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Primary Objective

To check awareness in consumers and retailers about Amul probiotic sugar free ice

Secondary Objective

1) To observe competitor’s product in same segment.

2) To get retailers and customers suggestion to improve sales and awareness of AMUL
probiotic sugar free ice cream.
Literature Review
• FSSAI calls for colour-coded labels on products with high fat, sugar content, June
27 2019, The Economics Times, By Shambhavi Anand.

• Solero trials wrapper-less multipack ice cream, June 18 2019,, By Jim Cornall.

• National Ice Cream Month kicks off with seasonal launches in the US, July 3 2019,, By Beth Newhart.
• Probiotic ice cream shows oral health potential, December 1 2011,, By Stephen Daniells.

• Top 10 dairy brands: Yili closes gap on Danone, Amul India ranks on 5th spot at $
2487million , July 22 2019,, By Jim Cornall.

• Top five factors when consumers buy ice cream, July 21 2016,, By Jim Cornall.
Research Methodology
Population element:
Sample size: 100 Consumers
40 Retail Outlets
Sample frame: Any consumer who eats ice cream and is interested in trying AMUL
Sugar free ice cream.
Any Retailer who keeps Amul ice cream.
Sampling Area: Mumbai (Mulund, Bhandup, Nahur)
Sampling technique: Questionnaire and survey, (observation)

The research must determine what source of information he will use. There are two types of data collection method use in these
1. Primary data
2. Secondary data
Findings from Consumers survey
• 61% consumers prefer Amul ice cream over competitors when asked about preference for ice cream
• 61% of consumers are not aware of Amul probiotic Sugar free ice cream
• 75% of consumers were aware through Word of mouth & Retailer suggestion about Amul sugar free ice cream
• 60% of consumers are not aware of any other sugar free ice cream in market
• The closest competitor to Amul sugar free ice cream in these category is Mother dairy(23%) & Havmor(17%)
• 83% of consumers have never tried Amul sugar free ice cream
• Majority of consumers are satisfied with Taste , Packaging & Price of the product
• Out of consumer not aware 83% of consumers are interested in trying Amul sugar free ice cream in future
• Majority of consumers purchase ice cream less than once in a week. Per capita consumption is very low
• consumers preferred Chocolate , Vanilla & fruit&Nuts as their preferred flavour in sugar free category
Findings from Retailers survey
• 97% of retailers are aware of Amul probiotic sugar free ice cream
• 45% of retailers do not stock Amul probiotic sugar free ice cream
• Less Margin & Less Demand is the major reason for not stocking Amul sugar free ice cream
• 63% of retailers don’t stock any other brands sugar free ice cream
• Mother Dairy(32%) is closest competitors for Amul in sugar free category
• 55% of consumers asking for sugar free ice cream specifically ask for Amul sugar free ice cream
• On an average less than 5 customers daily ask for sugar free ice cream
• Retailers are satisfied with Quality, Taste, Packaging & Availability of Amul sugar free ice cream
• Retailers are not satisfied with Margin of the product
• The study will help us in understanding retailer’s awareness regarding Amul probiotic sugar free ice cream.

• The study will help us in understanding consumers awareness regarding Amul probiotic sugar free ice cream.

• The study will help us in understanding Amul’s competitors’ position in sugar free range of product.

• The study will also help us in understanding consumers brand awareness when purchasing ice cream.

• The study will help in promotion of Amul probiotic sugar free ice cream.

• The study will also help us in getting valuable feedback of customers as well as Retailers for improving sales and awareness of Amul probiotic sugar free ice cream.
• some retailers did not cooperate with us as they thought it was just waste of time.

• There was time constraint which may not be enough to understand the whole market

• The sample size chosen was small therefore it can be said that chosen sample size does not represent the whole population

• Out of the whole research only major brands could be highlighted, leaving aside the non-popular brand.

• Respondent may not be true in answering some question and may be biased on answering some question.

• The survey was conducted in some part of Mumbai and not whole of Mumbai so analysis may differ in other part of Mumbai.

• Amul is 1st preference for majority consumers when it comes to ice cream
• There is less awareness of Amul probiotic sugar free ice cream among consumers
• There is awareness among retailers about Amul sugar free ice cream but only few of them stock due to
less margin & less demand
• Both retailers as well as consumers are satisfied with Quality, Taste, Packaging, Price of the product so
we can say that product is good and value for money
• Mother Dairy & Havmor are competitor for Amul in sugar free segment
• Among current sugar free product in market Amul sugar free has good reviews and demand among
consumer who are aware about product
• There is less or equals to no promotion activity carried out for Amul sugar free ice cream
Recommendation based on suggestion taken from both Consumers as
well as Retailers
• More advertisement should be done on Television & Social media platform so awareness of product can be
• Amul can introduce more flavours in sugar free category For e.g. Fruit flavours can be introduce
• Amul can collaborate with fitness YouTube channels so all fitness enthusiast people can be targeted
• Can introduce more variety in sugar free along with tubs so For e.g. Cones & candies
• Try to Capture sugar free market as people are becoming more health conscious & currently there are no
competitor close to AMUL in these segment
• Margin for retailers can be increased so they can stock the product in their fridge which will ultimately lead
to more awareness & sales
• Benefits of probiotic and sugar free products can be explained to consumers through Newspaper & T.V
Advertisement this will also help AMUL in launching more sugar free products in future

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