Mental Health a-WPS Office

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Mental Health and

Well-Being in
Middle and Late
By: Jerk Valencia
Jeshua Rophe Gepilago
Maraiah Kyla Fallar
Cristine Estrebella
Freshia Carmillee Ritz Gamdullas
The adolescents stage entails a lot
of pressures and challenges to
teenagers as they assume mature
roles. Support system is very
important as this will ensure that
they are well-guided as they
carefully go through tje stage. This
lesson present the concepts of
mental health and psychological
well-beings and ways on how to
stay mentally healthy during
adloscents period.

Identify vulnerabilities of
adolescence stage and
make plans on how to stay
mentally healthy
Thumbs up if you consider
detrimental to your:
Psychological/ Mental
• Family Problems • Financial problems
• Unsupported problems
• Challenging tasks in
• Sibling rivalry
• Pressure to look good to
• Strict and inconsiderate be accepted in a group
proffesors • Unrequited affection from
a secret crush
• Peer pressure to drink • Cyber addiction
and smoke
What is Mental health and what is its
impact on adolescents?
• Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in
which every individual realizes his or her own potential,
can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work
productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a
contribution to her or his community.
• Consequences for Others. Peers, family members,
faculty, and staff may be personally affected out of
concern for these students. Depression and anxiety can
have harmful effects on relationships and work
productivity. Suicide and suicidal thoughts can affect
the larger campus community.
Academics Low Self- esteem Eating disorder

Mood swings Lost of interests

Key Mental Health Issues:
• Depression
a state of feeling sad; a serious medical condition in
which a person feel very sad, hopeless, and
unimportant, and often is unable to live in a normal
way; requires immediate treatment
Body image concerns
can become
obsessions, resulting in
startling weightloss,
severely affecting the
adloescents health.

a.) Anorexia

b.) Bulimia
1. Use of alcohol
2. Use of drugs:
3. Marijuana,
Nicotine, etc.
4. Tobbaco
Additional Readings

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