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Whitefield Ebenezer Brethren

Bro. Ravi Kumar Kattempudi
Spiritual Discernment
Spiritual Discernment

1. Defining Discernment
2. Need for Discernment
3. Biblical References of different
4. Biblical contexts of different
5. Practical applications to our context
6. Reasons for lack of Discernment
7. Biblical Passage for an activity
Spiritual Discernment

1. Defining Discernment:
According to Webster, to discern is from a root which means
“to separate, distinguish between.”

Discernment. the ability to show good judgment about the

quality of somebody/something synonym discrimination He
shows great discernment in his choice of friends. She is a
woman of the highest taste and discernment. (Oxford

Discernment. the ability to judge people and things well: It's

clear that you are a person of discernment. (Cambridge
Spiritual Discernment

1. Defining Discernment:
The wise will “cry for discernment” and seek wisdom so that
they can “discern the fear of the Lord” and “discern
righteousness and justice and equity and every good
course” (Proverbs 2:3,5, 9).

One of the differences between the mature

and immature is having their “senses
trained to discern good and evil” (Hebrews
5:14). Without the ability to discern, a person remains
immature and subject to the false teaching
Spiritual Discernment

2. Need for Discernment:

 Discernment is an optional? If No why?

 Answers with Scriptural references

 Practical areas in which we need Discernment

 Discernment Vs Rational thinking

We are living in a indiscriminate world…

Spiritual Discernment

3. Biblical References:
Gen 27:23, Gen 42:8
Spiritual Discernment

Occurs 873 times in KJV

1 Samuel 2:12, Job 9:28

Spiritual Discernment

Ezra 3:13, Neh 6:12

Spiritual Discernment

Biyn (Bene): (1 Smauel 3:8, Job 32:8)

‫ ִּבין‬bîyn, bene; a primitive root; to separate

mentally (or distinguish), i.e.(generally)
understand:—attend, consider, be cunning, diligently,
direct, discern, eloquent, feel, inform, instruct, have
intelligence, know, look well to, mark, perceive,
be prudent, regard, (can) skill(-full), teach, think, (cause,
make to, get, give, have) understand(-ing), view, (deal)
wise(-ly, man).
Spiritual Discernment

Intensively looking throughout,

Like 23:4
1 Cor 4:3
Acts 17:11

Diakrino: Mathew 16:3, Luke 2:56, 1 Cor 11: 29

to separate, make a distinction, discriminate, to prefer

to learn by discrimination, to try, decide
to determine, give judgment, decide a dispute
Spiritual Discernment


To test, examine, prove, scrutinise (to see whether a

thing is genuine or not), as metals
to recognise as genuine after examination, to approve,
deem worthy
1 Thessalonians 5:21, Philippians 1:10

Kritikos: (Hebrew 4:12)

Relating to judging, fit for judging, skilled in judging
Spiritual Discernment

4. Biblical contexts of different Discernments:

1. Lords Encounter with Pharisees (Mathew 16:3)

2. Lord before Pilate (Luke23: 14)
3. Natural Man vs Spiritual Man (1 Cor 2:14)
4. Examine Everything (1Thess 5:21)
5. The Word of God is Discerner (Hebrews 4:12)
6. Spiritual Immaturity (Hebrews 5:14)
7. Discernment in the days of famine

 By Close relation with the Lord and feasting

with His Word will make us Discerner. We
should know the mind of the Lord…
Spiritual Discernment

5. Practical applications to our context

1. Decisions
2. Deeds/Doings
3. Devotion
4. Dialogues
5. Dogmatic/Doctrine
6. Duties
7. Difficulties
Spiritual Discernment

6. Reasons for lack of Discernment Intensively looking

The weakness of the flesh,
Satanic deception, and
The influence of the world ( 1 Thess 5: 16-21)

1. Weakening of doctrinal clarity and conviction.

2. The unwillingness to be absolute
3. Absence of Church Discipline
4. Immaturity
5. Image and influence as the key to evangelization
6. Making everybody feel good
7. Inadequate interpretation of Scripture
Spiritual Discernment

7. Biblical Passage for an activity

Be careful what you eat (2 Kings 4:38-41)!

Spiritual Discernment

Thank you!

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