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Nelson Mandela, "Madiba" as the
South Africans said, is synonymous
with peace and admiration for
everyone. He was the first
democratically elected president
and after his 27 years in prison he
received the Nobel Peace Prize.
Many were his achievements and
the teachings that this admirable
recently deceased man has left as
a legacy.
Mandela's great achievements and teachings
Transformed injustice into a tool for
Nelson Mandela spent 27 years imprisoned
because of apartheid in harsh conditions, which
earned him serious health problems. But he knew
how to transform the tragedy to strengthen his
struggle. The years of captivity served to
accumulate much wisdom and temperance for his
future actions, rather than resentment and thirst for
revenge. During those years he devised peaceful
methods to end the ordeal lived by the black South
African population. Proof of this is the following
sentence he said when he was released from jail:

When I got out of jail that was my mission: to free

both the oppressed and the oppressor
The years of confinement he used to
study law

Instead of wasting the years of captivity in

wasting time and accumulating thirst for
revenge and hate, he chose to study law.
Although the conditions were extremely
adverse, he had the willpower to devote
himself to study. It was thus that he spent those
empty hours to study by correspondence
through the program of the University of
London and in 1942 he received a lawyer from
the University of Witwatersrand.
Nobel Peace Prize

In 1993 the Norwegian Nobel Committee presented him with

the Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of his struggle to end
apartheid and lay the foundations for the new South African
democracy. Mandela said on this occasion

“We are here today only as representatives of

the millions of our citizens who dared to rise
against a social system whose essence is war,
violence, racism, oppression, repression and
impoverishment of a whole people”
First democratic
black president in
South Africa
In May of 1994 Mandela
became the first black
president of South Africa
going back to history. His
mandate was also
characterized by betting
on reconciliation and
peaceful coexistence,
marking a clear before
and after in the history of
South Africa
The Nelson

After his retirement from

political activity, Mandela
dedicated himself to this
foundation whose main
objective is the promotion
of a more just and
egalitarian society. One of
the most prominent causes
of the NGO is the fight
against AIDS.
 Glade, The GLADE Centre
Resources for Learning
 Nelson mandela foundation, 2019.
 South African History Online, SAHO, 2015,
 Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, September 15 of 2019,

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