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 GLOBALIZATION has made people

aware of the world in general.

 Government , association ,societies

and group form regional organization
and network as a way of coping with
the challenges of globalization
 REGIONALISM is often seen as a
political and economic phenomenon,
the term actually encompasses a
broader area.

 It can be examined in relation to

identities , ethics , religion ,ecological
sustainability, and health .
 Edward D. Mansfield and Helen V.
Milner state that economic and political
definitions of region.
 First
 Region are “a group of countries located
in the same geographically specified
area” or “an amalgamation of two region
or a combination of more than two region”
organized to regulate and “oversee flows
and policy choices”
 Second the words regionalization and
regionalism should not interchanged

 Regionalization –refers to the regional

concentration of economic flow.

 Regionalism - is a political process

characterized by economic policy
cooperation and coordination among
 CHINA for example they have a lot of
resources to dictate how they participate
in processes of global integration they
offer cheap and huge workforce to
attract foreign businesses and expand
trade with countries it once considered
its enemies but now sees as markets for
its goods like United states and Japan ..
they are small countries but they use
their strategic location by turning
themselves into financial and banking
 SINGAPORE developed its harbor
facilities and made a them a first-class
transit port ship carrying different
commodities from Africa , Europe , the
Middle East and mainland Southeast
 Countries form a regional associations for
several reasons.

 First is for military defense

 Second to pool their resources

 Third to protect their independence

 First is for military defense


ORGANIZATION(NATO) formed during
cold war when several Western
European countries plus United States
agreed to protect Europe against the
treat of Soviet Union
 WARSAW PACT – created by the
Soviet Union consisting Easter
European countries under Soviet

 Second ,countries form regional

organization to pool their resources .
established in 1960 by Iran, Iraq, Kuwait,
Saudi Arabia and Venezuela to regulate
the production and sale of oil.

 Third there are countries form a regional

blocs to protect their independence
Establish in 1961 by the president of
Egypt, Ghana, India ,Indonesia and
Yugoslavia to pursue world peace and
international cooperation ,human right,
national sovereignty , racial and
national equality , non-intervention and
peaceful conflict resolution .
 It is not only states that agree to work together in
the name a single cause.

 COMMUNITIES it is also engage in regional


 NEW REGIONALISM – it varies in form they can

be tiny associations that includes no more than a
few actors and focus on a single issue or huge
continental unions that address a multiple of
common problem from territorial defense and food
NEW REGIONALISM is identified with
reformist who share the same values, norms,
institutions and system that exist outside of
the traditional , established mainstream,
institutions and system.

NEW REGIONALISM likewise rely on the

power of individual , non-governmental
organization and association with particular
goal or goals
 So finally , new regionalsm is identified with
reformist who share the same values,
norms,institutions and system that exist
outside of the traditional , established
mainstream, institutions and system.
 Some organization partner with government
to initiate social change .
 For example , the ASEAN issued its Human
Right Declaration in 2009 , but the regional
body left it to member countries to apply the
declaration principles as they see fit
 In South America Left wing government
support the Hemispheric Social Alliances
opposite to the North America Free Trade
Agreement (NAFTA) while members of the
Mesa de Articulacion de Asociaciones
Nacionales Y Redes de ONGs de America
Latina y El Caribe (Roundtable of national
association and networks and NGO’s in Latin
American And The Caribbean ) that participate
in forums summits and dialogues with
president of ministers
 Citizen Diplomacy Forum – a group who
tries to influence the policies and progress
of the organization of American States.

 In Southeast Asia , the organization of an

ASEAN Parliamentarians for human
rights was part of the result of non-
government organization and civil society
groups pushing to prevent discrimination
 Rainforest Foundation – established by
activist across Central and South America
to protect indigenous people and the
rainforest in Brazil, Guyana, Panama and
 Regional Interfaith Youth Networks- an
NGO that promotes “conflict prevention ,
resolution, peace, education , and
sustainable development.
 The Migrant Forum In Asia – is another
network of NGOs and trade unions committed
to protect and promoting the right and the
welfare of the migrant worker.

 These organization primary power lies in their

moral standing and their ability to combine
lobbying with pressure politics.

 Most of them are poorly financed , therefore

their impact in global politics is limited .
 New regionalism differs significantly from
traditional state to state regionalism when it
comes to identifying problem.

 For example state treat poverty or

environmental degradation as technical or
economic issue that can be resolved by
refining existing program of states agency .
 However , New Regionalism advocates
such as NGO Global Forum see these
issue as reflections of flawed economic
development models.

 Flawed they means economic

development plans that market based ,
profit-driven and hardly concerned with
social welfare especially among the poor.
 Another challenges for new regionalism is
the discord that may emerge among them.

 For Example, disagreements surface over

issue like gender and religion with pro-
choice NGOs breaking from religious civil
society groups that side with Church,
Muslim imams or government opposed to
reproductive rights and other pro women
 Migrant Forum Asia and its ally
Coordination of Action Research on
government to defend migrant labor right.
Their program of action , however ,
slowed down once countries like
Malaysia , Singapore and Thailand
refused to recognize the right of
undocumented migrant worker and the
right of the families of migrant..
 Today regionalism faces multiple

 First the resurgence of militant


 Second the populism

 The refusal of militant to dismantle NATO
after the collapse of the Soviet Union , for
example , has become the basis of the anti-
NATO rhetoric of Vladimir Putin In Russia

 Even the relationship of the United States –

the alliance ‘s core member – with NATO has
become problematic after Donald Trump
demonized the organization as simply
leeching off the American military power
,without giving anything in return
 European Union – the most crisis ridden
regional organization today.

 Greece leave the Union to gain more

flexibility in their economy .

 Brexit – term they used when United

Kingdom leave the European Union .UK
leave the Union because of Anti-immigrant
sentiment and a populist campaign against
 ASEAN members continue to disagree
over the extent to which member
countries should sacrifice their
sovereignty for the sake of regional

 ASEAN countries also disagreed over

how to relate China, with the Philippines
unable to get the other countries to
support its condemnation of China’s
occupation on West Philippine Seas .
 Combodia and Laos led the opposition
favoring diplomacy over confrontation ,
but real reason was the dramatic
increase of Chinese investment and
economic aid to these countries.

 Participatory Regionalism- a formerly

authoritarian countries democratized.
 A final challenges pertains to differing visions
of what regionalism should be .
 Western government may see regional
organization not simply as economic
formation but also as instruments of political
democratization .
 Non-Western and developing societies ,
however , may have a different view
regarding Globalization , development and
 Singapore , China , and Russia see
diplomacy as an obstacle to the
implementation and depending of
economic globalization because constant
public inquiry about economic project and
lengthy debate slow down implementation
or lead to unclear outcome

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