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• Dissatisfaction :- Anything that disturbs an employee, whether or not the unrest is
unexpressed in words.

• Complaint:- A spoken or written dissatisfaction brought to the attention of


• Grievance :- A complaint that has formally presented to a management

• A grievance can be defined as any sort of dissatisfaction which needs to redressed in
order to bring about the smooth functioning of the individual in the organization.

• When a complaint remains unattended and the employee concerned feels a lack of
justice and fair play, the dissatisfaction grows and assumes the status of grievance.
Objectives of Grievances

• To improve human relations

• To enhance productivity
• To enhance organisational image
• To prevent accidents and improve safety standards
• To improve good HRM Practices
• To identity hot spots
• To improve communication
• To ensure speedy solutions for grievances
It is required that the grievance must fall under the following category to be considered

1. Compensation
2. Conditions of work
3. Disciplinary action
4. Fines
5. Leave
6. Medical benefits
7. Nature of job
8. Payments
9. Promotion
10. Safety Environment
11. Super Annuation
12. Transfers




1. Economic :- wage fixation, overtime, bonus. Employees feel they are getting less than
what they ought to get

2. Working Environment :- poor working conditions, defective equipment and

machinery,told, materials

3. Work Group :- incompatibility with peers. Feeling of neglect and victimisation

4. Work organisation :- Rigid and unfair rules, too mch less work responsibility

• Loss of interest in work, lack of commitment

• Low productivity
• Increase in wastage and costs
• Increase in the incidence of accidents
• Indiscipline

1. Exit interview
2. Observations
3. Complaint boxes
4. Surveys
1. Exit Interview
People resign die to dissatisfaction, they spell out the real truth. Knowing exactly
why they leave.

2. Attitude Survey
Questionnaires, interviews, anonymous feedback.

3. Complaint Box
Knowing about the complaints regarding to the issues that arises.

4. Observations
Identify the inner feelings of people through behaviour, observe facial expressions
• Guidelines for handling Grievances

• Investigate and handle
• Direct observations
• Suggestion box
• Equality
• Examine records
• Discussing with single party
• Long written answers
• bargain excluding contract
• settling on fairness

• The manager should immediately identify all grievances and must take appropriate
steps to eliminate the causes of such grievances so that the employees remain loyal
and committed to their work.

• Effective grievance management is an essential part of personal management.

• The managers should adopt the following approach to manage grievance effectively:-
• Quick Action – As soon as grievance arises, if should be identified and resolved. Raining
must be given to the managers to effectively and timely manage a grievance. This will
Lower the effects of grievances on the employees and their performance.

• Acknowledging grievance – The manager must acknowledge the grievance put forward by
the employee as manifestation of true and real feelings of the employees. Acknowledgement
by the manager that the manager is eager to look into the complaint impartially and without
any bias.
• Gathering facts - the managers should gather appropriate and sufficient facts explaining
the grievance nature. A record of such facts must be maintained so that these can be used
in later stage grievance redressal.

• Examining the cause of grievance - actual cause of grievance should be identified.

Accordingly remedial actions should be taken to prevent repetition of the grievance.

• Decisioning- after identifying the causes of grievance alternate course of actions should be
thought after manage the grievance. The effect of each course of action on the existing
and future management policies and procedure should be analysed and accordingly
decision should be analysed and accordingly decision should be taken by the manager .
• Execution and review- the manager should execute the decisions quickly, ignoring the
fact that it may or may not hurt the employees concerned. After implementing the
decision, follow up must be there to ensure that greviance has been resolved completely.

• An effective grievance procedure ensures an amiable work environment because it

redresses the grievance to mutual satisfaction of both the employees and the managers.

• It also helps the management to frame policies and procedures acceptable to the
employees.It becomes an effective medium for the employees to express their feelings
and dissatisfaction openly and formally.
Different stages for redressal of grievances

Grievance redressal procedure is followed at 3 levels for prompt action1.

• First stage( mine/ department level)
• Second stage( area level)
If the employees is not satisfied he may request to the manager or HOD to forward his
grievance to the Grievance Committee constituted at Area level.
• Third stage( corporate level)
If the employees is not satisfied with the reply given by the Grievance Committee at Area
level he can represent the matter to the director at Corporate level.
Benefits of grievance handling procedures
• It encourages the employees to raise concerns without fear .
• It provides a fair and speedy means dealing of grievances.
• It prevents minor disagreements developing into more serious disputes.
• It saves employer's time and money as solution are found for workplace problems.
• It helps built in organisational climate based on openness and trust.
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