised to INDUS/ Mail to be
3.8 Are walls, ceiling of site / shelter free from
9 Shelther External for Indoor Shelther- Civil water leakage , if there is moisture content then sent for Other operations with Circle Vodafone
Rooms selection Option "No" management in CC
If there are signs of corrosion in equipments select
PP noticed in sites in close I-Hygiene TT to be raised to INDUS/ Mail to be
3.9 Are site / shelter, equipments free from any Signs Option "No"; Please analyse the reason for
10 Shelther External vicinity of Sea/ Site having sent for Other operations with Circle Vodafone
of corrosion corrosion and escalate to IP team for clearing the
water leakage issues management in CC

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Check points – Explained -- Continued….
Punch Point
Sl No. Punch Point Type Category Remarks Action To be done Further Actions Carried to be done
Check if there is any chance of Water leakage
I-Hygiene TT to be raised to INDUS/ Mail to be
Indoor Sites / in shelther/Outdoor rack, If there is an opening
11 3.10 Is site / shelter free from Water Leakage Shelther External sent for Other operations with Circle Vodafone
Outdoor Racks which may cause water leakage then select
management in CC
option "No"
Grounding related Connectivity from Grounding Pit to IGB/EGB is I-Hygiene TT to be raised to INDUS/ Mail to be
4.1 Is Main Grounding done properly & extended to Rack
12 Grounding External issues; As done properly or not; If not done select Option " sent for Other operations with Circle Vodafone
Bus Bar (Dia also)
Grounding is very No" management in CC
critical to our Connectivity from IGB/EGB to rack is done
I-Hygiene TT to be raised to INDUS/ Mail to be
4.2 Is Rack Bus Bar grounded & connectivity is extended equipments, properly or not -- If not proper check if the same
13 Grounding Internal sent for Other operations with Circle Vodafone
to Rack, equipment's & secured tightly suggest engineer to can be corrected using our spare cable - Else
management in CC
carry spare select Option " No"
grounding cables Connectivity from IGB/EGB to rack is done
I-Hygiene TT to be raised to INDUS/ Mail to be
while doing GPM, as properly or not -- If not proper check if the same
14 4.3 Is Rack Grounding done properly Grounding Internal sent for Other operations with Circle Vodafone
he can clear minor can be corrected using our spare cable - Else
management in CC
grounding related select Option " No"
issue during GPM
itselfIf not possible If not cleared during our GPM select option as
Equipment grounding is Our resposibility; we
4.4 Is the transport equipments body connected with capture this as "No" ; Revisit site and clear the grounding
15 Grounding Internal need to clear the grounding issue using spare
adequate Grounding (Dia also) Punchpoint by issue and then close the GPM PP before
cable carried along with us during GPM
selecting option as leaving the site
Check if equipment is properly fixed in
Whether the
transmission rack; If not done clear the issue Carry out the correction in Planned window
5.1 Are Transmission equipments properly installed in the Equipment is
16 Rack Internal during GPM itself. If Planned window required and close the Punchpoint before leaving the
equipment rack properly installed in
for correction capture the PP by selecting as site
Whether the
Check if the rack is fixed to the floor; If rack is
Equipment rack is Mail to sent to IP team with Vodafone support
17 5.2 Are All equipment racks properly grouted Rack Internal shacking then capture the PP by selecting
properly fixed to for clearing the issue
option as "No"
Labelling should be Labelling to be done by the engineer during
5.3 Are all Tx equipments properly marked for available in all GPM itself if found missing;Engineer to carrying Repeated site visit not suggested for
18 Labelling Internal
identification equipments for easy labels along with him for clearing the labelling corrections
 Grounding related issues to be cleared on high Priority.. identification issues during GPM itself

8 22/09/2019 © Nokia 2014 - File Name - Version - Creator - DocID

Check points – Explained -- Continued….
Punch Point
Sl No. Punch Point Type Category Remarks Action To be done Further Actions Carried to be done
Mail to sent to Vodafone team for taking up
with IP vendor for addition of MCB/ Correction
Check if there is power redundancy for
Equipment should not of redundancy issue; Once redundancy issue
5.4 Are all equipments connected with Dual power equipment from PP till the equipment power
19 Dual Power Internal power off during Single is resolved engineer to visit site and confirm
source source: if Not available capture the PP by
MCB trip the same (or connect the equipment if new
Selecting option as "No"
MCB is provided) ; Close the PP before
leaving the site

Mail to sent to Vodafone team for taking up

Equipment should have
Check if there is critical source for equipment: if with IP vendor for providing critical source;
5.5 Are equipment's are connected on Critical load from Critical atleast one critical source
20 Internal Not available capture the PP by Selecting Once critical source is provided engineer to
SMPS Source inorder to prevent isolation
option as "No" visit site and connect the equipment to critical
during an Power issue
source and close the PP before leaving site

Equipment should be
powered with adequate Mail to sent to Vodafone team for taking up
5.6 Are Tx equipment connected with adequate MCB as If MCB is under rated then capture the PP by
21 MCB Internal MCB rating -- Check for with IP vendor for addition of MCB/ Correction
per recommended specification selecting option as "No"
vendor specific specs for of redundancy issue
MCB ratings

If the power cables are of

under capacity then there Check the power cables used for powering the Mail to be sent to Vodafone with required
5.7 Are Power cables connected with MCB of sufficient would be heating of equipment/MCB are of sufficient capacity; If MCB capacity for taking up with IP vendor;
22 MCB Internal
capacity and and free from joint/damage/cut cables,which may further MCB are under capacity the PP should be Once MCB is added visit site and correct the
result in MCB trip/cable selected as "No" same and close the PP before leaving site
burn related issues

If there are execessive dust accumulations in

equipments(installed in Outdoor
5.8 Are all equipments functional and free from Racks/Outdoor Shelthers etc) despite proper
Mostly equipment placed in Mail to be sent to Vodafone for suggesting
23 Dust/water seepage/corrosion/Physical damageIf No, Dust Internal cleaning done during PRM ; suggestion to be
Outdoor racks TCU/MCU for equipment's
mention observation provided for installation of TCU for avoiding
hardware failures to equipments; PP to be
selected by choosing Option "No" in this case
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Check points – Explained -- Continued….
Sl No. Punch Point Type Category Remarks Action To be done Further Actions Carried to be done
Point Type
5.9 Are all equipment and cards free from Critical,Service Check if there is any Alarm If any alarm exists in the node that needs to be
Avoid capturing this as PP; Clear the alarm at
24 affecting & Environmental alarmsIf No,mention Alarm type Alarm Internal in the node; Can be cleared from field clear the same during GPM
during GPM itself
in Remarks checked with NOC team itself.

1) Select as "NA" for Open Rack which is

There are closed rack
installed in most of the sites Capture this PP as "No" only if the door is
installed in few sites;
25 5.10 Is Shelf Door available & closed Rack Internal 2) For closed racks without door check if the required in case of closed racks; Further take
Check if shelf door is
door is absolutely required - some cases door up with Vodafone for clearing the door issue
available and is closed
might be removed for facilitating the airflow

If any Patch chord corrections required

Patch chords to be properly routed from FMS to
Planned window please capture the
5.11 Are all fibre cables, Patch cords routed properly from Patch Chord routing equipments and between equipments; If routing
26 Routing Internal Punchpoint as "No" and clear the same in next
Equipment to FMS/ adjecent node related Punchpoint is not proper please clear the routing issue
available Planned window and close the
during GPM itself
Punchpoint before leaving site

Labelling should be Labelling to be done by the engineer during

5.12 Is Labeling / marking of cables, patch cords done
available in Patch GPM itself if found missing;Engineer to carrying Repeated site visit not suggested for
27 properly Optical Patch cord labels for port and FMS port Labelling Internal
chords/Power cables for labels along with him for clearing the labelling corrections
easy identification issues during GPM itself

Labelling should be
5.13 Is the Electrical cabling from Equipment to DDF & Repeated site visit not suggested for
28 Routing Internal avaiable for identification Labelling to be done during site visit itself
kroning done properly & labeled corrections
29 5.14 Is the cleaning of equipment Filters done properly Internal
Check points are part of
Avoid capturing these as Punchpoints; these
5.15 Are all Fans of equipments working properly (No Filter activities which needs be Repeated site visit not suggested for
30 Internal activities to be mandatorily carried out by
abnormal noise and vibrations) Clearance mandatorily carried out corrections
engineer during site visit for PRM
during PRM
5.16 Only during SA PE for PM: Are cards / MDA in Filter
31 Internal
routers, Mux cleaned for Dust accumulation Clearance

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Check points – Explained -- Continued….
Punch Point
Sl No. Punch Point Type Category Remarks Action To be done Further Actions Carried to be done
Check if there is any objects(Equipment/
any Airflow blockage Cables/Patch chord) hindering the airflow to
to and from the and from the equipment - try to clear the Any major rearrangement to be carried out in
5.17 Is Adequate ventilation space available for
equipment can cause objects that is blocking airflow near the air planned window ; In such scenario capture the
32 equipments & ventilation path free from obstruction due to Airflow Internal
high inlet / outlet of equipments during PRM itself; PP as "No" and clear the issue in planned
fibres/other cables
temperature/airflow capture the PP as "No" if there is major window and close the PP before leaving site
related alarms rearrangements required for clearing the air
Check if all cards are properly inserted in Mostly this Punchpoints not be captured --
equipment cabinet;If not properly inserted should be cleared as site itself; If reinsertion of
5.18 Are All cards and modules are securely attached to Cards to be properly
33 Equipment Internal reinsert the cards after confirming that activity cards is SA acitivty only then PP needs to
backplane of equipment inserted in the slots
is NSA; else do the same in planned window captured and cleared in outage window and
after capturing PP as "No" PP to be closed before leaving site
All Empty slots of the If the slots are in open condition try covering
equipment should be with dummy plates; if dummy plates are not
check if there are dummy plates available in
5.19 Are all empty module slots have filler panels installed covered to facilitate available check if the same can be covered
34 Equipment Internal spare stock; else provide request to Vodafone
If No, mention no of filler plates required in Remarks proper airflow and to with some other materials; If not possible
for arranging the same
prevent dust entry into raise this as Punchpoint by selecting " No"
equipments Option
This is applicable
mostly in equipments
unused ports in equipments need to be This PP needs to be cleared during GPM itself
5.20 Are Empty line card ports covered with caps to avoid installed in Outdoor
35 Equipment Internal covered for avoiding dust entry. Try to clear --- Check option for using electric tapes for
dust accumulation racks where dust
this Punchpoint during GPM itself covering port openings
accumulation chance
is high
5.22 Are Pre&Post corrections photo Captured for Snaps to be captured This should not be captured as PP; Snaps are
36 Tx_equip,Transport rack and FMS,Patchcord Photos Internal mandatory during mandatory ; need to capture a minimum of 4 Not be captured as Punch point
routing,Elect.cabling,DDF in tool GPM to 5 snaps per node

11 22/09/2019 © Nokia 2014 - File Name - Version - Creator - DocID

Points to be Noted

 Please capture only relevant Punch points ; If more number of points are captured all punch points
would require site visit to close

 For Infra Related Punch points raised TT to Indus team/Sent mail to respective Infra Vendor for

 External Punch points captured can be closed remotely via Browser once the same is cleared by
respective Stakeholders.

 Remove Switched off Nodes from the CIAT portal, to achieve maximum KPI

 Ensure all the Nodes in TXMS scope are loaded in the CIAT tool for achieving maximum KPI

12 22/09/2019 © Nokia 2014 - File Name - Version - Creator - DocID

PP Verification / Internal Punch point closure procedure.

Inside CIAT Tool, GPM Option ---- Tx Node --- Punch point

Follow the above steps also for closing the Internal Punchpoints via tool;
For closing an Internal PP, snap is Mandatory

13 22/09/2019 © Nokia 2014 - File Name - Version - Creator - DocID

Procedure to Close External Punch points
 Login to site with user details .

 In Tx-Equip , select TX-Equip CAR Report

 Select the site details

 Click on to each site, the external punch point open under the site will appear. Select the same and close
with comments

14 22/09/2019 © Nokia 2014 - File Name - Version - Creator - DocID

Thank You

15 22/09/2019 © Nokia 2014 - File Name - Version - Creator - DocID


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