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DAILY LIFE 1 Alvarado, Marnie V.

Dizon, Quianna Verazel T.
NEW ERA Desquitado, Joshua C.
UNIVERSITY - Guimbongan, Reinabel P.
Pelaez, Marco Angelo E.
INTEGRATED Viterbo, Elmor M.
 The objective of this phenomenological study is to discover
the struggles that students are facing on balancing their time
for their family and for their studies for the Senior High
School students of New Era University. In this study, the
struggles are focused only on how students balance their
time in relation to academics and family.

 How do participants describe the balance between time for

family and for their studies?
 How do participants describe their current situation on
balancing their time between family and studies?
 What problems do participants encounter in relation to the
balancing of their time for family and studies?
 How can the participants provide suggestion in order to
practice proper management of time for their family and for
their studies?
 Principle of Forced Efficiency – Tracy (2002)
 Pickle Jar Theory – Wright (2002)
 Thisstudy focuses on the factor that are
affecting the students by means of balancing
their time for their family and for their
studies in New Era University, School Year
2018-2019. Students that are involved in this
study are the students who are currently
enrolled for the said school year.
 QualitativeResearch Design – Phenomenological
Design. (Donalek, 2004).

 Sampling – Purposive Sampling (Rattray, 2018)

 Data Gathering Procedure - Interviewing in

Qualitative Research. International Journal of
Therapy and Rehabilitation. 16. 309-314. (Frances,
Ryan & Coughlan, Michael & Cronin, Patricia 2009)

 Data Analysis – Theme Development in Qualitative

Content Analysis and Thematic Analysis
(Vaismoradi, et al. 2016)
 Results in Central Question Number 1
 Results in Central Question Number 2
 Results in Central Question Number 3
 Results in Central Question Number 4
 Through having a managed time for family and
studies, the participants were able to balance their
 Their current situation is that they do not have time
to spend with their family.
 The main problem that participants encounter is the
lack of time to bond with their family.
 The suggestion being presented by the participants
is that they prioritized what’s needed to be
prioritized first and they make up to what they have
missed afterwards.
 Full support, love and understanding of
parents would suffice the need of the students
especially in their academic situation.
 Students must know their priorities to be able
to use their time in everything wisely.
 For the future researchers, this study could
help them to be able to figure out what other
students are struggling about with regards to
balancing their academics and family.

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