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Statement of Cash Flows

In effect, the income statement is changed from
accrual basis to cash basis

From sales of goods and To wages salary
services to customers payments
From receipt of customer To suppliers for
advances purchases of inventories
Operating Activities
From receipt of interest To other operating
revenue or dividends or expenses
rent revenue or similar To interest payments
revenue items To tax payments
To advance payments to
From sale of PPE and other To purchase PPE and
long-term assets other long-term assets
Investing Activities
From collection of loans To make loans and to
collect such loans

From sale of common or

preferred stock Financing Activities To repay debt
From issuance of short To pay dividends
or long term debt
Name of the Company
Cash Flow Statement
For the period …

Cash from operating activities A

Cash from investing activities B
Cash from financing activities C
Net Change in Cash D = (A+B+C) increase or (decrease)
+ Beginning Cash balance CB, from the beginning balance sheet
Ending Cash balance =CB + D should equal to ending cash
balance in the ending balance sheet
Non-cash Investing and Financing Activities
 Direct method of presentation calculates cash flow from
operations by subtracting cash disbursements to supplies,
employees, and others from cash receipts from customers.
 The indirect method calculates cash flow from operations by
adjusting net income for non-cash revenues and expenses.
 Most firms present their cash flows using the indirect method.

Only operating activities section is different between the

methods, investing and financing sections are the same.

Based on Stickney and Weil, 10th ed. Financial Accounting Slides
Adjusting Net Income of the period (accrual) to
cash basis income
Increase in non-cash Decrease in non-cash
assets shows that cash assets shows that
Assets was spent, they provided cash
so cash outflow. so cash inflow.

Increase in liabilities
Liabilities Decrease in liabilities
cash savings;
and or SHE shows
increase in SHE cash
Shareholders’ received;
cash paid;
equity so cash outflow
so cash inflow
Net income
+ noncash expenses: depreciation, amortization,
uncollectible account expense,etc
+ loss on sale of asset
+ increases in current liabilities
+ decreases in current assets
- gain on sale of asset
- decrease in current liabilities
- increase in current assets
= Cashflow from operating activities

Portakal Company
Prepare Cash Flow Statement
Accounts with Debit Balances 2008 2007 (decrease)
Cash 37.500 39.250 (1.750)
Notes Receivable (from loans to other companies) 69.000 50.000 19.000
Accounts Receivable 53.700 39.900 13.800
Merchandise Inventory 158.000 120.000 38.000
Prepaid Operating Expenses 2.100 1.800 300
Interest Receivable 1.400 600 800
Land 110.000 65.000 45.000
Property,Plant and Equipment-PPE-net 377.000 380.000 (3.000)
808.700 696.550 112.150

Accounts with Credit Balances

Accounts Payable 45.000 38.000 7.000
Accrued Wages Payable 3.000 2.400 600
Income Taxes Payable 6.000 4.500 1.500
Unearned Revenues 2.500 1.250 1.250
Bank Notes Payable - long term 215.000 200.000 15.000
Common Stock; TL 15 par value 405.000 375.000 30.000
Additional Paid in Capital 70.000 50.000 20.000
Retained Earnings 62.200 25.400 36.800
808.700 696.550 112.150
Portakal Company 0
Income Statement 2008

Sales Revenue 750.000

Cost of Goods Sold (375.000)
Depreciation Expense (43.000)
Salary and Wages Expense (125.000)
Administrative Expenses (80.000)
Loss on Sale of Equipment (4.000)
Other Operating Expenses (5.000)
Interest Revenue 4.000
Interest Expense (20.000)
Income Tax Expense (28.000)
Net Income 74.000

The company paid TL 50.000 of Bank Notes and borrowed new bank loan.
The company declared and paid cash dividends.
The company sold equipment with a cost of TL 12000 and accumulated depreciation of TL
6000 for TL 2000 receving a note in return to be collected in 2009.
The company purchased equipment for TL 46.000; paid TL 44.000 in 2008 and gave a
note for Jan. 2009.
The company issued common stock during the year .
Portakal Company 2008
Cash Flow Statement

Cashflow from Operating Activities

Net Income 74000
Add back noncash:
Depreciation Expense 43.000
Loss on Sale of Equipment 4.000
adjustments that increase cash:
increase in Acct.Payable 7.000
Increase in Acc.Wages Payable 600
increase in Income Taxes payable 1.500
increase in unearned revenued 1.250
adjustments that decrease cash:
increase in Accts Rec. (13.800)
increase in Merch. Inv. (38.000)
Increase in Prepaid Expense (300)
increase in interest recev. (800)

Cashflow from operations 78.450

Cashflow from investing
Sale of PPE (note will be received in 2009)
Purchase of PPE (44.000)
Loans extended( to other companies) (19.000)
Purchase of land (45.000)
Cashflow from investing (108.000)
Cashflow from financing
Bank Notes Payable - long term 65.000
Common Stock; TL 15 par value 30.000
Additional Paid in Capital 20.000
Payment of Bank loan (50.000)
Payment of Dividends (37.200)
Cashflow from financing 27.800

Net Change in Cash (1.750)

Cash nnnn
Accumulated Depreciation nnnn
Asset nnnn
Gain (or loss) on sale nnnn

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