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Introduction :

A fundamental technique use to isolate one compound from a


• The objectives of Extraction is to recover valuable soluble components from
raw material by primarily dissolving them in a liquid solvent, so that the
components can be separated and recovered later from the liquid. It is not
always the objectives to recover one particular compound in pure form from
a raw material . i.e sometimes extraction is separate all the soluble
compounds from the residue; an example of this is the extraction of coffee (
BAT in the food, Drink and Milk Industries, June 2005)
Definition of Extraction:
Extraction are a way to separate a desired substance when it is mixed others. The mixture
is bought into contact with a solvent in which the substance of interest is soluble, but the
other substances present are in soluble.
Extraction use two immiscible phases ( these are phases that do not mix, like oil and
water) to separate the substance from one phase into other.
These are 2 extraction methods.
*Lateral flow extraction:
This is the simplest extraction method . It is a repeated extraction with fresh solvent (later
flow extraction) . However, this is rarely used because of the costs of solvent and because
it results in an extract of a very low concentration.
*Countercurrent Extraction:
The most common method used is countercurrent extraction, either in a batch or continuous process.
Batch-wise countercurrnt extraction is normally only used for the processing of small amount of
material . In continuously extractors, the solid material and the liquid (solvent) flow countercurrently.
One difficulty with extraction is the recovery of the extracted from the solvent . This can be carried
out by evaporation, crystallization distillation steam stripping etc.
• Extractions are performed in a
Separatory funnel. When two immiscible
liquids are placed in the separatory
funnel two phases are observed as
discussed above. As mentioned before,
the fundamental reason for carrying out
an extraction is to isolate a compound
from a mixture. For example, consider a
mixture consisting of 2 polar compounds
and 1 nonpolar compound. After
extraction with the solvent pair of ether
and water, the 2 polar compounds
would be found in the aqueous layer (a
polar solvent dissolves a polar solute)
and the nonpolar compound would be
found in the nonpolar phase (ether).
Note: the phase consisting of H2O is
called the Aqueous phase.

*Conventional Extraction techniques have been shown to damage heat-sensitive aromas

or contaminate the target molecules with unwanted compounds, e.g., dissolved
chlorophyll during lipid extraction. In addition, the solvents are often toxic and
potentially carcinogenic (e.g., chlorinated solvents) which does not fit with current market
trends for save and clean ingredients.

*Tea making is a very basic extraction. The tea leaves get boil in water to extract the
tannins, theobromine & caffeine out of solid tea leaves into liquid water.

*In Laboratory extraction are performed in a separatory funnel …..

*The most common extraction method in the industry includes the combination of chemical
solvent with high temperature and techniques are efficient in facilating mass transfer
between two phases thermolabile compounds may be damaged.

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