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by Agustia Merdekawati

Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

BACKGROUND introduction
In learning English, we do not only learn about grammar, speaking, reading, and writing, but we have
to learn about vocabulary. In this case, vocabulary has an important role in learning English vocabulary. We
could not understand each other’s and we could not express our opinion, feeling and ideas. On the other
hand, teaching vocabulary is very hard, because the teachers had to choose an appropriate ways in order to
make the learning process effectively. So, the students enjoyed and relaxed learning vocabulary and they
could master it. There were many factors that made the students difficult in mastering vocabulary. Allen
(1999) stated that lack of interest, self confidence, motivation, teacher and environment are factors that
hamper students to master English vocabulary.
The researcher conducting pre-observing such as interview with the real English teacher has done in
Friday, January 25, 2019, with English teacher namely Misna, S.Pd. The teacher teaching at SMP Negeri 3
Wundulako in class VIII, the result of interviewed the researcher found that ; 1) The students could not
understand the meaning and did not know how to write the word, because the students were very lazy to
memorize the meaning of the words, the students just saw the words on dictionary without memorizing their
meaning and without giving attention about the written form. 2) The students could not pronounce the
words well, because the students just read the words based on its writing, they did not observe the way to
pronounce the words. 3) The teacher still used a uninterest method in teaching English, in this problems the
teachers just gave list vocabulary to students and asked them to memorize the vocabulary, which made the
students did not interest and feel bored in learning process.
Question of the Research
“Is there any significant effect of
Show and Tell method in teaching
vocabulary of the second grade at Objective of the Research
SMP Negeri 3 Wundulako?”
to find out of the effect of show and
tell method can improve the
students’ vocabulary in second grade
of SMP Negeri 3 Wundulako.

Scope of the Research

Definition of Terms
In vocabulary just focus on noun such
1. Barnhart (2008) vocabulary is stock of words used
as fruits, animals and the things
by person, list of words, usually in alphabetical
around us. This research take a place
order and defined.
at the second year students of SMP
Negeri 3 Wundulako 2019-2020. 2. Mortlock (2014) stated that show and tell method
denotes a practice where by children are given
opportunity to share an oral narrative about an
object or experience.

literature review

1. Previous of the Research

2. Some Pertiment Ideas
3. The Concept of Vocabulary
4. The concept of Show and Tell (S&T) Method
5. Conceptual Frame Work
6. Hypothesis

The researcher will use pre-test and post-test design
CHAPTER III in both experimental and control class. The aimed to
find out of the using of Show and Tell (S&T) method
research method in enhancing students’ vocabulary. To get the
effectiveness significant by comparing the pre-test
Method of the Research and post-test both of experimental class and control
The design of this research will use quasi class.
experimental design : with experimental and The research design in this research can be see as
control class. One group is treated as the follows:
experimental class and other group is treated
as the control class. In exerimental class, the
researcher will apply show and Tell (S&T) as
method in teaching while in control class use
conventional teaching. Kholik (2011).
Convetional learning methods are traditional
learning methods or also called lecture
methods, because this method had always
been used as an oral communication tool
beetwen teachers and students in the learning

Population and Sample Research Instrument
According to Arikunto (2013), population is The instrument of the research is the test which
all subjects in the research. The population have purpose to figure out a number of students’
of this research will take from the second vocabulary mastery. The test would give through
year students of SMP Negeri 3 Wundulako pre -test and post-test. The test is vocabulary which
in academic year 2019/2020. The total consists of 15 numbers for multiple choice to both
numbers of population are 40 students, pre-test and post-test. The pre-test intended to find
consists of 2 classes. The researcher will out the students’ achievement of English
take VIII.A consist of 20 students as vocabulary while the post-test is intended to find
experimental class and VIII.B consist of 20 out the students’ vocabulary improvement after
students as the control class. the treatment will given. The content of pre-test is
the same the content of the post-test. The
instrument of this research is vocabulary test. The
function of the test was to know the students’
achievement after teach by using Tell and show
Before the test will use as the real instrument the
researcher try out it firstly in order to find out the
validity and realibility of the test. The result will
calculate by using SPSSv16.0 6
Validity Test
According to Arikunto (2002) Validity is measure that indicates the level of validity an instrument which
is less valid means having low validity.
Before validity will used as the real instrument, the test will try out in order to find out the validity of
the test. To know the validity, the researcher uses Ms. Excel and found the correlation between each
question item and score total (appendiced)

Criteria of validity test :

- If r-count is bigger than r-value of table (Rxy > Rtable) it means that instrument valid

- If r-count is small than r-value of table (Rxy < Rtable) it means that instrument not valid

(Sugiono, 2003)

Data Collecting Procedures Data Analysis Technique
1. Preliminary of The Research In this research two tests of data analysis will conduct, namely the
prerequisite test for analysis and hypothesis testing. . The analysis
2. Visitting the headmaster prerequisite test is by normality test and homogeneity test between
3. Visitting the english teacher the subjects of the experimental class and the control class and then
testing the hypothesis between the experimental group and the
4. Giving the pre-test control group will use Independent Sample T test.
5. Giving treatment 1. Distribution Normality Test
6. Giving the post test 2. Test of variance Homogenity
3. The hypotesis test

Criteria of Testing Hypothesis

1. If t count > t table in level 0,05 it refers to H1 is accepted and H0 was rejected. It means that is

an effect of Tell and Show technique to the vocabulary achievement at the second grade of SMP

Negeri 3 Wundulako.

2. If t count < t table in level 0,05 it refers to H1 is accepted and H0 was rejected. It means that is
no effect of Tell and Show technique to the vocabulary achievement at the second grade of SMP
Thank you...

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