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 Papaya has many applications
in processed-food products and
is available in a variety of forms,
including purée, concentrate,
powder, and dried or canned
slices or chunks. Papaya purée
is the major semiprocessed
product that finds use in juices,
nectars, fruit cocktails, jams and
1. Lowers cholesterol
2. Helps in weight loss
3. Boosts you immunity
4. Good for diabetics
5. Great for your eyes
6. Protect against arthritis
7. Improves digestion
8. Helps ease menstrual pain
9. Prevents signs of ageing
10. Prevents cancer

11. Help reduce stress

 A number of low-moisture products,
such as fruit leather, toffees, chunks,
rolls and slices, have also been
prepared from papaya purée. Besides
its well-known use in food applications,
the papaya has many traditional
medicinal uses. Shamans in the
Amazon used the seeds to cure
parasites, which commonly affect
native people.
Dried papaya is a tropical
fruit with a unique and
exotic sweet taste. It is
naturally rich in dietary
fiber, antioxidants, and
beta-carotene. These
dried papaya spears are a
great way to satisfy a
sweet craving, while
providing the body with an
energizing source of
nutrients. Some say dried
papaya can act like an
aphrodisiac. You'll never
Are you looking for a
healthy drink? Do you
have weak immune
system? Fear not the
Papaya juice is for you!
This juice contains
vitamin A and C which
helps boost your immune
Only 100 pesos you can
now live healthy!
Do you love stuffing your
Are you done with the
usual strawberry jam?
Do you want to try
something new?
Fear not the Papaya jam
is for you! You can now
enjoy this jam for only
130 pesos!
Papaya leaf juice is one of the
best detox drinks you can ask
It has vitamins A, B, C, and E
and minerals like calcium,
phosphorus, and iron.
The leaves have high levels of
phytochemicals like saponins,
tannins, alkaloids, and
flavonoids, especially β-
carotene, that work together to
cleanse your blood improve its
circulation treat GI tract
disorders protect your liver and
kidneys from inflammation
manage hypertension,
diabetes, and several
The papaya enzymes
in Nature's Gate
Moisturizing Body
Lotion will help
hydrate and soften
your skin — just in
time for tank top
Nature's Gate
Moisturizing Lotion,
Enriched with Papaya
Enzymes and vitamin E,
this soap helps improve
the appearance of skin,
making it softer and
San ka pa edi sa silka
papaya kana!

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