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A = Doctor B= Patient

Treatment: Pengobatan
A: Hi. have a seat.
Ailment : Penyakit
Now what seems to be the problem?
Prescribe: Buat resep
Advice : Nasehat B: I have a rash on my arm. (Ailment)
Rash : bercak2 pada kulit
A: How long have you had the rash?
After meals: setelah makan
Apply : oleskan B: It’s been about a week (duration)
Previous medication:
A: Are you taking anything for it?
pengobatan sebelumnya
Sore throat: radang tenggorokan B: I put some cream on it but it doesn’t seem
to be helping. (Previous Medication)
Sprain : terkilir
Ankle : mata kaki A: I see. Are you allergic to any medications?
Aspirin : obat
B: Not that I know of.
Indigestion: salah pencernaan
Cut : luka iris A: I’m going to give you a prescription for
some ointment. Apply it 3 times a day
Drink plenty of fluids: minum banyak cairan

Avoid foods containing milk: hindari makanan yg mengandung susu

Get lots of rest: banyak istirahat

Get some exercise: banyak olahraga

Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables: makan byk sayuran

Drink warm tea with honey: minum the hangat dan madu

Avoid scratching your skin: hindari menggaruk kilitmu

Use as little soap as possible: gunakan sedikit sabun

Avoid spicy food: hindari makanan yg asin

Cut down on eating and drinking: kurangi makan dan minum

Wash carefully with mild soap: cuci hati2 dengan sabun

Keep dirt out of it: jauhkan dari kotoran

Keep ice on it for 24 hours: beri es selama 24 jam

Loose some weight: kurangi berat badan

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