Intensive Pronouns

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Intensive Pronouns

 You often use pronouns that end in –self

or –selves. These forms are intensive pro
 Intensive: The children made that rug the
 An intensive pronoun is used to emph
asize another word, its antecedent.
 An intensive pronoun may or may not ref
er to the subject of the sentence. It can u
sually be left out without destroying the m
eaning of the sentence.
 Sid himself hung the picture.
 Intensive pronouns must agree with their
antecedents in person, number, and gen
 I will fix myself lunch in a while.
 Jack can fix a sandwich himself.
Intensive Pronouns (add to
pronoun flip book)
Singular Plurals
Myself Ourselves

Yourself Yourselves

Himself, herself, itself themselves

 Do not use intensive pronoun forms in pl
ace of personal pronouns.
 Ron and I repaired the lamp. (not Ron and m
 This is between you and me. (not between y
ou and myself)
 Never use the words hisself or theirsel
ves. (they are not words)
Find the antecedent of each underli
ned pronoun.

1. Hubert found himself in the middle of a f

2. We met the plumber herself.
3. The oven cleaned itself.
4. Let’s try to fix the sink ourselves.
5. I will call the painters myself.
6. Don’t slip and hurt yourselves.
Antecedent Answers

1. Hubert found himself in the middle of a

2. We met the plumber herself.
3. The oven cleaned itself.
4. Let’s try to fix the sink ourselves.
5. I will call the painters myself.
6. Don’t slip and hurt yourselves.
How would you correct each
of the following sentences?
 7. The painters protected theirselves fro
m fumes.
 8. Mrs. Sullivan and myself found the sou
rce of the leak under the sink.
 9. Her son can repair pipes hisself now.
 10. Herself and Russell will fix the sink to

 7. The painters protected themselves fro

m fumes.
 8. Mrs. Sullivan and I found the source of
the leak under the sink.
 9. Her son can repair pipes himself now.
 10. She and Russell will fix the sink tomo
Complete each sentence wit
h an appropriate pronoun.
 11. Her brother has taught _______ much abo
ut house repair and maintence.
 12. The painters should see ______ in those fu
nny hats.
 13. We ________ aren’t sure of the color we s
hould use.
 14. You should learn to repair things ________
 15. The work __________ is not difficult.

 11. Her brother has taught himself much about

house repair and maintenance.
 12. The painters should see themselves in thos
e funny hats.
 13. We ourselves aren’t sure of the color we sh
ould use.
 14. You should learn to repair things yourself.
 15. The work itself is not difficult.
Identify the pronoun in each sentenc

 16. They themselves knew they looked funny.

 17. One had painted himself green.
 18. Another had decorated herself with blue sp
 19. The paint itself was splattered all over the fl
 20. The painters thought themselves very comi
 21. I myself had to try hard not to laugh.

 16. They themselves knew they looked funny.

 17. One had painted himself green.
 18. Another had decorated herself with blue sp
 19. The paint itself was splattered all over the fl
 20. The painters thought themselves very comi
 21. I myself had to try hard not to laugh.
Rewrite each sentence corre
ctly. Underline the corrected
 22. My brother and myself tried to fix som
ething once.
 23. My brother fooled hisself that time.
 24. Himself and I tried to fix the clock.
 25. Between you and myself, we ruined t
he job.

 22. My brother and I tried to fix somethin

g once.
 23. My brother fooled himself that time.
 24. He and I tried to fix the clock.
 25. Between you and me, we ruined the j
Rewrite each sentence, adding an a
ppropriate pronoun.

 26. First, you should read the directions _____

 27. Several professional repair persons _____
___ gave me that advice.
 28. Repair manuals ________ also provide the
amateur with excellent advice and tips about w
 29. I _______ found out about repair manuals t
he hard way.
 30. One night last week, my mother and father
had given ________ an evening out.

 26. First, you should read the directions yourse

 27. Several professional repair persons themse
lves gave me that advice.
 28. Repair manuals themselves also provide th
e amateur with excellent advice and tips about
 29. I myself found out about repair manuals the
hard way.
 30. One night last week, my mother and father
had given themselves an evening out.
Rewrite each sentence, adding an a
ppropriate pronoun.

 31. Meanwhile, I decided to repair my broken a

larm clock ________.
 32. My brother Patrick said, “You can’t do that
 33. He decided to help me _______.
 34. As it later turned out, Pat and I could have
saved _________ much time and trouble.
 35. The clock ________ needed only a new ba

 31. Meanwhile, I decided to repair my broken a

larm clock myself.
 32. My brother Patrick said, “You can’t do that
 33. He decided to help me himself.
 34. As it later turned out, Pat and I could have
saved ourselves much time and trouble.
 35. The clock itself needed only a new battery!

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