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Exploring the Activity

 Grab a partner and exchange papers.

 Read and analyze the narrative of your partner.
 Encircle words or phrases that caught your attention.
 Answer the questions below and discuss with your partner.
 What is the narrative about?
 When and where did the events in the narrative happen?
 Who are the people involved in the narrative?
 What is the situation of the narrative? Did the people in the narrative
experience a problem? If they did, how did they solve it? Explain.
 If you were in the situation of any of the characters in the narrative, would
you feel or do the same? Why or why not? What advice can you give the
main character?
The Use of
Language to
and Emotional
From Readers

– Words are one of the most important tool in writing.

– To evoke emotions/ Feelings
– To express ideas/ thoughts
– To communicate
– It’s not just a matter of learning enough words and
expanding one’s vocabulary.
“Your eyes are resemblance
of the morning dew, exotic as
an orchid and beautiful as
the burning bluish stars in
the thick darkness of the
clouds. When I look into your
mesmerizing eyes, I can see
many precious and luxurious
things. Your eyes remind me
– It is a figurative language used to present objects,
actions, and ideas in a manner that appeals to the
– It uses vivid descriptive language to add depth to
the work.
– It creates mental pictures as an individual reads the
I went to the store and bought
some flowers. Then, I headed to
the meat department. Later, I
realized I forgot to buy bread.
Upon entering a grocery store, I headed the directly
for the flower department, where I spotted tulips. As I
tenderly rested the tulips in my rusty shopping cart, I
caught a whiff of a minty dried eucalyptus, so I added
the fragrant forest green bouquet of eucalyptus to my
cart. While heading for the meat department, I
smelled the stench of seafood, which made my
appetite disappear. I absently grabbed a bloody red
hunk of NY strip and tossed it into my cart. Pushing my
creaky shopping cart to check out the line, I heard an
employee announce over the PA that there was a
special on shrimp. On the ride home, I realized I forgot
to buy the freshly baked bread that I like so much.
Sensory Experience
VISUAL: the picture in words; concrete; appeals to the sense of sight
Ex. The clouds were low and hairy like locks blown forward
in the gleam of eyes.
The iced branches shed ‘crystal shells.’

AUDITORY: appeals to the sense of sound

Ex. Joanna, the minute she set her eyes on him, let loose the
scream of her life.
The rumbling sound of clouds, indicated start of monsoon
Sensory Experience
OLFACTORY: appeals to the sense of smell
Ex. She smelled as sweet as roses.
I was awakened by the strong smell of a freshly brewed
GUSTATORY: appeals to the sense of taste
Ex. Christina served the bland sea-prawn pasta with the
sweet marinara sauce.
I endured the pungent taste of the unripe bananas.
Sensory Experience
TACTILE: appeals to the sense of touch
Ex. The cold water touched his skin and he felt a shudder run down his
His corned working hands were brought out by years hard work and toil.
KINESTHETIC: pertains to movements or bodily motion
Ex. Ange's heartbeat was so loud, she felt it could be heard across the
THERMAL: depicts temperature
Ex. A sudden gush of December wind breezed against my face,
reminding me of Christmas.
Sensory Experience
EROTIC: suggests sensual sensation
His eyes follow her wherever she goes, like a
blind servant following his omnipresent master.

I shuddered and felt a tingling sensation as

his warm breath heaved through my nape.
1. The deserted building on the island looked like a ghost.
2. The dry reeds felt strange against their skin.
3. As soon as they recognized each other, they shook hands energetically.
4. She was moaning while her fingers are fearfully trembling.
5. The rooster crowed at early dawn, a sign that it was time to start the day.
6. The sweet smell of roasted marshmallows filled the air.
7. Jason is about to bite into a delicious cupcake, stifled in chocolate frosting.
8. Sarah placed her bare hand on the cold snow.
9. The sweet scent of maple wafted through the room.
10. The deep blue hues of twilight were reflected in the still water.
“It was a dark and stormy night...”
First Draft for Performance Task no.1
Write a short narrative using the phrase above.
The narrative must be at least 3 paragraphs and not more than 5.
Use the guide questions last meeting to help you with developing
your story and ensure the use of all the elements.
DEADLINE: JULY 19, 2019 (Friday)
Rubric – to be given tomorrow

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