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Hospital Disaster Preparedness

Making Disaster Resilient Hospitals…..

Hospital Disaster
• Natural and man-made disasters are global concerns
that can potentially kill, displace, and harm
populations; disrupt health systems; deplete food,
water, and energy supplies; bring down economies,
and lead to massive infrastructural destruction.
• Safe or Disaster Prepared Hospitals stress on security
measures to protect health workers and facilities in
areas of conflict, violence and criminality, and
initiatives to improve the energy efficiency and waste
management practices of ‘’green“ or ‘’smart“ hospitals.
Recent Hospital Disasters
• Hurricane Katrina & Sandy led to destruction of a
number of medical facilities in USA
• There has been 17 incidents of Hospital Shooting
incidents in US alone since 2002, latest being in
Nov’ 18
• 2011 AMRI Hospital fire in India led to 89
• Major fire accident in Istanbul in April 2018 led to
evacuation of more than 70 IPD & Critical Care
Why Hospital Disaster Management?
• Health facilities, especially hospitals, are
critical assets for communities both routinely
and especially in response to emergencies,
disasters and other crises.
• Yet hospitals and health workers are often
among the major casualties of emergencies,
with the result that health services cannot be
provided to affected communities when they
are most needed
Why Hospital Disaster Management?
• Hospitals are also important symbols of social
well-being. Destruction of or damage to a
hospital may result in a loss of trust in local
authorities as well as exposing patients and
health workers to further vulnerabilities.
• Acts of violence, including direct attacks, have
increased the threats to the security of hospitals,
health workers, patients & health services.
• As of 2018, Seventy-seven countries across the
world have reported that they are implementing
safe hospital activities.
Problems in a Hospital Disaster
• Lack of adequate infrastructure & Trained personal
• Limited resources & Funding
Pre Disaster
• Logistics & lack of a Disaster Management Plan
• Poor Business Continuity Planning
• High expectation from hospital
• Functional collapse & internal disasters like fire, building collapse
• Damaged equipments & loss of data
During Disaster • Communication & Coordination
• Influx of Media & VIPs
• Dead Body Management
• Infection & Epidemic Control
• Evaluation of losses
• Lack of Post Disaster Recovery Plan
• Rehabilitation of Victims
Post Disaster
• Data Recovery
• Tracing Missing Links
Are You Prepared ?
• Healthcare facilities are already burdened
with the number of IPD & OPD patients, then
how will they manage a disaster with sudden
influx of a large number of casualties ?
• Hospitals are vulnerable to External disasters
but these external disasters often lead to a
Secondary or Internal Disasters, is your facility
ready to face both of these emergencies ?
Safe Hospitals
• Hospitals can be made more Resilient and
functional through action to improve the
Environmental Sustainability of Health
infrastructure, including measures to increase the
reliability of power and water supply systems and
to reduce harmful waste.
• A Safe Hospital Program is an essential
component of a country’s strategy for Disaster
Risk Reduction and, in particular, Emergency and
Disaster Risk Management for Health.
HIED program aims to develop
• Safe & Disaster Resilient Hospitals
• Equip Medical Facilities with better Mitigation
& Preparedness Techniques
• Identification of Hazard, Risk & Vulnerability of
the Medical facility
• Facilitate Speedy Post Disaster Recovery
Course Review
• 3 day - 20 hour workshop
• Day 1 - Module 1 & 2
• Day 2 - Module 3 & 4
• Day 3 - Module 5 & 6
Module - 1

Overview of Disaster Risk Disaster

Disasters Management Epidemiology

HIRA – Hazard
& Risk First Aid
Module - 2

Functional Epidemics &

collapse of Emerging
Hospitals Infections

Module - 3

MCI – Mass Principles of Mass

Casualty Disaster Gathering
Incident Medicine Medical care

Pre Hospital
Module - 4

HICS – Hospital Hospital

Incident Preparedness
Command System Planning

Hospital Internal On –site Medical

Disasters Care
Module - 5

Disaster Risk Inter Agency Return to

Communication Coordination Normal Health

Media Psychological
Management First Aid
Module - 6

Post Hospital Mass Fatality Dead Body

Care Management Management

Tracing Disaster
Missing Links Evaluation
Trainer Profile
Thank You

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