Pentaksiran Berasaskan Sekolah - Akhir Tahun Bahasa Inggeris - Pemahaman Tahun 4 Oktober

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1. Kertas peperiksaan ini mengandungi dua bahagian : Bahagian A dan Bahagian B.

2. Kamu dikehendaki menjawab semua soalan dalam kedua-dua bahagian.
3. Bagi Bahagian A, setiap soalan diikuti oleh empat pilihan jawapan, iaitu A,B,C
dan D. Bagi setiap soalan, pilih satu jawapan sahaja. Hitamkan jawapan kamu
pada kertas jawapan objektif yang disediakan. Jika kamu hendak menukar jawapan,
padamkan tanda yang telah dibuat. Kemudian hitamkan jawapan yang baharu.
4. Bagi Bahagian B, jawab semua soalan di dalam ruang jawapan yang disediakan.
Ceraikan Bahagian B daripada kertas peperiksaan ini.
5. Serahkan Bahagian B bersama-sama kertas jawapan objektif kepada pengawas
peperiksaan pada akhir peperiksaan.

Kertas peperiksaan ini mengandungi 9 halaman bercetak dan 2 halaman tidak bercetak
di Bahagian A dan 9 halaman bercetak dan 2 tidak bercetak di Bahagian B

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English Language Year 4 : PAT : Pemahaman 013
Section A
( 20 marks )
Questions 1 to 5

Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

1. The volunteers worked ____________ to sell T-shirts at the Charity Fair.
A. slowly
B. quietly
C. angrily
D. tirelessly

2. Mr. Chong grows long beans, spinach, and cabbage _____________ his
organic farm.
A. at
B. to
C. on
D. of

3. Think before you buy something to ______________ overspending.

A. avoid
B. avoids
C. avoided
D. avoiding

4. _______________ hatchlings over there are ready to be released into the

A. This
B. That
C. These
D. Those

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English Language Year 4 : PAT : Pemahaman 013

5. Mr. Ramesh looked ________________ for his books.

A. somewhere
B. everywhere
C. nowhere
D. nearby

Questions 6
Choose the most suitable simile to complete the sentence below.

6. Those palace guards barely moved. They stood _________________.

A. as cold as ice
B. as blind as a bat
C. as still as a statue
D. as quiet as a mouse

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English Language Year 4 : PAT : Pemahaman 013
Questions 7-9
Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage that follow.

Shanty is in the kitchen. She is going to fry____________ ( 7 ) egg for breakfast. First,

she pours ___________ (8 ) oil into a pan. Then, she breaks the egg into a pan. She lets the

egg fry ________ ( 9 ) a while before she serves it on a plate.

7. A a
B an
C the
D -

8. A some
B much
C many
D several

9. A in
B for
C on
D by

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English Language Year 4 : PAT : Pemahaman 013
Questions 10
Choose the best word that has the opposite meaning as the underlined word.

10. Ecik Junaidi sold his farm last October.

A took

B visited

C bought

D checked

Questions 11
Choose the word with the correct punctuation.

11. A Julia had tea, scones, some cheesecake, and buns at the restaurant.

B julia had tea, scones some cheesecake and buns at the restaurant.

C Julia had tea, scones some cheesecake and buns at the restaurant

D Julia had Tea, scones some cheesecake and Buns at the restaurant.

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English Language Year 4 : PAT : Pemahaman 013
Questions 12-15
Based on the picture, choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage that follows.

My class had a field trip last week. My teachers brought us to a ___________ ( 12 ). We

saw a worker with a big eagle on ______________ ( 13 ) shoulder. Some pupils went over to

have a closer look but many were scared. An elephant was ________________( 14 ) in its

enclosure. Many people ____________ ( 15 ) photographs with the animals. My friends and I

had a good time at the zoo.

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English Language Year 4 : PAT : Pemahaman 013
12. A zoo
B farm
C park
D stable

13. A its
B her
C his
D our

14. A roaring
B chattering
C squawking
D trumpeting

15. A take
B takes
C took
D taking

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English Language Year 4 : PAT : Pemahaman 013
Questions 16 to 18
Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.

Butterflies go through four stages in their life cycle. Female butterflies will lay their
eggs on a plant. When the eggs hatch, larvae or caterpillars come out of it. Caterpillars will
eat the leaves of the plants. The larvae have cylindrical bodies, simple eyes, chewing
mouthparts, and many legs. The caterpillars eat all the time and shed their skin as they
grow to a hundred times their original size. Finally, they will reach a stage where they each
spin a cocoon and become butterflies.
Adult butterflies feed on many things such as nectar, pollen, rotting fruit and dead
animal flesh. Most butterflies feed on nectar from flowering plants. The flower will get stuck
to them. This way butterflies help to spread flower seeds when they fly from plant to plant.

16. How many stages does the butterfly go through in its life cycle?
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five

17. What is the third stage in a butterfly’s life cycle?

A. Egg
B. Pupa
C. Larva
D. Adult

18. According to the article, why does the female lays its eggs on plants.
A. For the larvae to feed on
B. For the larvae to sleep on
C. For protection against the sun
D. For protection against other insects

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English Language Year 4 : PAT : Pemahaman 013
Questions 19 to 20
Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.

My wonderful country
Filled with multi-racial people
To love her is our duty

Culture and traditions Lemang and rendang

We unite as a nation Thosai and muruku
To celebrate happily Oranges and mooncakes
As one big, loving family Hinara and umai too

Cheongsam and samfoo Beautiful and peaceful

Kebaya and baju melayu Harmonious and colourful
Veshti and jippa Oh, my beloved Malaysia
And beautiful dresses too We are proud to be Malaysians

19. Multi-racial people in the poem refers to ____________.

A. Indian and Chinese
B. Malays and Sikhs
C. Malays and Chinese
D. Malays, Chinese, Indians, Ibans, Kadazans, and Punjabis

20. Why do we say Malaysia is harmonious and colourful?

A. We live in peace and we are from different races and beliefs.
B. We have many colourful costumes
C. We have our own unique traditional costumes
D. We are rich in wonderful food

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Bahagian B

1. Tulis nombor kad pengenalan atau

Untuk Kegunaan Pemeriksa
nombor sijil kelahiran dan angka giliran.
Kod Pemeriksa :
Kamu pada petak yang disediakan.
No. Markah Markah
2. Jawaoan kamu hendaklah ditulis pada
Soalan Penuh Diperoleh
ruang jawapan yang disediakan di dalam 21 6
kertas peperiksaan ini.
22 8
3. Serahkan Bahagian B ini bersama-sama
23 8
kertas jawapan objektif kepada pengawas
peperiksaan pada akhir peperiksaan. 24 2

25 6

Jumlah 30

Kertas peperiksaan ini mengandungi 9 halaman bercetak dan 2 halaman tidak bercetak

013 @ khaidarwisy’s collections

English Language Year 4 : PKSR 1 : Pemahaman 013
Section B
( 30 marks )
Questions 21

Choose a suitable response for each picture and write the response in the space provided.

A. Where can I buy this book?
B. My pleasure.
C. Congratulations!
D. Thank you, Sarah.

( 2 marks )

(b) A. Could you please help us to take

our photo?
B. You’re welcome.
C. I’m sorry. I am busy.
D. Could you please hold my camera?

( 2 marks )

(c) A. Where are you going?

B. What’s wrong with your leg?
C. Are you hurt?
D. Oh! Sorry to hear that.

( 2 marks )

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English Language Year 4 : PAT : Pemahaman 013
Questions 22
Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow

There are many things that you can do to help look after the seas and the creatures that
live in them.
First, you should use less plastic products. Plastics which end up in the sea can harm
marine habitat. Thousands of marine animals get tangled in plastic debris and die. You can
help these marine creatures by using less plastic yourself. Carry reusable water bottles or use
non-disposable food containers. When you go shopping, bring your own cloth shopping bags.
One more way to help save the seas and the creatures that live in them is to be responsible
when you go to the beach with your family and friends. Clean up after enjoying your picnic.
Don’t remove coral or disturb any sea life you see. If you see rubbish on the beach, help to
clean it up.

Write True or False in the space provided.

a) Plastic products that end up in the sea can harm the lives
of sea creatures.

b) We do not need to clean up after having a picnic at the


( 2 marks )

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English Language Year 4 : PAT : Pemahaman 013
Write your answer in the space provided.

(c) What must you do when you go shopping?



( 2 marks )

(d) Why are plastics product harmful to marine animals?



( 2 marks )

(e) What would you do if you saw someone littering on the beach?




( 2 marks )

013 @ khaidarwisy’s collections 12

English Language Year 4 : PAT: Pemahaman 013
Questions 23
Study the poster and answer the questions that follow.


DATE : 15 MARCH 2018
TIME : 10 A.M. – 10 P.M.

• Free vouchers and free gifts for the first 100
people at the sale.
• Free parking! Lots of books and educational toys!
• Bring your family and friends!

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English Language Year 4 : PAT : Pemahaman 013
Tick ( √ ) the correct answer.

a) Mrs. Nathan is planning to go to the book sale with her children, If she is among the first
100 people, she would be entitled to…….
a free book

free parking only

vouchers, gifts, and parking

( 1 mark )

b) From the poster above, we know that the boo sale is mainly for…….



old people

( 1 mark )

(c) Match the phrases in List A to the suitable phrases in List B. An example is
given below.

List A List B

The book sale will 15 January 2018.

You can get books and be held at Media Warehouse.

The book sale is on all those who drive to the book sale.

educational toys for kids at this book sale.

Free parking is offered to

( 2 marks )

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English Language Year 4 : PAT : Pemahaman 013
Write your answer in the space provided.

(d) Name two things that you would buy at a Book Sale.

(i) __________________________________________________________________

(ii) _________________________________________________________________

( 2 marks )

(e) Do you think the book sale should have been held for a few more days?
Give a reason for your answer.



( 2 marks )

013 @ khaidarwisy’s collections 15

English Language Year 4 : PAT : Pemahaman 013
Questions 24 and 25
Study the poster and read the dialogue given. Then, answer the questions that follow.

All proceeds from the sale of items will be

donated to the
Moving Library Project
Grab your special items
Date: on sale and donate for a
Saturday, 12 May good cause

Time :  Homemade baked items

10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
 Fresh fruit and vegetables
Place :  Ice cream
School canteen  Hot and cold drinks and
many more
Caring Club, SK Kampung Putih

RM 3
( Free for aged 6 and below )

Ahmad Father, let’s go to the fund-raising event to help the ‘Moving Library Project’

Encik Do we have to donate cash?

Ahmad No. There are a variety of food items on sale. I want to buy some homemade
baked items. There is fresh produce too.
Encik Oh, your mother wanted to go to the market. Now she can buy what she needs
Hafeez at the event.
Ahmad I am sure we will have a whale of time there.

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English Language Year 4 : PAT : Pemahaman 013
Questions 24
Tick (√) the correct answer..

(a) How much does Encik Hafeez have to pay if everyone in the family attends the event?

RM 6

RM 9

RM 12

( 1 mark )

(b) Where should Encik Hafeez and his family go once they arrive at SK Kampung Putih?

the Moving Library

the Caring Club

the school canteen

( 1 mark )

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English Language Year 4 : PAT : Pemahaman 013
Questions 25
Write your answer in the space provided.

(c) List two qualifications needed for the volunteers.

i) _______________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )

ii) _______________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )

“A whale of time”

(d) What do you understand by the phrase above?



( 2 marks )

(e) Why do you think the advertisement urge people to ‘bring their own bags’?




( 2 marks )


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