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Group 10

1. Guided learning

2. Student Teaching
3. Group Work
 Definition
 Assist students as they work through a
 Figure our the answer for themselves
 Role of Teacher
 Provide students with the tools they need
 Assist by answering their questions
 Advantages
 Students ACTIVELY think about the factors
 Remember the experience
 Instructor’s role:
 Teach students about all the resources available
 Show how to use help to search for functions
 Define the problem that they must solve
 Ask questions / Prompt them for ideas

 Learner’s responsibility
 Determine how to approach the problem
 Try solutions for themselves
 Definition
 Students teach each others based on
instructors’ supports
 Role of Teacher
 Be prepared for the questions that the
students will ask
 Assign each student a topic from the lesson
 Assist each group with learning topic
 Instructor’s role:
 Assign a particular component of the computer to each group

 Learner’s responsibility
 Prepare a short lesson on its attributes and functions
 Present the lessons to their peers
 Effective instructional method
 Component of other methods such á
student teaching
 Organize students into groups
 Advanced students can assist others
 Group students in pairs
 Ask them to work through the problem themselves

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