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Sales Management

Personal Selling:
Approaches and Process
Personal Selling Approaches
 Stimulus Response Selling
 Mental States Selling
 Need Satisfaction Selling
 Problem-Solving Selling
 Consultative Selling
Stimulus Response Selling I
Simplest:Salesperson provides the stimuli
using words and actions.
Stimuli: statements, questions, actions,
audio-video aids, demonstrations
Responses: favorable reactions, eventual
Continued Affirmation:
prospect keeps saying “yes”
 Often used in telemarketing
Mental States Selling III
 Disadvantages
It is difficult to recognize the stage
that the buyer is in.
At times prospect may be in multiple states
simultaneously, or switching back and forth.
 Not a customer-oriented method.
Sales Mix Model
 Presentation Pace
 Presentation Scope
 Depth of Inquiry
 Two-Way Comm
 Visual Aids
Developing Customer
 Sales Presentation Delivery
 Building Credibility
 Personal Behavior/Appearance: Professionalism
 Knowledge: Product, Customer, Competition
 Sales Techniques: No Gimmicks
 Achieving Clarity
 Coping with Questions/Objections
 Gaining Customer Commitment

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