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 -Write a personal definition of globalization

 Agree on a working definition of globalization
for the course
 Differentiate globalization from globalism.
 An economic process.
 Refers to the integration of the national markets to a wider
global market signified by the increased free trade.
 an expansion and intensification of social relations and
consciousness across world time- and across world space.
▪ Expansion- refers to both creation of new social networks and the
multiplication of existing connections that cut across traditional
political, economic ,cultural and geographic boundaries. Example:
Social media
▪ Intensification- refers to the expansion, stretching and acceleration of
these networks. Example: A strong financial market connecting
London and Newyork.
 Globalization processes do not occur merely at an
objective , material level but they also involve in the
subjective plane of human consciousness.
 Different kinds of Globalization occur on
multiple and interesting dimensions of
integration that Arjun Appadurai
(anthropologist) calls “escapes”.
 Ethnoscape- global movement of people
 Mediascape- flow of culture
 Technoscape- circulation of mechanical goods and
 Financescape-global circulation of money
 Ideoscope-the realm where political ideas move
 Globalization
 Represents many processes that allow for the
expansion and intensification of global
 Globalism
 A widespread belief among powerful people that
the global integration of economic markets is
beneficial for everyone, since it spreads freedom
and democracy across the world.
1. How have you experienced
2. What is the difference between
globalization and globalism?

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