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Motion is relative. It depends on where motion is referred to. To a fellow passenger, you are at
rest. But to the person outside the jeepney, you are moving.
- it is the act or
process of moving.

- it is a quantitative - it is the study of
description of motion the relationship
without reference to between motion and
its physical causes.. force.
• Translation – it is the physical term for
straight-line motion.
• Position – refers to the location of an
object with respect to some reference
• Reference frame – the physical entity
such as the ground, room, or a building
which motion or position of an object is
being referred.
• Distance – refers to the actual length of
path taken by an object moving from its
initial position to its final position.
• Displacement – refers to the straight line-
line distance between its initial and final
positions with direction toward the final

Note: Distance is scalar, while displacement is

Problem #1
Starting from the church, a
procession has to take the
following route: 50m north; and
40m east. To go back, it has to
follow the same route but in the
opposite direction. (a)What is the
total distance travel? (b) What is
the total displacement?
Problem #2
A swimmer crossed a 50m
standard pool, then swan and
returned to its starting
position. (a)What is the total
distance travel? (b) What is the
total displacement?
Problem #3
A student of DMNHS walked
from gymnasium for 400m south
then turned left for 250m .
(a)What is the total distance
travel? (b) What is the total
Problem #4
Suppose that in going to school, you walked
40m east and 30m north. (a)What was the total
distance that you walked? (b)What was your
total displacement? When you arrived in school,
you found out that classes were suspended
because of bad weather. You went back home
following the same path. (c) What was the total
distance you walked in going to school and back
home? (d) What was your displacement?
30 m
40 m
• Speed – it is the distance that a
body moves in a unit time.
• Velocity – is the time rate of
change in position.
• m/s– SI unit for speed and
total distance
Average speed =
total time

total displacement
Average velocity =
total time
Problem #1
A student drives 5.5 km from his
home to school in 35min but makes
the return trip only in 25 minutes.
What are the average speeds and
average velocities for (a)each half
of the round trip (b) total trip?
Problem #2
For his daily training, an
athlete runs around a 15.0 m
radius track five times in 2.50
minutes. What is his (a)average
speed and (b) average velocity?
Problem #3
A homeowner jogged from gate 1 to
gate 2 of his subdivision in a straight
325m track in 4.25 min, turned around
and jogged 125m toward gate 1 in
another 1.50 min. What are the average
speeds and average velocities of the
homeowner for (a)the first 4.25 min,
(b)the last 1.50 min, and (c)the total time
he jogged?
Problem #4
A lady passenger steps on at one
end of a moving sidewalk in an airport
terminal. The sidewalk is 50.0m long
and is moving at 1.25m/s. Find the time
taken by the lady to reach the other
end of the sidewalk (a)if the lady is
standing still and (b) if she walks at
1.50m/s relative to the moving
sidewalk and in the same direction as
the sidewalk.
Seatwork - Problem #1
A car makes a trip of 1½ laps
around a circular track of a
diameter 100 meters in ½
minute. (a)What is the average
speed of the car? (b) What is the
average velocity of the car?
Seatwork - Problem #2
Mc and Kevin who are 150m
apart start walking toward each
other at 3.0m/s and 5.0m/s
respectively. (a)How long will it
take them to meet? (b)Find the
corresponding distance traveled
by each.
Seatwork - Problem #3
Refer to the same moving
sidewalk in Problem #4. How
long will it take a passenger
walking at 1.0m/s relative to
the sidewalk, in the opposite
direction, to reach the other
end of the sidewalk?
Seatwork - Problem #4
Vania walks to his school 360 m
away at a constant speed of 3.0 m/s.
Ten seconds later, his brother
Angelito follows at a constant speed
of 4.0 m/s. (a) How long will it take
Angelito to overtake Vania? (b) How far
is Vania from school when overtaken by
Let t be the time for Angelito to overtake Vania.
Therefore ,
time Vania has been walking, tv = t + 10s
distance traveled by Angelito in time t, xA = (40m/s)t
distance traveled by Vania in time (t + 10s),
xV = (3.0m/s)(t + 10s)
a.To be overtaken, xA must be equal to xV.

(4.0m/s)t = (3.0m/s)(t+10s)
t = 30 s
b. First, we solve for the distance traveled by
Vania when Angelito had overtaken her.
Manipulating the equation v= x/t and letting vV
be the speed of Vania.
XV = vVtV = (t+10s) = (3.0m/s)(40s) = 120 m
The school is 360m away from Vania’s place.
Therefore, Vania is 360m-120m = 240m away
from school when overtaken by Angelito.
•Change in speed, either
in increase or decrease.
•Change in direction
•Change in speed as well
as direction.
In which case is the car
a. A car changing lanes at
constant speed.
b. A car speeding up in an
effort to beat the red light.
c. A car slowing down
while making a left lane.
d. A car going around
Mabuhay Rotonda at
constant speed.
The gas pedal is usually referred
to as accelerometer. From the point
of view of physics which among the
parts may be considered an
accelerometer: (a) brakes; (b) clutch
pedal; or (c)steering wheel? Explain.
- the velocity is constant.
- the acceleration is zero.
- the instantaneous velocity is equal to the
average velocity.
d = vt
Problem #1
A car caught in a heavy
traffic situation along Rizal
Avenue moves at constant speed
covering 3.0m in 5.0s. (a)What is
the speed of the car? (b)How far
will the object move in 10.0s?
Problem #2
Two cyclist race against the
clock in a 50km cross-country
route. Cyclist A travels at a
constant speed of 50km/h. Cyclist
B started 15min after cyclist A
but manages to catch up at the
finish line. What is the speed of
cyclist B assuming that his speed is
- the velocity is changing at a constant rate.
𝑣𝑓 −𝑣0
Problem #3
A Nissan Sentra is stopped at a
traffic light. When the light
turns green, the driver
accelerates so that the car
speedometer reads at 10m/s after
5s. What is the car’s acceleration
assuming it is constant?
Problem #4
A racer accelerates from
rest at a constant rate of
2.0m/s/s. (a)How fast will the
racer be going at the end of
6.0s? (b) How far has the racer
traveled during this time?
Problem #5
A car has uniformly
accelerated from rest to a
speed of 25m/s after travelling
75m. What is its acceleration?
In the absence of air resistance,
all bodies at the same location above
Earth’s surface fall vertically with the
same acceleration regardless of their
size and mass.
-Proven by David Scott in 1971
-Dropped a feather and a hammer
from the same height on the surface
of the moon.
The acceleration of a freely falling
body is called acceleration due to gravity.
This is denoted by a letter “g” (-9.8 m/s2)
at the surface of the Earth. This
acceleration is downward and directed
toward the center of the Earth, giving it
its negative sign.
Sign conventions
•Distances above origin are positive while
distances below origin is negative
•Upward velocities are positive and
downward velocities are negative
• g is always negative
Time Symmetry
- means that the time required for the
object to reach its maximum height equals
the time for it to return to its starting
Speed Symmetry
- shows that at any displacement above
the point of release, the speed of the
body during the upward trip equals the
speed during downward trip.
Problem #6
A boy tosses a coin upward with a
velocity of +14.7 m/s. Find (a)the
maximum height reached by the coin,
(b)time of flight, (c)velocity when the
coin returns to the hand. Suppose the
boy failed to catch the coin and goes
to the ground. (d)With what velocity
will it strike the ground? The boy’s
hand is 0.49m above the ground.
A.Galileo versus Aristotle, “A Question of Free Fall”
1.Measure the weight of each of the 3 balls.
2.Simultaneously drop the three balls from the same height.
3.Take note of the time it takes each ball to hit the ground.
4.Fold one of the three index cards into half of its original size.
The second into fourth, and the last into eighth.
5.Simultaneously drop the three index cards from the same
6.Take note of the time it takes each index card to hit the
B. Acceleration due to Gravity
1.Go to any desired place and measure its height
with reference to the ground.
2.From this known height, drop a ball. Take note of
the time it takes the ball to hit the ground.
3.Compute for g using the formula d= ½gt2
4.Compare the value of the acceleration due to
gravity that you obtained with the accepted value
(9.8 m/s2) by computing the percentage error.
Problem #7
A clown standing on a 23.5m
high platform tosses a ball
vertically upward into the air at a
speed of 6.7m/s. The ball leaves
his hand 3.4m above the platform.
(a)How high from the floor will it
go? (b)Suppose the clown fails to
catch the ball, with what velocity
will it hit the floor?
Problem #8
Richard was mad at his sister
so he took her iPhone and dropped
it out of the window of his third
story bedroom. If the bedroom
window is 8.75 m above the ground,
determine the time required for
the iPhone to reach the ground?

Acceleration ax = 0 ay = g
Velocity vox = vocos𝜃 voy= vosin𝜃
vx = vox vy = voy + gt
Displacement dx = vxt dy = voyt + ½ gt2
2gdy = vy2 – voy2
It is important to take the following
a. At any instance, the velocity of a
projectile is
2 2 -1 𝑣𝑦
v= 𝑣 𝑥 + 𝑣 𝑦 at 𝜃 = tan with the horizontal.
b. At the highest point of its trajectory,
only the vertical velocity is zero. The
horizontal velocity is still vox.
c. The acceleration at the highest point
of its trajectory is g and not zero.
Problem #1
A ball is thrown horizontally from a
height of 5.50m with an initial speed of
25.0m/s. (a)How long will it take the
ball to reach the ground? (b)At what
horizontal distance from the point of
release will it strike the ground?
(c)What will be the magnitude of its
velocity when it strikes the ground?
(d)At what angle will it strike the
Given: vo = 25.0m/s , height = 5.50m

vox = vocosθ = 25m/s

voy= vosinθ = 0

a. We consider the point of release as the origin.

dy = voyt + ½ gt2
-5.50m = 0 + ½ (-9.8m/s2)t2
t = 1.06 s
b. Consider this time the horizontal component of motion.

dx = voxt
dx = (25.0m/s)(1.06s)
dx = 26.5m
c. The magnitude of its velocity is given by

v= vx2 + vy2
vx = vox = 25.0m/s
vy = ?
vy = voy + gt
vy = 0 + (-9.8m/s2)(1.06s)
= -10.4m/s

v= vx2 + vy2

v= (25.0m/s2 ) + (−10.4m/s)2
= 27.1 m/s
d. The angle at which it will strike the ground is

Θ = tan

Θ = tan

Θ = 22.6°
A ball is thrown horizontally
from the top of the building 55 m
high strikes the ground at a point
35 m from the building. Find (a)time
to reach ground, (b)the initial
speed of the ball, and the (c)the
velocity with which ball will
strike the ground.
a)t = 3.4 s
b)vo = 10.3m/s
c)v = 34.5 m/s or 35m/s

at 72°49 20.58"
•The study of motion is divided into kinematics and
•Kinematics is a quantitative description of motion
and deals with the relations between displacement,
velocity, and acceleration,
•Dynamics is the study of force in relation to motion.
• Motion and velocity are relative. They depend on the
frame of reference. A frame of reference is a physical
entity to which we refer motion. Our reference frame is
usually the ground.
• Distance is the total length of path a body travels.
Displacement refers to the straight line distance
between its initial and final positions with direction
toward the final position.
• Speed is the distance a body moves in a unit of time.
Velocity is the time rate of change of position. It is the
displacement of a body per unit time.
• Accelerationis change in velocity per time. A change in
velocity means a change in speed and/or direction.
• All
bodies near the surface of Earth fall with the same
acceleration due to gravity, g being –9.8m/s2.
• Projectile motion is a combination of uniform horizontal
motion and free fall.
•There are 5 kinematic equations for motion
 dx = vt
 v = ½ (vf + vo)
𝑣𝑓 −𝑣𝑜
 a= 𝑡
 2adx = vf2 – vo2
 dx = vot + ½ at2
Weight is not a factor why objects fall at
different rates. The area subject to air
resistance or air resistance encountered is a
Is the value of g constant? If not, what factors
could have affected the variations in its value?
Acceleration due to gravity is not really
constant but varies inversely as the square of the
distance from the center of the Earth
Factors affecting the value of g are the
following: air, error in timing, weight of each

•is a push or pull exerted by
one body on another body.

Fundamental Forces
• Gravitational Force – it is responsible for weights of the bodies on
Earth as well as for the motion of the planets.
• Electromagnetic force – it is an attractive or repulsive force
between charge bodies.
• Strong nuclear force – it holds the constituents of the nucleus
• Weak nuclear force – it plays a role in the radioactive decay of
some nuclie.
Nonfundamental Forces


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