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171080049 -> MANJEET CHAVHAN
171080055 -> YASH R. JAIN
171080056 -> DIVY PATEL
171080059 -> RAGHAV CHUGH
171080060 -> GAURAV SAWANT
Ocean thermal energy conversion

 Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) uses the temperature

difference between cooler deep and warmer shallow or
surface seawaters to run a heat engine and produce useful work,
usually in the form of electricity. OTEC can operate with a very
high capacity factor and so can operate in base load mode.
 Among ocean energy sources, OTEC is one of the continuously
available renewable energy resources that could contribute to base-
load power supply.The resource potential for OTEC is considered to be
much larger than for other ocean energy forms [World Energy Council,
2000]. Up to 88,000 TWh/yr power could be generated from OTEC
without affecting the ocean’s thermal structure.
Desalination To Overcome Water
 Desalination is the process of purifying saline water into a
potable fresh water. Basically–turning ocean water into
drinkable fresh water.
 There are several ways to remove salt from water. Reverse
osmosis and distillation are the most common ways to
desalinate water. Reverse osmosis water treatment pushes
water through small filters leaving salt behind. Distillation
on a large scale involves boiling water and collecting water
vapor during the process
 The Middle East has been a leader in desalination so
far. Saudi Arabia,United Arab Emirates, Kuwai and Israel
rely heavily on desalination as a source for clean water.
Israel gets 40 % of domestic water from desalination.

 Less pollution: By choosing to drive an EV(Electric Vehicle)

you help to reduce harmful air pollution from exhaust
emissions. An EV has zero exhaust emmissions.
 Renewable energy: If you use renewable energy to
recharge your EV, you can reduce your greenhouse gas
emissions even further. You could recharge your EV from
your solar PV system during the day instead of from the
 Eco-friendly materials: There is also a trend towards more
eco-friendly production and materials for EVs. The Nissan
Leaf’s interior and bodywork are partly made out of green
materials such as recycled water bottles, plastic bags, old
car parts and even second hand home appliances.
Use Of GPS To Save Environment

 GPS data collection systems complemented with

GIS(Geographic Information System)packages provide a
means for comprehensive analysis of environmental
 Environmental patterns and trends can be efficiently
recognized with GPS/GIS data collection systems, and
thematic maps can be easily created.
 Accurate tracking of environmental disasters such as fires
and oil spills can be conducted more efficiently.
 Precise positional data from GPS can assist scientists in
crustal and seismic monitoring.
 Monitoring and preservation of endangered species can be
facilitated through GPS tracking and mapping.
Roof Gardening
 A roof garden is a garden on the roof of a building. Besides the decorative
benefit, roof plantings may provide food, temperature control, hydrological
benefits , etc. and in large scale it may even have ecological benefits. The
practice of cultivating food on the rooftop of buildings is sometimes referred
to as rooftop farming .
 Roof gardens are most often found in urban environments. Plants have the
ability to reduce the overall heat absorption of the building which then
reduces energy consumption. "The primary cause of heat build-up in cities is
insolation, the absorption of solar radiation by roads and buildings in the city
and the storage of this heat in the building material and its subsequent re-
 Plant surfaces however, as a result of transpiration, do not rise more than 4–5
°C above the ambient and are sometimes cooler." This then translates into a
cooling of the environment between 3.6 and 11.3 degrees Celsius (6.5 and
20.3 °F), depending on the area on earth (in hotter areas, the environmental
temperature will cool more
 Aside from rooftop gardens providing resistance to thermal radiation, rooftop
gardens are also beneficial in reducing rain run off. A roof garden can delay
run off; reduce the rate and volume of run off. “As cities grow, permeable
substrates are replaced by impervious structures such as buildings and paved
roads. Storm water run-off and combined sewage overflow events are now
major problems for many cities in. A key solution is to reduce peak flow by
delaying (e.g., control flow drain on roofs) or retaining run-off (e.g., rain
detention basins). Rooftop gardens can delay peak flow and retain the run-off
for later use by the plants.”[
Bio Degradable Plastics
 Biodegradable plastics are plastics that can be decomposed by the action of living
organisms, usually bacteria.
 Two basic classes of biodegradable plastics exist: Bioplastics, whose components are
derived from renewable raw materials, and plastics made from petrochemicals
containing biodegradable additives which enhance biodegradation.
 Bioplastics are plastics derived from renewable biomass sources, such as vegetable fats
and oils, corn starch, straw, woodchips, food waste, etc. Bioplastic can be made from
agricultural by-products and also from used plastic bottles and other containers using
 Common plastics, such as fossil-fuel plastics (also called petro-based polymers) are
derived from petroleum or natural gas. Production of such plastics tends to require
more fossil fuels and to produce more greenhouse gases than the production of bio-
based polymers (bioplastics). Not all bioplastics are biodegradable nor biodegrade more
readily than commodity fossil-fuel derived plastics. Bioplastics are usually derived from
sugar derivatives, including starch, cellulose, lactic acid. As of 2014, bioplastics
represented approximately 0.2% of the global polymer market (300 million tons)
 More than 2.5 billion plastic bottles—partially made from plants—are already
in use around the world in a bid to replace petroleum as the fundamental
building block of everyday plastics. The so-called Plant-Bottle from the Coca-
Cola Co. is made by converting sugars from sugarcane farmed in Brazil into
the polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic
Solar Energy
A solar cooker is a device which uses the energy of direct sunlight to heat, cook or
pasteurise drink and other food materials. Many solar cookers currently in use are
relatively inexpensive, low-tech devices. Because they use no fuel and cost nothing to
operate, many non-profit organizations are promoting their use worldwide in order to help
reduce fuel costs (especially where monetary reciprocity is low) and air pollution, and to
slow down the deforestation and desertification caused by gathering firewood for cooking.
A solar cell, or photovoltaic cell, is an electrical device that converts the energy of light
directly into electricity by the photovoltaic effect, which is a physical and chemical
phenomenon. It is a form of photoelectric cell, defined as a device whose electrical
characteristics, such as current, voltage, or resistance, vary when exposed to light.
Individual solar cell devices can be combined to form modules, otherwise known as solar
panels. In basic terms a single junction silicon solar cell can produce a maximum open-
circuit voltage of approximately 0.5 to 0.6 volts.
The operation of a photovoltaic (PV) cell requires three basic attributes:
 The absorption of light, generating either electron-hole pairs or excitons.
 The separation of charge carriers of opposite types.
 The separate extraction of those carriers to an external circuit

 Biotechnology is creating biodegradable plastics made

from renewable sources. And more over, this plastic is
made from plants and hence cutting the use of
petrochemicals for production of plastic.
 Biotechnology is developing drought resistant crops,
allowing agricultural production to withstand adverse
 Pest resistant biotechnology crops have reduced global
pesticide applications by 630 million pounds.
 Biofuel from cellulose generates 9 to 10 times of the
energy required for its own production.
 Tree root protection is an advanced method to protect the
roots from the construction or vehicular intrusions.
 Problems arise when the construction takes place around
the tree root zones.
 This allows compaction of the soil and hence, prevents
the valuable water and air from reaching the roots.
 The solution is to Abweb TRP system which comprises a
containment system which confines the fill material
within the cell, improving the shearing stress and the
bearing capacity.

 Vertical farming is the practice of producing food and

medicines in vertically stacked layers or vertically inclined
• No need to create additional farmland.
• Independent of the outdoor conditions.
• Due to the closed cycle design of vertical farm systems,
which minimizes the loss of nutrients, and hence reduces
use of fertilizers.
Commercial Carbon

 Carbon from the air can be captured by using innovative

technologies built by many commercial companies.
 This carbon can be used in industrial and commercial
production, to produce low-carbon fuels or for other
 The technologies capture the carbon and turns it into
AirCarbon that can be used to make carbon negative
products such as phone covers and chairs.
 This also substantially decreases the carbon level in the
air and hence, decreases global warming.
Smarter Energy Efficient Homes
Less Wasted Energy on Heating and Cooling :
Heating and cooling takes a huge toll on our environment.
This is especially true with poorly regulated heating and
cooling systems.
One of the areas where people tend to waste a substantial
amount of energy is on their heating and their cooling
throughout the course of the year. When you have smart home
products, it will help to make things much easier to control
for heating and cooling.
You can set up the system to be actively pumping heat or cool
air only when needed. It is very effective because consider
that you left for work and realized that you left the air
conditioner on, you can simply get onto the app for the smart
home products and then shut it off. This saves energy and
Smarter Usage of Your Electric Appliances :
Electricity leaves a large Carbon footprint. Many studies
have shown that half of our carbon footprint is caused by
electrical appliances.
Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to improve the
environment by reducing electrical consumption. Smart
devices regulate appliances and lights to minimize the
amount of electricity they consume.
Many a times it happens that you have left appliances or
lights on in the home, and only realized after you have come
home from work, or even from a vacation. When you can
control everything right from a smart phone, you do not
have to worry about these types of problems.
Sharing Economy – Car Pool
Carpooling is the practice of more than one passenger
travelling in a single car. This works especially well for those
who take the same route to work.
Carpooling means more people in a single car, means less
number of individual cars on the road; and what does that
lead to? Less Air Pollution, less Noise Pollution, less Carbon
emission, less Greenhouse Gas emission.
Carpooling is a direct step towards a cleaner and greener
environment. We can block out sound to prevent Noise
Pollution and also we can safeguard ourselves against Water
Pollution. But we cannot control the air that we breathe. Air
Pollution, in this sense, is one of the deadliest forms of
pollution. Why not do your bit to reduce it?
Uber’s ride-sharing product, Uber Pool has helped India save
a whopping amount of fuel equivalent to $4.5 million in fuel
import according to the Green Index released by the

In addition, Uber Pool has helped avoid over 200 trillion kms
of independent travel and its rides have helped prevent over
36,537 tonnes of CO2 emissions in India which is equivalent to
planting 11.5 million trees - which is really huge!

According to the Green Index released by Uber, ridesharing is

continuing to see a significant upswing year-on-year across all
metropolitan cities which is a good gesture.
Nuclear Innovations
Nuclear power makes a significant contribution to reducing
greenhouse gas emissions worldwide while fulfilling the
increasing energy demands of a growing world population at
the same time.
Nuclear power plants produce no greenhouse gas emissions
or air pollutants during their operation and only very low
emission levels during their entire life cycle. As a result, the
use of nuclear power avoids the emission of nearly 2 billion
tonnes of Carbon dioxide every year – the equivalent of
taking over 400 million cars off the road per year.
Here are some of the pollutants that Nuclear energy keeps out
of the air we breathe:
1. Nitrogen oxide (NOx) which produces smog.
2. Sulphur dioxide (SO2) which produces acid rain.
3. Particulate Matter like smoke and dust.
4. Mercury a harmful neurotoxin.
5. Carbon dioxide (CO2) the major contributor of global
Solar, Hydro and Wind electricity sources also are emission-free,
but Nuclear sources supply more electricity than all of them
combined. It is the only form of clean-air energy that can supply
power round the clock. It produces more electricity on less
land than any other source. Thus, its highly beneficial for
environment as long as it is controlled properly.
Organic Batteries
Present day Lithium-ion batteries are efficient but involve a
range of environmental problems. Using materials from
Lucerne and Pine Resin and a clever recycling strategy,
researchers have now come up with a highly interesting
Components of the battery are made of organic biomaterials
from Lucerne and Pine Resin, and can be recycled with a low
energy input and non-hazardous chemicals.
This is not the first time batteries composed of renewable
materials have been presented ,but the recycling and recovery
strategy is a wholly new concept. Constructing a new battery
from a spent one is also possible.
The scientists have shown that the Lithium extracted from a spent
battery can be used for a new battery. All that needs to be added is
more biomaterial.
A simple method using non‐polluting solvents and a simple treatment
step at moderate temperature was investigated as an
environmentally‐friendly process to recycle Lithium from Li-ion
This process is highly dependent on the choice of electrolyte. The best
results were obtained using a Dimethyl Carbonate electrolyte that does
not decompose in presence of water. The process implies a thermal
decomposition step at a moderate temperature of the extracted
organic material into Lithium Carbonate, which is then used as a
Lithiation agent for the preparation of fresh electrode material without
loss of lithium which implies very high energy output.
This battery is not bought into use yet, however it can serve the
environment well whenever it gets implemented.
 Raghav Chugh
 ID No. : 171080059
Some of the strategies are as below :

 1.) IOT (Internet of things )

 2.) Driverless electric cars
 3.) Using Drones to collect environment related data
 4.)Reducing pollution
 5.) Creating Symbiotic bacteria artificially and reducing greenhouse
 6.) Nano-Technology
 7.) Using biofuels
 8.) Governments not dependent on Industrialists, Lobbyists
IOT( Internet of things)
 The Internet of Things (IoT) does more than just let you kickstart your kettle when
you’re on the loo. It can be used to help order food online when your fridge stocks
are running low and manage your heating when you need to stay at work late. But
hyperconnectivity can do more than just home-help. It can help save the planet
 AI is clearly already helpful from a business perspective. It can help HR
departments decide who is most employable based on supplied data, and
algorithms can even be employed to calculate the efficiency of a worker based on
how much time they spend emailing or browsing the web.
 Improving urban pollution is one way tech can be applied positively. The topline is
the potential for driverless cars, which will see a reduction in carbon emissions as
electric automobiles become the driverless car future. In a similar way,
driverless car fleet management will take cars off the road and
boost road-use efficiency.
Using Drones to collect environment related
information and monitor illegal destruction of
 Start-ups are also experimenting with using drones to protect the Amazon rainforest,
by employing tools to collect data information from hard-to-reach places. Drones
can gather an enormous amount of data from the rainforest, and a non-
profit called the Amazon Conservation Society is using them to help
manage a large swathe of rainforest. Researchers use AI software to compare
two different images of the forest, where the overlay can show discrepancies and
alert researchers to whether logging is taking place. It doesn’t always mean
logging is happening - it could be farm clearing or another activity - but
it helps researchers focus their attention on a smaller space in what is
an extraordinarily large area.
 Drones and the data they collect helps to keep tabs on the dwindling population of
Amazonian pink dolphins by tracking their pods. Drones can help to categorise just
how many dolphins there are, and what conservation methods are needed to
support the pink mammals.

More generally, companies like Microsoft are starting to use AI to better

understand the way land is used by analysing land cover maps. This helps to explore
how land is being used, and how efficiently - for example, are there areas
that need special environmental protection? Are there underutilised areas
that could be developed in a different, more sustainable way? One example
where AI is used is through the application Earth Cube, which shows the
impact of development on the earth, whether that’s on the rivers, crust, or
ozone layer. This is especially beneficial when taking into account
the impact of a new mine or quarry, and could deter companies
from acting without having the excuse of not knowing the real
impact of their actions.
Reducing pollution

 IBM is rolling out the Green Horizon initiative in China, where air pollution kills
approximately 4,000 people each day. Information about pollution is
collected from data points throughout the city, shows where
congested or polluted hot-spots are, and takes into account upcoming
weather data which can affect pollution levels. Cities like Beijing can
then use this information to regulate traffic flow for example, and
targeting excessively polluting factories or mills.

Also with the help of drones , they can identify the industries
discharging untreated effluents into the local water bodies and then
based on the evidence photographed by them proper legal action can
be taken against them.
Creating Symbiotic bacteria artificially

and reducing greenhouse emmisions

Pivot Bio, a California-based startup developing more environmentally

friendly fertilizers, today announced it has raised $70 million in a new funding
round. The lead investor is Breakthrough Energy Ventures, a $1 billion fund created
in 2016 by a group of billionaires including Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Jack Ma. Last
week, Quartz reported the fund’s first investments, a list of nine companies
including Pivot Bio.

In the roots of many crops, tiny bacteria, such as those in the azotobacter genus,
live in a symbiotic relationship with the plant. The bacteria eat sugars made by the
plant. In return, they convert nitrogen in the air to a form the plant can absorb.
Synthetic nitrogen fertilizers provide a usable form of nitrogen to the plant directly,
rendering the bacteria useless. As a result, the bacteria become dormant or die out.
 1.) Pivot Bio has found a way to enhance the job nature does. The company collected samples from
many kinds of soils, analyzed the DNA of nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the samples, and isolated the genetic
pathways that control the bacteria’s useful mechanisms.
 2.) They then genetically modified the bacteria to turn off the switch that made them go
dormant in presence of synthetic fertilizers. This step was necessary because, even if the
farmers didn’t use nitrogen fertilizers in this year’s production, there would inevitably be some
remaining in the soil from previous years’ usage.
 3.) It meant that Pivot Bio’s proprietary bacteria could build a symbiotic relationship with the
crop regardless of whether or not farmers apply synthetic fertilizers.

4.) According to the startup, field trials conducted in 2018 showed that corn farmers were able
to use Pivot Bio’s bacteria as a full replacement for nitrogen fertilizers.

 5.) The microbial solution was used while planting the crop, and the symbiotic relationship meant the bacteria
adhered to the roots of the corn plant as it grew. Better still, because the bacteria grew in number as the crop grew
in size, farmers had to use the formulation only once compared to adding synthetic nitrogen fertilizers multiple
times during that phase.
 1.) Inverter batteries can be made up of nanomaterials.
As the energy stored in a battery depends on its surface
area , so with nanotubes we can increase the surface
area exponentially thus increasing the energy density
drastically . Then we can charge these batteries during
the daytime with rooftop solar panels and use them
during the night so the greenhouse emissions are
reduced , however the technology is currently in testing
phase due to the high energy density nt being stable.

2.) Solar panels can also be made with nanotubes so they

have a large surface area to absorb a large amount of
sunlight, producing more electrical energy.
Using biofuels

Biodiesel is an alternative fuel similar to conventional or 'fossil'

diesel. Biodiesel can be produced from straight vegetable oil,
animal oil/fats, tallow and waste cooking oil. The process used to
convert these oils toBiodiesel is called transesterification.

All diesel engines and

vehicles can use biodiesel or biodiesel blends. Certain older
vehicles built before 1993 may require replacement of fuel lines
which contain natural rubber, as biodiesel can cause these lines
to swell or crack. Biodiesel canbe used 100% (B100) or in blends
with petroleum diesel fuel.
Governments not dependent on
Industrialists, Lobbyists
Now you guys are ready to save the earth

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