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Changes in membrane potential are brought about by changes

in ion movement across the membrane. For example, if the net

inward fl ow of positively charged ions increases compared to
the resting state, the membrane depolarizes (becomes less negative
inside). By contrast, if the net outward fl ow of positively
charged ions increases compared to the resting state, the membrane
hyperpolarizes (becomes more negative inside)
• Graded potentials are usually produced by a specifi c triggering
• event that causes gated ion channels to open in a specialized
• region of the excitable cell membrane. Th e resultant ion movement
• produces the graded potential, which most commonly is
• a depolarization resulting from net Na entry. Th e graded potential
• is confi ned to this small, specialized region of the total
• plasma membrane.
• Note from ● Figure 4-2 that inside the cell, the active area is
• relatively more positive than the neighboring inactive areas that
• are still at resting potential. Outside the cell, the active area is
• relatively less positive than adjacent inactive areas. Because of
• this diff erence in potential, electrical charges, which are carried
• by ions, passively fl ow between the active and adjacent resting
• regions on both the inside and outside of the membra

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