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Module 2- Lesson 1

Valuing Ones’s
Your Objectives
• Generate thoughts and ideas to activate prior
• Match words with their meanings
• Discover the conflicts presented in literary
selections and the need to resolve those
conflicts in nonviolents ways
• Utilize verbal and nonverbal cues in
conversations, dialogs and interviews
• Note details and sequence of ideas and
• Distinguish between literal and figurative
• Use noun and verb phrases appropriately and
• Extract information from the text listened to
• Extract information from a text using a
• Use card catalogue to locate specific sources
• Make a brochure of successful family stories
Task 1: PA (Period of
1.What other ideas can you relate
with the word APPRENTICE?
2.How do we know that a literary
piece belongs to the period of
3.What are the characteristics of this
Notes on The Apprenticeship Period (1910-1935)

 In 1900 English became the official medium of

instruction in Philippine schools. The first teachers
were army men and their wives. In 1901 the
Philippine Normal School was founded to train the
Filipino teachers to take charge of elementary
education. In the same year the army
transport, Thomas, bought 600 American teachers
to the country to be incorporated into the
educational system. These teachers introduced
English and American literature to the Filipinos.
 The period of 1910 to 1935 is generally called the
period of apprenticeship or imitation. Virginia R.
Moreno, in her “A Critical Study of the Shorty Story
in English Written by Filipinos,” describes the years
1910-1925 “as a period of novices with their
exercises in fiction-making and the rise of the new

 The Filipino writers imitated American and English

writers. This fact is hardly surprising since the early
writers were, for the most part, college students or
young graduates whose literary education had
been largely confined to American and English
 The University of the Philippines was founded in 1908. It
became the center of the literary effort. In September
1910, the first issue of the UP Folio came off the press. 
This publication was recognized as embodiment of the
early attempts of Filipinos at self-expression in English.
 The UP Folio was replaced by the Philippine Collegian.
Other publications which introduced Philippine literature
in English to the public were Philippine Review,
Independent, Rising Philippines, and Citizens.
 In 1920 the Philippine Herald, the first Filipino daily in
English, was founded. It paid for literary work it published
and thus gave a financial reward to writers in English,
especially in the short story.
 The period of apprenticeship was inaugurated b two significant
events. In 925 A. V. H. Jartendorp became the editor-publisher of
the Philippine Education Magazine. This soon became the
Philippine Magazine, the most influential literary magazine of its
time. The Manila Tribune was established in the same year. It
began publishing a Sunday supplement featuring original short
stories and poems written in English. Other journals followed and
there was a market, although still very limited, for Filipino literary
output in English.
 In 1927 the UP writers club was founded and began publishing the
Literary Apprentice, which became the most prestigious college
literary publication in the country. In the same year, the Bureau of
Education published Philippine Prose and Poetry, which was
prescribed as a high school textbook. Furthermore, Jose Garcia Villa
introduced Walt Whitman to the Philippines with the publication of
his unconventional “Man Songs.” This brought in a wave of
experimentation and rapid development.
 The literary output was further stimulated by
literary contests. The first of these was that
offered by the Philippine Free Press in the field
of the short story. The short story became the
favorite form among Filipino writers. 
 In 1927 the Free Press published the first
anthology of Philippine short stories written in
English. The short stories during this period
were either romantic tales of the past with
legendary figures or were imitations of plots
and themes from American and other foreign
 The most significant short story produced during this period was
“Dead Stars” by Paz Marquez-Benitez. It was published in the
Philippines Herald on September 20, 1925. Her fellow writers
immediately recognized the story as incomparably superior to
all other Filipino short stories published up to then.
 The poetry of the apprenticeship period was dominated by
sentimental love lyrics. Verbal exuberance made the poems
artificial and insincere. “Sursum Surda is the first known
Philippine poem in English; it appeared in the Philippine Free
Press in 1907.
 The first notable collection of Philippine essays in English,
“Thinking of Ourselves,” compiled and edited by Vicente M.
Hilario and Eliseo M. Quirino, appeared in 1924. The essays
dealt with Philippine traditions and history, religion, philosophy,
ethics, literature and the arts, politics and government, and
other significant matters bearing on Philippine culture.
 The play produced during this period was mostly highly emotional
rather than emotional experiences. Some were contrived
melodramas or broad comedies.  American influence on the Filipino
drama was less discernable, but contact with American plays was
extensive and foreign plays were often staged in Manila. However
drama suffered from public apathy. It could not compete with the
zarzuela, which was then at the height of its popularity.
 The early novels in English were sentimental. The fact is that the
cultural basis of literature was too thin to support a sustained,
complex tradition necessary for a novel. Zolio M. Galang’s “Child of
Sorrow,” the first Filipino novel in English, was published in 1924.   
 Serrano, J. D. and Trinidad M. Ames. A Survey of Philippine Literature in English. 1988.
Phoenix Press: Quezon City, 2000. 
Task 2: GI (General information)
 Generate ideas that can be associated with any letter of the following

F-air, Father
1.What can you say
about the activity?
2.How did you select the
3.What did you feel
during the sharing?
Task 3: I-C, I- Expect
 Jot down ideas regarding your own expectations for this lesson using the lenses
of the fashion glasses below.

I expect that…
Vocabulary Building

Match the following words with their synonyms in column A with column B.
Column A Column B
1.laughed insultingly a.sapling
2.tremble b.bramble
3.condemned c. contempt
4.dread d.trampled
5.wounded e.ambled
6.walked f. mangled
7.tread heavily g.apprehension
8.disrespect h.denounced
9.prickly shrub i. quiver
10.young free j. snickered
Task 4: Think and Search like a Centipede
 Read the text silently. Afterwards, you will be facilitated with an oral reading for the
second time. While reading, be guided by the following questions:
a. Describe the relationship between the siblings. Eddie and Delia in the
story? Do you have the same kind of relationship with your siblings?
Why do you say so?
b. What conflict exists between them? Why do you think Delia hate her
brother so much? While reading, look for the answers aforementioned.
c. Do you think Eddie’s actions at the end of the story are justified? Why
or why not?
d. If you were in the same situation, would you do the same? Why or
why not?
e. If you were the father, what would you do to guide your children and
to help them maintain a harmonious relationship?
f. Why is the story entitled such? What is the title’s significance to the
developments in the story?
Task 5: Centipede Statement
 Refer to the vocabulary building.
Take note of how the words are
used in the story. Then, construct
sentences using the same words.
Example: The mayor denounced
the dumping of garbage in their
Task 6: Centipede Query. Form six
(6) groups, and do your assigned
Groups 1-3 Centipede Talk. Refer
to guide questions from a to c.
Answer them through a simple
conversation or dialogue, and
observe the use of verbal and
nonverbal cues or communication.
For example, your members can play
the roles of Eddie, Delia and the
This is Good to Know!

 Verbal cue or communication is

the things we say.
 Nonverbal cue or
communication is the things we
do not say, but we communicate
through our body language.
Groups 4-6 Centipede Q and A.
Refer to the guide questions from d to f.
Answer these through a short interview
and observe the use of verbal and
nonverbal cues or communication. Your
members can portray the interviewer
and the interviewee, for instance, Eddie
and his father.
Task 7: Centipede War.

 Refer to the text and to your

answer Task 4b. What can you
say about the situation of Eddie
and Delia? In order for you to
answer this question, you have
to review the term conflict.
This is Good to Know!
 Conflict is the central struggle between opposing
people or forces. It can be external- between
characters, between a character and society or
between a character and uncontrollable events.
Example: man vs. man- demonstrators against the
man vs. nature – evacuees affected by typhoon
 It can also be internal – within a single character.
Example: man vs. self – an individual’s decisions
challenged by his conscience
Identify the conflict in the story, The
Centipede, and provide possible suggestions on
how to resolve this. Afterwards, illustrate this in
a graphic organizer using a symbol or image
from the same story.

conflict solutions

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