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Vertebral Column
 Spondylosis refers to degenerative changes
in the spine such as bone spurs and
degenerating intervertebral discs between
the vertebrae. Spondylosis changes in the
spine are frequently referred to as

 The spine helps give the body structure and

supports most of its weight. It also carries
and protects almost all of the main nerve
branches that run from the brain.
 The spine curved, not straight, and the
cervical, thoracic, and lumbar parts of the
spine contain 24 bones known as vertebrae.

 Between these vertebrae are joints that allow

the spine to move flexibly. These are called
the facet joints.
 Also, soft, rubbery tissue called intervertebral
discs separate the vertebrae. These consist of
cartilage endplates and a tough exterior, the
annulus fibrosus, surrounding an inner core,
the nucleus pulposus.

 Intervertebral discs help achieve smooth

movement, and they cushion against any
impact on the bones.
 As a person ages, the discs become drier,
thinner, and harder, and they lose some of
their cushioning ability. This is why an older
person is more likely to have a compression
fracture of the vertebra than a younger person.

 A vertebral compression fracture results

from bone collapsing in the spine. It
commonly occurs with osteoporosis.
 The facet joints between the vertebrae also
function less well with age because of wear
and tear on their cartilage surfaces.

 As the cartilage erodes, the bones start to

rub together, causing friction. This can
result in the formation of bony growths,
called bone spurs.
 The loss of rubbery tissues and the
development of spurs make the spine stiffer.
Back movement also becomes less smooth,
and friction increases.
These changes affect people differently, depending on each individual's risk

 having a genetic tendency

 having obesity or being overweight
 having a sedentary lifestyle with a lack of exercise
 having injured the spine or undergone spinal surgery smoking
 having a job that requires repetitive or weight-bearing movements that
involve the spine
 having a mental health condition, such as anxiety or depression
 having psoriatic arthritis
Common symptoms are stiffness and mild pain that gets worse following certain
movements or long periods without moving, while sitting for a long time, for example.

 a grinding or popping feeling when moving the spine

 weakness in the hands or legs
 poor coordination
 muscle spasms and pain
 headaches
 loss of balance and difficulty walking
 loss of bladder or bowel control

 1. Spinal stenosis: This is a narrowing of the canal that carries the spinal cord
nerves. Symptoms include pain in the neck or back that may extend down the
leg, problems with the feet, and numbness or weakness.
 2. Cervical radiculopathy: Changes in a disc or the bone can cause nerves in
the spine to become pinched, leading to shooting pain, numbness, and
 3. Cervical spondylotic myelopathy: This involves the spinal cord becoming
compressed, or squeezed. Symptoms include pain and numbness in the limbs,
a loss of coordination in the hands, imbalance and difficulty walking, and in
the later stages, bladder problems.
 4. Scoliosis: Research suggests that there may be a link between degeneration
of the facet joints and scoliosis in adults.
Most cases of spondylosis produce only mild, occasional stiffness and pain, and
they do not need treatment.

Home Remedies:
 1. Over-the-counter pain relief medication: such as ibuprofen, may help
 2.Keeping physically active: Low-impact exercise, such as swimming or walking,
can help with maintaining flexibility and strengthening the muscles that support
the spine.
 3.Improving posture: Slouching, for example, can make the pain worse.
 4.Physical therapy: A physical therapist may suggest specific exercises or
 5.Back support: A person may need to choose a chair or mattress that supports
their back better.
 6.Rest during periods of inflammation: When symptoms are troublesome, try
resting for a while.

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