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Presentation Tuberculosis

1. Background

Tuberculosis (TB) is a chronic bacterial infectious disease caused by

Mycobakterium tuberculosis, an acid-resistant bacilli that is transmitted through the
air (Asih, 2004). This disease is characterized by granuloma formation in infected

Complications. Pulmonary TB disease if not treated properly will cause

complications such as pleurisy, pleural effusion, empyema, laryngitis and intestinal
TB. TB can affect anyone (old, young, male, female, poor, or rich man) and
everywhere. Every year, Indonesia increases with a quarter of a million new cases
of TB and around 140,000 deaths occur each year caused by TB. In fact, Indonesia
is the third largest country with TB problems in the world.
2. Definition

 Tuberculosis is a contagious infectious

disease caused by Mycrobacterium
Tuberculosi which attacks the lungs and
almost all other organs. These bacteria can
enter through the respiratory tract and
digestive tract (GI) and open sores on the
skin. But at most through inhalation
droplets that come from people infected
with these bacteria.
3. Symptoms

The main symptom of pulmonary

tuberculosis patients are coughing up
phlegm for 2-3 weeks or more. Cough can
be followed by additional symptoms,
which are mixed with blood, coughing up
blood, shortness of breath, body
weakness, decreased appetite, weight
loss, fever more than one month.
4. Aspects can cause of tuberculosis

The cause of tuberculosis is Myobacterium

tuberculosis, a rod-type germ with a size of 1-4 / Um and
0.3-0.6 / Um thick.

Included in the Myobacterium tuberculosis complex are:

1. Myobacterium tuberculosis

2. Myobacterium bovis.
5. The medical treatment
In tuberculosis patients it is recommended to take old drugs for at least 6 months. When

you stop taking the medication before the recommended time, the TB disease you suffer

instead becomes immune to the usual drugs. If this happens, tuberculosis becomes more

difficult and difficult to treat.

The medication taken is a combination of isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide and

ethambutol. Just like all drugs, TB drugs also have side effects, including:

1. The urine color becomes reddish

2. Visual impairment

3. Nervous disorders

4. Liver disfunction

For patients who are already immune to a combination of these drugs, will cure the

treatment with a combination of more and longer drugs. Duration of treatment can reach

18-24 months.

During treatment, TB patients should routinely check sputum examinations to receive

6. The preventionya

One step to prevent tuberculosis is to receive the BCG

vaccine (Bacillus Calmette-Guerin). In Indonesia, this
vaccine is included in the list of mandatory immunizations
and is given before the baby is 2 months old. For those who
have never received a BCG vaccine, it is recommended to
do a vaccine if there is one family member who has TB.

TB can also be prevented by a simple method, likely

wearing a mask while in a crowded place and if interacting
with TB patients, and often wash hands. Even after receiving
treatment, in the early months of treatment (usually 2
months), TB patients can still transmit the disease.
If you suffer from tuberculosis, the steps below are very useful for preventing
transmission, especially for people who live with you:

1. Cover your mouth when sneezing, coughing, and laughing, or wear antiseptik
when using a tissue to cover your mouth, discard it immediately after use.

2. Do not throw phlegm or spit carelessly.

3. Make sure the house has good air circulation, for example by often opening
doors and windows so that fresh air and sunlight can enter.

4. Do not sleep in the same room with other people, until the doctor states that
the TB you are suffering from is no longer contagious.

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that most often affects the pulmonary

parenchyma, usually caused by mycobacterium tuberculocis.

Main symtoms in tuberculosis patients is usually coughing up phlegm for 2-3

weeks or more. Coughing can be followed by editional symtoms such as
blood stones, shortness of breath, weakness, decreased appetite, malaise,
night sweats.

One step to prevention tuberculosis is to receive the BCG vaccine (baccilus

calmeete-guerin). Tuberculosis can also be prevented by simple metodhe,
likely by using a mask when in a crowded place and when interacting with
tuberculosis patients, and wasing our hand is recommended.

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