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14 Intelligent Behaviors

Here are 14 intelligent behaviors, many of which were originally compiled by

Arthur Costa in a paper entitled, Teaching for Intelligence.

• 1. Persistence: not giving up when the

answer to a problem is not immediately

• 2. Overcoming impulsiveness: planning,

clarifying goals, exploring alternative
strategies and considering consequences
before you begin.
• 3. Listening to others: some cognitive
psychologists think that the ability to
listen to another person and understand
their point of view is one of the highest
forms of intelligent behavior.
• 4. Flexibility in thinking: considering
other points of view rather than running
with the first possibility.
• 5. Metacognition--awareness of how
you're thinking, knowing what's going on
in your head when you're thinking.
• 6. Checking for accuracy and precision:
not letting speed surpass your desire for
• 7. Questioning and problem posing:
asking questions and finding out
problems for yourself.
• 8. Applying past knowledge to new situations:
calling upon your store of knowledge and
experience as sources of data, theories to
explain, or processes to solve each new
• 9. Precision of language and thought: using
more descriptive terms to distinguish objects,
and providing criteria for value judgments.
• 10. Using all the senses--feeling, seeing,
hearing, even tasting in order to more
effectively problem solve.
• 11. Creativity--using ingenuity,
originality and insight: developing the
capacity to generate original, clever or
ingenious products, solutions and
• 12. Living with a sense of wonderment:
inquisitiveness and curiosity, openness to
beauty, intricacy, complexity and
• 13. Cooperation: taking advantage of
the thinking and learning that can only
come as a result of social relationships.

• 14. Sense of humor: able to look at

situations, opportunities, problems and
relationships with nonchalance and fun.

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