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Kelompok 4

• Adek Aisya Putri 1411311007

• Fanny Novriwinda 1411312015
• Jerry Kurnia Sandy 1411311017
• Suci Meilisya 1411312017
• Suci Rahma Yuni 1411312001
Meaning of Adjectives :

Adjectives are words that are

used to describe and give more
information about the nouns.
Position of The Adjectives
Unlike adverbs, which often seem capable of
popping up almost anywhere in a sentence.
Adjectives nearly always appearimmediately
before the noun that they modify.
Most adjectives appear in two main
• Before a noun
Examples :
a. The haughty doctor ordered me to observe the
patient’s vital signs.
b. The contaminated needle must be disposed of.
•After certain verbs like be, seem, look,
sound, smell, taste, feel, become, get.

• Examples:
– The patient seems withdrawn today.
– The toilet in medical ward 1 looks and smells
– I felt relief that the operation was a success.
– The water in the tank is murky.
Formation of Adjectives
Adjectives can be formed by adding suffixes to
nouns and verbs.
Adjectives Ending –y, -ly Adjectives Ending in –al, -ar
Examples : Examples :
• Slow - Slowly • Person - Personal
• Bad - Badly • Circle - Circular
• Air - Airy
Adjectives Ending in –ial, -ual Adjectives Ending with –en, -oid
Examples : Example :
• Bury - burial • Rot - Roten
• Fact - factual • Paranoia - Paranoid
• Continue -continual
Adjectives Ending in –able, -ible Adjectives Ending in –ent, -ant
Examples : Examples :
• Move - Movable • Efficiency - Efficient
• Sense - Sensible • Tolerance - Tolerant
Adjectives Ending in – less, full Adjectives Ending in -ve
Examples : Examples :
• Breath - Breathless • Product - Productive
• Hope - Hopefull • Response - Responsive
Adjectives ending in –ed ; these adjectives
refer to something that has already happened
to a person or thing.
Examples :
– We were loved nursing.
– We were dissapointed with their performance.
Adjectives Ending in – ing: these adjective
refer to something that is in a continuous
Examples :
– A smiling nurse
– An operating teatre
– An interesting case
Adjectives that are formed with neither prefix
nor suffix
Examples :
– Young
– Bitter
– Cool
– Old
– Warm
Adjectives use prefixes to form their opposites.
Examples :
• Unnatural
• Incapable
• Impossible
• Illegible
Adverbs are words, which modify or add to
the meaning of Verbs. Adjectives or another
Example :
• We must examine the patients thoroughly
- Adverb – thorougly describes the actin examine.
• The clinical assintant walked hastily toward the
- Adverb – hastily describe the action walked.
Adverbs are divided into the following
classes according to their use :
Manner : to show how actions Place : to indicate where actions
are carried out. / activities happen.
• Hastily • Here
• Calmly • There
• Carefully • Inside
• Conscientiously • Wherever
• Anywhere
The doctor examines his Fanny searched for the
patients conscientiously he psychiatric patient
eats alone. everywhere
Time : to indicate when action / Degree : to indicate the relative
activities happen. condition af action/ activities.
• Now • Very
• Then • Quite
• Soon • Almost
• Today • To
• So
• Already
• Event
• Before
• Simply
• Ago • Just
The surgeons are The surgical wound is
performing the operation healing very well.
Frequency : to show how often action or activities are
carried out.

• Always
• Usually
• Often
• Sometime
• Seldom
• never
Formation of Adverbs
We can form adverbs by adding suffixes to

Adverbs ending in –y
Example :
• Full - Fully
•Simple - Simply
Some adverbs do not have prefix
Adverbs ending in -ily or suffix.
Examples: Examples :
• Easy - Easily • Fast
• Noisy - Noisily • Hard
• Hungry - Hungrily • Loud
• early
Adverbs ending with -ly Adverbs ending in -ally
Examples : Examples :
• Proper - Properly • Scientific - Scientifically
• Accurate -Accurately • Systematic - Sistematically
• Cheerful - Cherfully • Surgical - Surgically

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