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Stock market prediction

Presented by- Roopa Ram (101506141)

Faculty Mentor- Dr. Geetanjali

Industry Mentor- Mr. Kamal Garg

Company Profile

• Leading strategic IT company offering integrated IT solutions.

• Specialist developer and provider of innovative software solutions.

• Founded in 2011, Company have experience, expertise and capabilities

to enable organizations to accelerate their service processes.


• Web Designing

• UI & UX Design

• Web Development

• Android App Development

• iOS App Development

• Digital Marketing
Objective of the project

• Main goal is to use Machine Learning algorithms to build predictive model

with python packages and data analysis programs.

• Training the original data set is important to build models.

• Finally, the aim is to build a Machine Learning based software called “Stock
market predictor” which will help investors in investing their money in
dynamic stock market.
Technologies Stack
Sample Data set

In order to predict stock market there are few models that are
widely used, we have to use an approach that can train on a
sequential data set. Major machine learning models are stand out
according to my research.
1. LSTM neural network
2. Linear regression
Dataset and Parameters

After Pre-processing
Solution Architecture
Flow Chart for Project
After Normalisation
Long short term memory neural network

A type of recurrent neural network that is composed of four main

components : a cell ,an input gate, an output gate and a forget gate
that is used to learn from sequential data such as neural languages
Spliting Of data into Training & Set

• For linear Regression

Splitted the dataset into the training (68.53%) and test (31.47%)

• For LSTM
Splitted the dataset into the training (82.95%) and test (17.05%)
Plot for raw data set
Plot for linear Regression:
Plot for LSTM
Result Comparison:

Root Mean Square Error

 For Linear Regression:

Confusion Matrix

• Performance measurement for machine learning classification

problem where output can be two or more classes.
• A table with 4 different combinations of predicted and actual
Thank You!

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