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Sexual and Asexual

Reproduction in Plant

11 Newton A
Earth and Life Science

Is a biological process by

which living organisms
produce more individuals of
their own kind.
2 types of Reproduction in
Asexual Reproduction- Involves no union
of cells or nuclei of cells and therefore no
mingling of genetic traits since the nucleos
contains the genetic material of the cell.

Sexual Reproduction – Produces offspring

by the fusion of gametes resuling in offpring
different from the parents.
Plant Propagation

Is the process of multiplying the numbers of a

species .
Sexual Propagation-
Union of pollen and egg drawing from the
genes of two parents create a new and third
Asexual Propagation- Involves taking part of
one parent plant and causing it to regenerate
itself to a new plant.
Vegetative Propagation
 The multiplication of propagation of plants in which
new plants grow from any part of the parent plant
Reproductive Process
 Pollination is when pollen grains from an anther, the male
portion of a flower, are transferred to a female part in the
flower, known as the stigma. In order for pollination to be
successful, the pollen grains transferred must be from a
flower of the same species.
Seed Dispersal
 is the transportation of seeds away from the parent plant
either done manually or mechanilly.
 Is the development of a seed into a new plant it will begin
when certain internal requirments have been met
Reproductive Apparatus
 Flowers-use color scent a nd nectar to attract animals so that
the pollination process begin
 Fruit -is the growing ovary of the plant that swells and
protects the developing seeds of the plant until they are ripe
 Seed-A good quality seed from a realible dealer will yield
quality plants.
Methods of Breaking dormancy
 Seed Scarification-involvee breaking scratching or softening
the seed coat so that water can enter and begin germination
 Seed Starificarion-Seed of some fall ripening trees and
shrubs of the temperature zone will not germinate unless
chilled underground as thet overwinter this is called

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