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 Leadership seems like a simple concept, but it frequently perplexes us.

Leadership is often thought of as a person’s rank or the seniority of someone’s role

in an organization, but that is really just management.

“Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do

something you want done because HE wants to do it.”

Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being

liked; leadership is defined by results, not attributes
 Sales leadership is very different from sales management.

• Sales leader are data-driven

• the Sales Leader is the person who leads the sales

organization to generate predictable and repeatable
revenue for the company.
Hiring the Right Team

Before you can help your team succeed in sales you

must hire and train the right candidates and know
what to look for in a job applicant
Motivate and Reward

Part of your job as a sales leader and sales

coach expert is to inspire, motivate and reward
your team.
Assign and Delegate

Every sales team has a quota or expectation they

need to meet either made by you as the sales leader
or by one of your supervisors. You will need to
delegate certain tasks and assign work properly so
that your team can meet these quotas efficiently and
Make Good Decisions

You as a sales coach and leader will need to be

able to make decisions that are best for the
entire team.
Confidence and Trust

You must show confidence in yourself and your

team in order to succeed. You will also need to
let go of your need to micromanage your
subordinates and show them that you trust them
to perform on their own.
Filter Information Properly

As the sales leader you will be bombarded with

information on a daily basis. You will need to sort
through all of this information and categorize it from
top priority to semi-important and least important
information that can be put lower on the list.

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